Saturday 26 October 2019

Mass readings in Scots: Thirtieth Sunday of the Year (Year C)

First reading
Ecclesiasticus 35: 12-14, 16-19

For the Laird is deemster,
an thare isna wi Him respek o gloriositie.
The Laird winna uphaud onie person agin a puir man,
an He wul tak tent o the prayer o him at is wrongit.
He winna mislippen the prayers o the faitherless;
nor the weidae-wumman, whan she pours oot her complaint.
He at adores God wi jo, sal be acceptit,
an his prayer sal gang til the clouds.
The prayer o him at hummles hissel sal thirl the clouds:
an till it wins throu he winna be comfortit:
an he winna depairt till the Maist Heich tak tent.
An the Laird winna be slack,
but wul judge for the juist, an wul dae judgment.

[Own translation, level 2 25/10/19. For methodology see here.]

Responsorial Psalm
Psalm 33 (34): 2-3, 17-19, 23 (resp. v7)

This puir-body skreigh't, an' the Lord couth hear. 

Ilk tide my life I'se a blythe-bid the Lord; 
his praise i' my mouthe sal be plene: 
I' the Lord sal my saul be liltin-blythe, 
the feckless sal hear, an' be fain. 

This puir-body skreigh't, an' the Lord couth hear. 

Bot the leuk o' the Lord's again doers o' wrang; 
min' o' them frae the yirth, till rute it. 
The feckless sigh, an' the Lord can hear; 
an' frae a' their fash redds them haillie.

This puir-body skreigh't, an' the Lord couth hear.

The Lord 's fu' nar till heart-broken folk; 
an' the wa'-gaen in spreit he sets gailie. 
The breath o' his servans the Lord sal hae bak; 
an' wha lippen till him, no ane o' them a' sal dwine. 

This puir-body skreigh't, an' the Lord couth hear.

[From Psalm 34, The Psalms: frae Hebrew intil Scottis P. Hately Waddell (1891) here]

Second reading
II Timothy 4: 6-8, 16-18

As for me, e hinmaist draps o life are bein poored oot for God, ma ein is near at han. A've fochten a gweed fecht, run e coorse A wis set an kept e faith. Fit's afore me is a croon o richteousness att God e True Jeedge will gie on att Day - an nae jist tae me, bit tae aa them fa hiv set their herts on him appearin.

Naebody steed up for ma e first time roun, they aa teuk tae their heels, mith God forgie them. Neeneless e Lord steed wi ma an gied ma e strinth tae proclaim his message att aa Gintiles mith hear, an A wis rescyeed fae e moo o e lion. A'm seer e Lord will rescyee ma fae aa ill an keep ma fae hairm till A win till his hivvenly keengdom. Glory tae him for ivver an ivver. [Amen.]

[From The Doric New Testament (2012), rendered in Doric by Gordon M. Hay, published by G. M. Hay, Longside, ISBN 978-0-9573515-0-9, author's website, Amazon UK here, Amazon US here.

Luke 18: 9-14

Ande [Jesus] said alsa to sum men that traistit in thame self as thai war richtful, and despiset vthir, this parabile, sayand, Twa men yede vp into the tempile to pray; that aan a Pharisee, and that vthir a publican. And the Pharise stude and prayit be him self thir thingis, and said, God, I do thankingis to thee, for I am nocht as vthir men, revaris, vniust, adulterans, as alsa this publican. I fast twyes in the wolk, I geue tendis of al thingis that I haue in possessioun. And the publican stude on fer, and wald nouthir raase his een into heuen, bot smaat his breest, and said, God, be merciful to me, synnare. Trewlie I say to you, this yede doun into his hous, and was iustifijt fra that vthir: for ilk that uphies him self salbe made law: and he that mekis him salbe vphieet.

