Sunday 25 March 2018

Mass readings in Scots: Passion Sunday (Palm Sunday) (Year B)

First reading
Isaiah 50: 4-7

The Lord that's Jehovah, he ettled mysel
the tongue o' siclike as hae lear;
that sae I suld ken, on the weary wight,
a kin' canny word till ware.
It's mornin by mornin, he waukens me weel;
he waukens my lug,
like the lave that hae lear, till hear:
Aye, the Lord that's Jehovah, my lug he couth dreel,
an' mysel I was-na sweer;
nor back frae the bit whar I had my fit,
awa I did-na steer:
my shouthirs I gied till wha dang fu' sair,
an' my chowks I turn'd till wha ruggit the hair;
my face I ne'er happit frae skaudes an' mair.
Bot the Lord that's Jehovah was stoop till me ay;
syne sae I was-na dauntit:
syne sae I couth stint my face like a flint;
for I kenn'd I suld ne'er be affrontit.

[From Isaiah frae Hebrew intil Scottis, by P. Hately Waddell 1879 (Amazon US here; Amazon UK here) ]

Responsorial Psalm
Psalm 21: 8-9, 17-20, 23-24 (R: v.2)

R: My God, my God, whatfor hae ye mislippen'd me?

A' that see me laugh me by;
they schute wi' the lip, they cave the head;
and quo they,
"He lippen'd the Lord; lat the Lord gar him gang:
lat the Lord redd him but, sen he liket him weel."

R: My God, my God, whatfor hae ye mislippen'd me?

For brachs hae forset me roun;
the gath'ran o' ill-doers fankit me about;
they drave thro' my han's an' my feet.
I may count ilk bane i' my bouk.

R: My God, my God, whatfor hae ye mislippen'd me?

They synder my cleedin amang them;
an' fling for my vera manteele.
Bot yersel, O Lord, be-na far frae me:
haste ye till help me,
my strenth an' a '.

R: My God, my God, whatfor hae ye mislippen'd me?

I maun tell o' yer name till my brether ilk ane;
in mids o' the folk I maun lilt till thee.
Wha fear the Lord, ye suld laud him a';
a' Jakob's out-come, laud him heigh;
an the growth o' Israel a', quauk ye afore him.

R: My God, my God, whatfor hae ye mislippen'd me?

[From Psalm 22, in The Psalms: frae Hebrew intil Scottis P. Hately Waddell (1891) here]

Second reading
Philippians 2: 6-11

He aye hid e netter o God,
bit he didna think tae strive
tae be upsides doon wi God.
Instead, o his ain free will,
he gied up aa att he hid
an teuk on e pairt o a fee'd man.
Takkin on human form,
he hummlt himsel bi deein jist fit he wis telt,
aye aiven tae verra daith,
daith on e cross.
Sae God reesed him up till e heichest place there is
an gied him a name abeen aa names;
an at e name o Jesus ilka knee will boo,
in hiven, in earth an in e placie aneth.
An ilka tongue will confess
att Jesus Christ is Lord,
tae e Glory o God e Fadder.

[From The Doric New Testament (2012), rendered in Doric by Gordon M. Hay, published by G. M. Hay, Longside, ISBN 978-0-9573515-0-9, author's website, Amazon UK here, Amazon US here. ]

Gospel reading
Mark 14:1-15:47

[Key: N. Narrator. ✠ Jesus. O. Other single speaker. C. Crowd, or more than one speaker.]

N: Eftir twa days was the Pasche, and the Sad Breid; and the Heigh-priests and Scribes war coonsellin hoo they coud grip him by knaverie, and slay him. For quo’ they,

C: “No in the Feast; for aiblins thar wad be a bruilzie amang the folk."

N: And he bein in Bethanie, i’ the hoose o’ Simon the leper, as he was at meat, a wumman cam, haein an alabaster o’ perfume, raal nard, vera costly; and she brak the alabaster, and teemed it ower his heid. And thar war some wha war ill-pleased amang theirsels; and quo' they,

C: “For whatna end was the perfume wastit? For it micht hae been sell’t for mair nor three-hunner pennies, and hae been gien tae the puir!”