[From The New Testament in Scots Murdoch Nisbet [c.1520] (1901) vol 1 here]

Saturday 19 October 2019

Mass readings in Scots: Twenty-Ninth Sunday of the Year (Year C)

First reading
Exodus 17: 8-13

Syne Amalek come an made war on Israel in Rephidim. An Moses said tae Joshua, Gaither thegither a baun o men for us an gang oot; mak war on Amalek: the morn A will tak ma steid on the tap o the knowe wi the staff o God in ma haund. Sae Joshua did as Moses said tae him, an gaen tae war wi Amalek: an Moses, Aaron, an Hur gaen up tae the tap o the knowe. Nou while Moses' haund wis liftit up, Israel wis the stranger: but whan he lat his haund gang doun, Amalek come tae be the stranger. But Moses' haunds come tae be trauchelt; sae thay pit a stane unner him, an he sat on't, Aaron an Hur uphaudin his haunds, ane on ae side an ane on the tither; sae his haunds wis held up 'ithoot fawin till the sun gaen doun. An Joshua owercome Amalek an his fowk by the swuird.

[From The Old Testament in Scots, vol. 1, The Pentateuch, [Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Nummers, Deuteronomy] trans. Gavin Falconer and Ross G. Arthur (2014) (translation into Plain Scots under the auspices of the Ullans Academy) ISBN 978-1-78324-005-0. Amazon US here. Amazon UK here.]

Responsorial Psalm
Psalm 120

Ma een is liftit up tae the knowes:
O whaur will ma help come frae?
Yer help comes frae the Laird,
that made hieven an yird.

Lat him na lat yer fit be muived:
nae need o sleep haes him that hauds ye.
See, the een o Israel's hauder
winna be steekit in sleep.

The Laird is yer hauder;
the Laird is yer shaidae on yer richt haund.
Ye winna be titcht by the sun in the day
or by the muin at nicht.

The Laird will haud ye sauf frae aw ill;
he will ser yer saul.
The Laird will wauk ower ye gaun oot an comin in,
frae this time an for aye.

[From Psalm 121, The Old Testament in Scots, vol. 3, The Books of Wisdom, [Job, Psaums, Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, Sang o Sangs] trans. Gavin Falconer and Ross G. Arthur (2014) (translation into Plain Scots under the auspices of the Ullans Academy) ISBN 978-1-78324-006-7. Amazon US here.]
Amazon UK here.

Second reading
2 Timothy 3:14-4:2

But div ye bide siccar i' the things ye did learn, and war lippened-wi’, kennin frae whatna teacher ye learned them. And that, frae a bairn, ye kent the holie Scripture, that are able to mak ye wyss to salvation, throwe faith that is in Christ Jesus. A’ Scriptur is wi’ the breath o God, and is o’ profit for teachin, for convincin, for correctin, for trainin in godliness: in order that the man o’ God may be perfete, weel-fettl’t for ilka gude wark.

I chairge ye i' the presence o’ God, and Christ Jesus wha is to judge the leevin and the deid, and by his shinin-forth and kingdom, gie oot the word! Press ye in season and oot o’ season; convince, rebute, entreat, wi’ a lang-tholin and doctrine.

[From The New Testament in Braid Scots William Wye Smith (1904) here]

Gospel reading
Luke 18: 1-8

Jesus toul hïs folloers thïs parable, that meent that the' shud aye pray an no gie up. An ït went laik this: "Thair wus thïs judge ïn a bïg toon, that haed nae fear o ether God ner man, an haed nae thocht fer oniebodie. In that same toon thair wus thïs weeda wumman, that kep on cumin tae the judge, sayin, 'Wud ye mak shair A get a fair dail ïn that coort frae tha yin tha's agin me?' At tha stairt that judge niver bothert: fer a lang time he did naethin. But then he saed tae hissel, 'Tha mair A dïnnae fear God or care aboot fowk, still wi aa. A wull halp oot thïs weeda wumman, fer she's giein me that much bother. A'm scunnert wi hir aye rinnin tae me!' "

The Loard went on, "Yis unnèrstan whut tha baad judge ïs sayin. Dae yis no thïnk God wull tak tha pairt o hïs ain fowk that cry oot tae hïm day an nicht. He'll no keep pittin thaim aff, sae he'll no. A'm tellin yis, He'll no be lang ïn seein justice daen. But whaniver tha Sinn o Man cums bak, A wunnèr wull he fin oniebodie wi faith on that irth?"

[From Tha Fower Gospels  (2016) (Ulster-Scots), Ullans Press, ISBN: 978-1-905281-25-1, Amazon UK here,  Amazon US here.)]

Saturday 12 October 2019

Mass readings in Scots: Twenty-Eighth Sunday of the Year (Year C)

First reading
II Kings 5: 14-17

Naaman the leper gaed doun seven times intae the waters o Jordan, as Elisha the man o God haed tellt him; an his flesh became like the flesh o a wee bairn again, an he wis clean. 

Then Naaman cam back tae the man o God, wi aw his train, an, takin his place before him, says, "Noo A am certain that thare is nae God i aw the yird, but only i Israel: noo then, tak an offerin frae me." But Elisha says, "Bi the life o the Lord whose servant A am, A will tak naethin frae ye." An Naaman did his best tae mak him tak it but he wadna.

Then Naaman says, "Gin ye willna, then let thare be gien tae yer servant as much yird as twa beasts can tak on their backs; because frae noo on, yer servant will mak nae offerin or burnt offerin tae ither gods, but only tae the Lord."

[Own translation 19/9/22, level 1. For methodology see here.]

Responsorial Psalm
Psalm 97 (98) 1-4 (resp. v.2)

In sight o' the hethen folk, the Lord lat his health be kent.

Sing ye till the Lord a new sang; 
for warks o' wonner himlane has dune: 
his ain right han', an' his halie arm, 
it wrought him salvatioun. 

In sight o' the hethen folk, the Lord lat his health be kent.

In sight o' the hethen folk, the Lord lat his health be kent; 
an' that right o' his ain, he made plene. 
He had mind o' his rewth an' his trewth, 
till Israel's houss forby; 

In sight o' the hethen folk, the Lord lat his health be kent.

a' neuks o' the lan' the heal-ha'din, 
o' him that's our God, they hae seen. 
Wauken a din till the Lord, O a' the yirth: 
skreigh, an' lowp, an' lilt ye afore him. 

In sight o' the hethen folk, the Lord lat his health be kent.

[From Psalm 98, The Psalms: frae Hebrew intil Scottis P. Hately Waddell (1891) here]

Second reading
II Timothy 2: 8-13

Be ey thinkin o "Jesus Christ, raised frae the deid, o Dauvit's stock", as it staunds i the Gospel I preach. I the service o that Gospel I dree ill, een the lenth o baunds an jyle, as gin I wis an ill-daer. But there's nae haudin the Wurd o God in baunds an jyle! An sae I thole aathing for the sake o the eleck, sae at they, tae, may win the salvâtion at is in Christ Jesus, an glorie iverlestin wi the same. Siccar is the say:

    Gif we díed wi him,
        we sal líve wi him;
    gif we thole,
        we sal ring wi him;
    gif we disavou him,
        he will disavou us;
    thof we binna leal an true,
        he bides ey leal an true:
        disavou himsel he downa!

[From The New Testament in Scots (2012), translated by W. L. Lorimer, Canongate Classics, ISBN 978 0 85786 285 3, Amazon UK here, Amazon US here.]

Gospel reading
Luke 17: 11-19

And it was done, the quhile Jesus went into Jerusalem, he passit throu the myddis of Samarie and Galilee. And quhen he entrit into a castel, ten leprouse men com aganes him, quhilkis stude on ferr and raasit thar voce, and said, Jesu, comandour, haue mercy on vs. And as he saw thame, he said, Ga ye, schaw you to the preestis. And it was done the quhile thai yede, thai war clenget. And aan of thame, as he saw that he was clengeit, went agane, magnifiand Gode with a gret voce. And he fell doun on the face before his feet, and did thankingis: and this was a Samaritan. And Jesus ansuerd and said, Quhethir ten ar nocht clengeit? and quhare ar the nyne? Thar is naan fundin that turnit agane and gave glorie to God, bot this alien. And he said to him, Rise up, ga thou; for thi faith has made thee saaf.