N: And they compleened o’ her. But Jesus said,

✠: “Dinna fash her! Why soud ye pit her aboot? A wark ee-sweet and bonnie has she dune in me. For aye hae ye the puir w’ye; and, whan ye wull, ye may do them gude; but ye hae-na aye me wi’ ye. She did what she was able to do; she took it aforehaun to perfume my body for the burial. Truly say I t’ye, whaursoe’er the Gude-Tidins sal be cry’t, throwe the hail warld, e’en what she did sal be tauld for her memorial.”

N: And Judas Iscariot gaed awa to the Heigh-priests, that he micht deliver him up to them. And they war crouse whan they heard it, and promised him siller. And he was takin tent hoo he coud fin’ the richt time to deliver him up.

And on the first day o’ the Sad Breid, whan they aye kill’t the Paschal lamb, his disciples speir’t at

C: “Whaur wull ye that we gang and mak ready that we may eat the Pasche?”

N: And he sends oot twa o’ the disciples, and quo’ he to them,

✠: “Gang yere ways intil the citie, and a man wi’ a stoup o’ watir sal meet ye: follow him. And whaur he may gang in, say ye to the gudeman o’ the hoose, 'The Maister says, "Whaur is my lodgins, whaur I may eat the Pasche wi’ my disciples?' And he himsel wull schaw ye a gudely upper room, plenish’t and ready: and thar prepare ye for us.”

N: And the disciples ga’ed oot, and cam intil the citie, and faund as he had said to them; and they prepared the Pasche. And whan the e’enin cam on, he comes wi’ the Twal’. And as they sat and war eatin, Jesus says,

✠: “Truly say I t’ye, Ane o’ you, wha eats wi’ me, wull betray me!”

N: Than begude they to be unco cuisten-doon, and to say to him, ane by ane,

C: “Is it I?”

N: And he said to them,

✠: “It is ane o’ the Twal’, and he wha dips wi' me i’ the dish. For the Son o’ Man bude gang, as it is putten-doon anent him; but wae for that man by wham the Son o’ man is deliver’t up: weel had it been for him gin he had nevir been born!”

N: And as they war eatin, Jesus took breid, and whan he bless’t, brak it, and gied it to them, and

✠: “Tak ye, this is my body.”

N: And he took a cup; and giean thanks, gied it to them; and they drank o’t. And he said to them,

✠: “This is my blude o’ the Covenant, the blude shed for mony. Truly say I t’ye, nae mair sal I drink o’ the frute o’ the vine, until I drink it anew in the Kingdom o’ God!”

N: And whan they had sung the Psalm, they gaed oot in til the Mount o’ Olives. And Jesus says to them,

✠: “A’ ye this nicht sal be puttenaboot because o’ me: for it is written, 'I wull clour the Shepherd, and the sheep sal be skail’t abreid.’ But eftir my Up-risin, I wull gang afore ye intil Galilee.”

N: And Peter says to him,

O: “Gin a’ soud fin' maitter o’ offence, yet wull-not I!”

N: And Jesus says to him,

✠: “Truly say I t’ye, that you, this day, e’en this nicht, afore the cock craw twice, will thrice disown me!”

N: But he threepit to him,

O: “Gin I hae to dee wi’ thee, I’ll no disown thee!”

N: And siclike said they a’.

And they cam to a place ca’d Gethsemanie: and he says to his disciples,

✠: “Sit ye here, till I pray.”

N: And he taks wi’ him Peter, and James, and John, and begude to be in unco dool. And he says to them,

✠: “My saul is unco wae, e’en till death! bide ye here, and tak gude tent!”

N: And he gaed forrit a wee, and loutit doon to the grun’, and prayed that -gin it coud be- the ’oor micht pass by him. And he was cryin,

✠: “Abba, Faither! A’ things are possible to thee! Tak awa this cup frae me! But, it isna what I will, but what Thou wills!”

N: And he comes, and fin’s them sleepin, and says to Peter,

✠: “Simon, are ye sleepin? Coud-ye-na watch ae ’oor? Tak tent, and pray! that ye come-na intil temptation. The spirit is fain, but the flesh is waff.”

N: And ance mair he gaed awa, and prayed, sayin the same words. And whan he was come back, he faund them sleepin, for that their een war unco heavy; and they kent-na what to answer him. And he cam the third time, and says to them,

✠: “Sleep on for a wee, and rest. It is eneuch! The time has come! See! the Son o’ Man is deliver’t up intil the hauns o’ the wicked! Rise! lat us be gaun. Mark! he wha delivers me up is at haun!”