[From The New Testament in Scots Murdoch Nisbet [c.1520] (1901) vol 1 here]

Saturday 5 October 2019

Mass readings in Scots: Twenty-Seventh Sunday in Year (Year C)

First reading
Habakkuk 1:2-3; 2: 2-4

Hou lang, O Laird, wul yeir lugs be shut ti ma cry?
A mak an outcry ti ye aboot violence,
but ye dinna send salvation.
Why dae ye mak me see evil-daein,
an why is ma een fixit on wrang?
For wastin an violence is afore me:
an thare is fichtin an bitter argument.

An the Laird repones an says,
"Pit the vision i writin
an mak it clear on stanes,
sae the reader gaes glegly.
For the vision is still for the fixit time,
an it gangs speedie ti the end, an it winna be fause:
gin it is slow i cumin, aye wait for it;
acause it wul shurlie cum, it winna be kept back.
"As for the man o pride, ma saul haes nae pleisir i him;
but the upricht man wul hae life throu his guid faith."

[Own translation, level 2 4/10/19. For details of methodology see here.]

Responsorial Psalm
Psalm 94: 1-2, 6-9

Hereawa folk, lat us lilt to the Lord;
a fu' loud lat us lilt to the craig o' our ain heal-ha'din.
Lat us ben afore him wi' a lilt o' laud;
wi' sangs fu' heigh, lat us lilt until him.

O hereawa syne, lat us lout an' beck;
lat us laigh on our knees, till the Lord our Makar.
For himlane, he is God o' our ain;
an' oursels the folk o' his hirsel;
an' eke the flock o' his han':

Gin his cry, but the day, ye wad hear till.
O haud-na yer hearts sae dour, as ance in the weary warsle;
as ance in the day o' thraw, in that gateless grun', ye daurd till:
Whan yer faithers they tempit,
they tried me sair; an' my warks o' wonner they saw still.

[From Psalm 95, The Psalms: frae Hebrew intil Scottis P. Hately Waddell (1891) here]

Second reading
2 Timothy 1: 6-8, 13-14

For quhilk cause I monest thee, that thou raase agane the grace of God, that is in thee be the setting on of myn handis. For quhy God gaue nocht to vs the spirit of drede, bot of virtue, and of lufe, and of sobirnes. Tharfore will thou nocht schaam the witnessing of our Lord Jesu Crist, nouthir me, his presonnere; bot trauale thou togiddir in the vangele be the virtue of God.

Haue thou the forme of halsum wordis, quhilk thou herd of me in faith and lufe in Crist Jesu. Kepe thou the gude takin to thi keping be the Haligaast, that duellis in vs.

[From The New Testament in Scots Murdoch Nisbet [c.1520] (1903) vol 2 here

Gospel reading
Luke 17: 5-10

And the apostlis said to the Lord, Encresse to vs faithe. And the Lord said, Gif ye haue faithe as the corn of syneuey, ye sal say to this more tre, Be thou drawn vp be the rute, and be ouirplantit into the see; and it sal obey to you.

Bot quha of you has a seruand eerand or lesuand oxen, quhilk sais to him, quhen he turnis agane fra the feeld, Anon ga and sit to mete? And sais nocht to him, Mak reddy that I soup, and belt thee, and serue me quhile I ete and drink; and eftire this thou sal ete and drink ? Quhethir he has grace to that seruand for he did that that he comandit him? Nay, I gesse. Sa ye, quhen ye haue done al thingis that ar comandit to you, say ye, We ar vnproffitabile seruandis: we haue done that that we aw to do.

[From The New Testament in Scots Murdoch Nisbet [c.1520] (1901) vol 1 here]