N: And at ance, e’en while he yet spak, comes Judas, ane o’ the Twal' and wi' him a great thrang wi' swords and rungs, frae the Heidpriests and Elders. And he wha was deliverin him up had gien them a token; quo’ he, “Wham I kiss, that is he; grip him, and lead him awa siccar!” And comin, he gaes straucht to him, and says,

O: “Maister, Maister!”

N: and kiss’t him. And they lay hauns on him, and made him siccar. But ane that stude by, drew
sword, and attackit the Heid-priest’s servin-man, and strack aff his lug.

And Jesus answer’t them,

✠: “Are ye come oot, as again a robber, wi’ swords and rungs to tak me? I was day by day wi' ye i' the Temple, and ye grippit-me-na; but it is that sae the Scriptur micht be fulfilled.”

N: And they a' desertit him and fled. And a young man cam followin wi' them, haein a linen claith thrawn roun’ his body; and they took haud o’ him. But he left the claith wi’ them, and escapit nakit.

And they led Jesus aff till the Heigh-priest; and thar war gaither’t thegither a’ the Heid-priests and the Elders and the Doctors. And Peter had follow’t far ahint, e’en intil the coort-yaird o’ the Heigh-priest: and he sat wi’ the servants, and warmed his sel at the lowe.

Noo the Heid-priests and a’ the Cooncil socht for prufe again Jesus, for to pit him to deid: but coudna fin’ ony. For mony bure fause-witness again him; but their tales wadna ’gree thegither. And some stude up, and testify't fausely again him, sayin,

C: "We heard him say, ‘I wull pu’ doon this Temple -this made wi’ hauns- and in thrie days I’se bigg anither, no made wi’ hauns!’ ”

N: And no e’en sae was their testimonie agreein. And the Heigh-priest, risin in the mids, speir’t at Jesus, sayin,

O: “Div ye answer nocht? What are thir testify in again ye?”

N: But he stude quate, and said nocht. Again the Heigh-priest speir’t at him,

O: “Are ye the Anointit, the Son o’ the Blessed?”

N: And Jesus said,

✠: “I am; and ye’se see the Son o’ Man sittin on the richt haun o’ Pooer, and comin i’ the cluds o’ heeven!”

N: And the Heigh-priest rived his cleedin, and cry’t he,

O: “What need we ony mair testimonie? Ye hae heard the wicked words: what think ye?”

N: And they a’ condemned him to be wordie o’ death. And some begude to spit on him; and hid his face and daddit him, sayin,

C: “Prophesie!”

N: And the servitors dang him wi’ their looves. And as Peter was aneath i’ the coort-yaird, thar comes ane o’ the maids o’ the Heigh-priest. And whan she saw Peter warmin his sel, she narrowly looks at him, and quo’ she,

O: “And thou was wi’ the Nazarine -wi’ Jesus!”

N: But he deny’t, sayin,

O: “I ken-na him! nor ken I what ye’re sayin!”

N: And he gaed oot-by intil the entry; and a cock crew. And the maid saw him again; and begude to say to them staunnin aboot,

O: “This is ane o’ them!”

N: And he deny’t it again. And a wee while eftir, they staunnin by say to Peter,

C: “Truly ye are ane o’ them; for ye are a Galilee-man!”

N: But he begude bannin and sweirin,

O: “I ken-na the man ye speak o’!”

N: And noo the second time a cock crew. And Peter ca’d to mind what Jesus said to them, “Before the cock craw twice, thou wull disown me thrice!” And whan he thocht thar-on, he grat.

And straucht the Heid-priests i’ the mornin coonsell’t wi’ the Elders and Doctors, and the hail
Cooncil, and bund Jesus, and led him awa and deliverit him up to Pilate. And Pilate speir’t at him,

O: “Are ye the King o’ the Jews?"

N: And answerin, he says to him,

✠: “Ye say true.”

N: And the Heid-priests threepit on mony things again him. And Pilate again speir’t at him,

O: “Answer-ye-na ? See! hoo mony things they lay again ye!”

N: But Jesus nae mair answer’t ocht; sae that Pilate ferlied.

Noo, at Feast-time, he aye releas' t for them a prisoner wham they micht wale. And thar was ane Barabbas; bund wi’ the insurgents wha, indeed, in the revolt had committit murder. And a’ the folk gaed up, and begude to seek for him to dae as he had aye done for them. And Pilate answer’t them,

O: "Wad ye that I release t’ye the King o’ the Jews?”

N: For he saw that for jealousie the Heid-priests had deliver’t him up. But the Heid-priests wrocht
up the folk, that he soud raither release them Barabbas. And Pilate was again speirin at them,

O: “What, than, wad ye that I soud do to the King o’ the Jews?”

N: But they cry’t oot again,

C: “Crucify him!”

N: But Pilate said to them,

O: “Why sae? What ill has he dune?”

N: And they cry’t oot mair furiously,

C: "Crucify him!”

N: And Pilate, being fain to please the crood, released Barabbas to them; and deliver’t up Jesus, first bein scourged, to be crucify’t.

And the sodgers led him awa intil the coort, ca’d “The Pretorium;” and they bring thegither the hail cohort. And they cleed him in purple, and they weave a croon o’ thorns, and pit it on his heid; and begude to salute him,

C: “Hail to thee, King o’ the Jews!”

N: And they strack him ower the heid wi' a reed ; and spat on him, and bent the knee and worshipp’t him. And eftir mockin him, they strippit aff the purple, and pat on him his ain cleedin, and led him oot to crucify him.

And they lay haud o’ ane Simon, a Cyrenian, comin in frae the kintra-pairts -faither o’ Alexander
and Rufus- to carry his cross. And they bring him to the place “Golgotha,” that is to say “Skull-place.”

And they proffer’t him wine wi’ myrr in’t; but he wadna hae’t. And they crucify’t him; and dividit his cleedin amang them, and cuist lots wha soud hae ocht. And it was the third ’oor, and they crucify’t him. And the writin o’ his accusation was ower aboon, “The King o’ the Jews!” And eke wi’ him they crucify twa robbers ; ane on the richt haun, and ane on his left. And the Scriptur cam to pass,  whilk says, “And wi’ wrang-doers was he coontit-in!”

And the gangers-by war misca’in him, waggin their heids, and sayin,

C: “Aha! thou wha is takin doon the Temple, and up-biggin it in thrie days. Save yersel, and come doon frae the cross!”

N: And as weel the Heid-priests, jeerin amang their sels, wi’ the Writers, said,

C: “ He saved ithers; his sel he canna save! The Christ, the King o’ Isra’l! lat him noo come doon frae the cross, that seein it, we may lippen him !”

N: And the anes crucify’t wi’ him, misca’d him. And at the mid-day ’oor, the mirk cam ower the hail lan’, to the ninth ’oor o’ the day. And at the ninth ’oor, Jesus cry’t oot wi’ a loud voice,

: “Eloi! Eioi ! lama sabachthani!”

N: whilk is, in translation, “Mv God! My God! why did thou forsake me!” And some o’ the staunners-by whan they heard that, said,

C: “He cries on Elijah!”

N: And ane ran and filled a sponge wi’ vinegar, and pat it on a reed, and gied him drink, sayin,

O: "Lat be! let us see gin aiblins Elijah comes to tak him doon!”

N: But Jesus, utterin a lood cry, expir’t.

[All kneel and pause for a moment.]

And the veil o’ the Temple was rived in twa, frae the tap to the bottom. Noo the Captain wha stude nar, fornent him, seein he sae cry’t oot and expir’t, said,

O: “Truly, this man was God’s Son!”

N: And weemen too war thar, lookin on frae oot-by : ’mang wham war Mary Magdalene, and Mary
(James the less, and Jose’s mither), and Salome, wha, whan he was in Galilee, aye follo w’t and providit for him; and mony ither weemen wha cam up wi’ him to Jerusalem.

And gloamin comin on, and it "The Preparation,” that is "Afore the Sabbath,” thar cam Joseph of Arithmathea, a Cooncillor o’ honorable rank, wha himsel lookit for the Kingdom o’ God, and gaed openly to Pilate, and craved the body o’ Jesus. And Pilate misdootit whether he was sae sune deid; and ca’d the Captain, and speir’t at him gin he had been ony time deid? And as sune as he kent it o’ the Captain, he grantit the body to be coft fine linen, and takin him doon, row’t him i’ the claith, and laid him in a tomb hewn oot i' the rock: and row’t a muckle stane to steek the door o’ the tomb. And Mary Magdalene, and Mary, James’ mither, lookit on, and saw whaur he was laid.

[From The New Testament in Braid Scots William Wye Smith (1904) here (edited for dramatised reading)]

Sunday 18 March 2018

Mass readings in Scots: Fifth Sunday of Lent (Year B)

Gospel reading
John 12: 20-33

Noo, thar war certain Greeks amang the folk that cam up to worship at the Feast. And thir men cam to Philip, wha was o’ Bethsaida o’ Galilee, sayin to him, “Sir, we wad fain see Jesus!” Philip cam and tell’t Andro; and than Andro and Philip tell’t Jesus. And Jesus answer’ t them, and quo' he,

“The ’oor is come 
for the Son o' Man to be glorify ’t. 
Truly, truly say I t’ye, 
gin a pickle o’ wheat fa’na into the yirth and dee, 
it bides allenar; 
but gin it dee, 
it brings muckle increase. 
Wha lo’es his life, sal tine his life;
and wha hains-na his life i' this warld 
sal hain it for Eternity! 
Gin ony man wad ser’ me, lat him follow me;
and whaur I bide, thar sal my servant bide;
gin ony man ser’ me, my Father wull gie him honor.
And noo is my saul unco wanrestie;
and what sal I say?
Faither! save me frae this ’oor!
But e’en for this cam I intil this ’oor!
Faither, glorify thy name!” 

Than cam thar a sough o’ a voice oot o’ the lift, sayin, “I hae baith glorify’t it, and wull again glorify it!" A’ the folk, tharfor, that stude by, said it thuuner’t. But ither some, that “An Angel spak to him!” Jesus answer’t, and said to them, “This voice cam-na for my sake, but for yours.

"Noo is the turnin point for this warld:
noo sal this warld’s prince be cuisten oot!
And I, gin I be liftit up frae the yirth, wull wyle a' men to me!”

This said he, meanin whatna kind o’ death he wad dee.

[From The New Testament in Braid Scots William Wye Smith (1904) here]

Sunday 11 March 2018

Mass readings in Scots: Fourth Sunday of Lent (Year B)

Gospel reading
John 3: 14-21

[Jesus said to Nicodemus:]

"And like as Moses i’ the wilderness heized up the serpent,
sae maun the Son o' Man be liftit heigh; 
That a’ wha lippen till him soudna dee, but hae Life for aye!  
For God sae loved the warld as to gie his Son, the Only-Begotten Ane,
that ilka ane wha lippens till him sudna dee, 
but hae Life for aye. 
For God sent-na his Son intil the warld to bring condemnation on’t, 
but that raither the warld micht be saved by him. 
And ane that lippens him isna hauden guilty; 
but ane wha winna lippen him is judged guilty e’en no;
for he hasna lippened to the Son o’ God, the only-begotten Ane. 
And here is the sentence he drees:
that licht beams on the warld, 
and men lo’e the mirk and no the licht;
for that their deeds are wrang. 
For ilka ane that follows ill 
hates the licht, and comes na till’t; 
jalousin that his ill deeds wull be seen. 
But the man wha has the truth seeks the licht,
that a’ his deeds may be plainly seen, that they are dune i’ the pooer o’ God.”

[From The New Testament in Braid Scots William Wye Smith (1904) here]

Saturday 3 March 2018

Mass readings in Scots: Third Sunday in Lent (Year B)

First reading
Exodus 20:1-17

An God said aw thir wirds: "A am the Laird yer God that taen ye oot the laund o Egypt, oot the preeson hoose.

"Ye'r tae hae nae ither gods but me.

"Ye arna tae mak an eemage or pictur o ocht in heiven or on the yird or in the watters unner the yird: ye maunna gang doun on yer faces afore thaim or wirship thaim: for A, the Laird yer God, is a God that winna gie his honour tae anither; an A will punish the bairns for the wrangdaein o thair faithers tae the third an fowert generation o ma ill-willers; an A will hae mercy throu a thoosand generations on thaim that luves me an hauds ma laws.

"Ye arna tae uise the name o the Laird yer God for an ill ettle; whaiver taks the Laird's name on his lips for an ill ettle will be deemed a sinner by the Laird.

"Mynd the Saubath an lat it be a haly day. On sax days dae aw yer wark: but the seivent day is a Saubath tae the Laird yer God; on that day ye'r tae dae nae wark, yersel or yer son or yer dochter, yer man servand or yer wumman servand, yer kye or the ootlin that bides amang ye: for in sax days the Laird made heiven an yird, an the sea, an awthing in thaim, an he restit on the seivent day: for this raison the Laird haes gien his sainin tae the seivent day an made it haly.

"Honour yer faither an yer mither, sae that yer life is lang in the laund that the Laird yer God is giein ye.

"Dinna pit onybody tae deith 'ithoot cause.

"Dinna be fause tae the guidman or guidwife.

"Dinna tak the guids an gear o anither.

"Dinna gie fause witness agin yer neebour.

"Dinna lat yer ee turn tae yer neebour's hoose, or his guidwife or his man servand or his wumman servand, or his owse or his cuddy or ocht that's his."

[From The Old Testament in Scots, vol. 1, The Pentateuch, [Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Nummers, Deuteronomy] trans. Gavin Falconer and Ross G. Arthur (2014) (translation into Plain Scots under the auspices of the Ullans Academy) ISBN 978-1-78324-005-0. Amazon US here. Amazon UK here.]

Responsorial Psalm
Psalm 18: 8-11

The law o' the Lord is perfite,
konvertin' the saul;
the testimonie o' the Lord is siccer,
makin' wyse the simpel.

The staatutes o' the Lord ar richt,
makin' the hairt gladsume:
the commandement o' the Lord is pure,
enlichtenin' the eyne.

The feær o' the Lord is cleen,
induurin' forevir;
the judgemints o' the Lord ar true,
an' athegither richteous.

Mair til be desiret ar thaye nor gowd,
yis, nor meikle fyne gowd;
sweeter alsua nor hinnie,
an' the hinnie-kaim.

[From Psalm 19, The Psalms: frae Hebrew intil Scottis P. Hately Waddell (1891) here]

Second reading
1 Corinthians 1:22-25

For Iewis seekis signis, and Grekis seekis wisdom; Bot we prechit Crist crucifiit, to Iewis sclanndire, and to hethinmen foly; Bot to tha Iewis and Grekis that ar callit, we preche Crist the virtue of God and the wisdom of God; For that that is foli thing of God, is wisare than men; and that that is febile thing of God, is mychtiare than men.

[From The New Testament in Scots Murdoch Nisbet [c.1520] (1903) vol 2 here]

Gospel reading
John 2:13-25

And the pasche of Jewis was neire, and Jesus went vp to Jerusalem. And he fand in the tempile men selland oxen, and schepe, and dowis, and changeris sittand. And quhen he had made as it war a scurge of smal cordis, he draue out all of the tempile, and oxen and schepe; and he sched the money of changeris, and turnit vpsadoun the burdis. And he said to thame that sald culueris (or dowis), "Tak away fra hyne thir thingis, and will ye nocht mak the hous of my fader ane hous of merchandice." And his discipilis had mynd, for it was writtin, "The feruent lufe of thin hous has eten me." Tharfor the Jewis ansuerd, and said to him, "Quhat takin schewis thou to vs that thou dois thir thingis?" Jesus ansuerd, and said to thame, "Vndo ye this tempile, and in thre dais I sal raase it." Tharfor the Jewis said to him, "In fourty and sex yeris this tempile was biggit, and sal thou in thre dais raase it?" Bot he said of the tempile of his body. Tharfore quhen he was risen fra deid, his discipilis hadde mynd that he said thir thingis of his body; and thai beleuet to the scripture, and to the word that Jesus said,

And quhen that Jesus was at Jerusalem in the pasche, in the feest day, mony beleuet in his name, seand the signes he did. Bot Jesus trowit nocht him self to thame, for he knew al men; And for it was nocht nede to him that ony man suld bere witnessing, for he wist quhat was in man.

[From The New Testament in Scots Murdoch Nisbet [c.1520] (1903) vol 2 here]