Saturday 27 April 2019

Mass readings in Scots: Second Sunday of Easter (Year C)

First reading
Acts 5: 12-16

And al war of aan accord in the porche of Salomon. Bot na man of vthiris durst joyn him self with thame, bot the pepile magnifijt thame. And the multitude of men and women beleving in the Lord was mare incressit, sa that thai brocht out seke men into streetis, and laid in litil beddis and couchis, that quhen Petir com, namelie the schadow of him suld schadow ilk of thame, and thai suld be deliuirit of thar seeknessis. And the multitude of citeis nere to Jerusalem ran, bringand seekmen that war traualit of vnclene spiritis, quhilkis all war helit.

[From The New Testament in Scots Murdoch Nisbet [c.1520] (1905) vol 3 here]

Responsorial Psalm
Psalm 117: 2-4, 22-27. Resp: v.1

Gie laud till the Lord, for he's gude;
for his gudeness, it tholes for ay.

Lat Israel say siclike;
for his gudeness, it tholes for ay:
Lat Aaron's houss say siclike;
for his gudeness, it tholes for ay.
Lat wha fear the Lord say siclike;
for his gudeness, it tholes for ay.

Gie laud till the Lord, for he's gude;
for his gudeness, it tholes for ay.

The stane the biggers wad nane o',
the head o' the neuk it has been:
Frae the Lord himlane, siclike maun hae fa'n;
an' a ferlie it stan's in onr een.
A day siclike, 's the wark o' the Lord;
blythe an' fu' fain lat us be tharin:

Gie laud till the Lord, for he's gude;
for his gudeness, it tholes for ay.

Fy haste ye, Lord; ye maun help accord:
fy haste ye, Lord; ye maun gar us win!
O blythe be the wight
that fuhres, i' the name o' Jehovah's sel;
blythe hae we bidden ye a', frae the houss o' the Lord himlane.
It 's God the Lord, gies us light.

Gie laud till the Lord, for he's gude;
for his gudeness, it tholes for ay.

[From The Psalms: frae Hebrew intil Scottis P. Hately Waddell (1891) here]

Second reading
Apocalypse 1: 9-13, 17-19

I, Johnne, your bruthir, and part takar in tribulatioun, and kingdom, and pacience in Crist Jesu, was in
ane ile, that is callit Pathmos, for the word of God,and for the witnessing of Jesu. I was in spirit in the Lordis day, and I herd behind me a gret voce, as of a trumpet, sayand to me, Write thou in a buke that thing that thou seis. And I turnit, that I suld se the voce that spak with me; and I turnit, and saw vij chandlaris of gold. And in the myddis of the vij goldin chandlaris aan like to the sonn of man, clethit with a lang garment, beltit at the pappis with a goldin belt.

And quhen I had seen him, I fell doun at his feet, as dede. And he puttit his richt hand on me, and said, Will thou nocht drede; I am the first and the last; and I am on lyue, and I was dede; and lo! I
am leevand into warldis of warldis, and I haue the keyis of dede and of hell. Tharfor write thou quhilk
thingis thou has sene, and quhilk ar, and quhilk it behuvis to be done eftir thir thingis.

[From The New Testament in Scots Murdoch Nisbet [c.1520] (1905) vol 3 here]

Gospel reading
John 20: 19-31

Tharfore quhen it was euen in that day, aan of the sabotis, and the yettis war closit quhare the discipilis war gaderit for drede of the Iewis, Jesus com and stude in the myddis of the discipilis, and he sais to thame, Pece to yow. And quhen he had said this, he schewit to thame handis and side; tharfore the discipilis ioyit, for the Lord was seen. And he sais to thame agane, Pece to you;

as the fader send me,
I send you.

Quhen he had said this, he blew on thame, and said,

Tak ye the Haligast;
Quhais synnis ye forgefe,
tha ar forgeuen to thame;
and quhais ye withhald,
tha ar withhaldin.

Thomas, aan of the xij, that is saide Didymus, was nocht with thame quhen Jesus com. Tharfore the vther discipilis said to him, We haue sene the Lord. And he said to thame, Bot I se in his handis the fixing of the nailis, and put my fingire into the place of the nailis, and put my hand into his side, I sal nocht beleue. And eftir viii dais agane his discipilis war within, ande Thomas with thame. Jesus com, quhile the yettis war closit, and stude in the myddis, and said, Pece to you. Eftirwart he sais to Thomas, Put in here thi fingire, and se myn handis, and put hiddire thi hand, and put into my side, and will thou nocht be vnbeleeffull, bot faithfiill. Thomas ansuerd, and said to him, My Lord and my God. Jesus sais to him,

Thomas, for thou has sene me,
thou beleues; blessit be thai that saw nocht, and has beleuet.

And Jesus did mony vthir signes in the sicht of his discipilis, quhilkis ar nocht writtin in this buke. Bot thir ar writtin, that ye beleue that Jesus is Crist, the sonn of God, and that ye beleuyng haue lif in his name.
[From The New Testament in Scots Murdoch Nisbet [c.1520] (1903) vol 2 here]

Sunday 21 April 2019

Easter Sunday

Happy Easter!

ALMIGHTY God, who through thine only-begotten Son Jesus Christ hast overcome death, and opened unto us the gate of everlasting life; we humbly beseech thee that, as by thy special grace preventing us thou dost put into our minds good desires, so by thy continual help we may bring the same to good effect; through Jesus Christ thy Son our Lord, who liveth and reigneth with thee and in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Amen.

(Collect for Easter Sunday from The Customary of Our Lady of Walsingham)

Complete Mass readings in Scots here

Sunday 14 April 2019

Mass readings in Scots: Passion Sunday (Palm Sunday) Year C

First reading
Isaiah 50: 4-7

The Lord that's Jehovah, he ettled mysel
the tongue o' siclike as hae lear;
that sae I suld ken, on the weary wight,
a kin' canny word till ware.
It's mornin by mornin, he waukens me weel;
he waukens my lug,
like the lave that hae lear, till hear:
Aye, the Lord that's Jehovah, my lug he couth dreel,
an' mysel I was-na sweer;
nor back frae the bit whar I had my fit,
awa I did-na steer:
my shouthirs I gied till wha dang fu' sair,
an' my chowks I turn'd till wha ruggit the hair;
my face I ne'er happit frae skaudes an' mair.
Bot the Lord that's Jehovah was stoop till me ay;
syne sae I was-na dauntit:
syne sae I couth stint my face like a flint;
for I kenn'd I suld ne'er be affrontit.

[From Isaiah frae Hebrew intil Scottis, by P. Hately Waddell 1879 (Amazon US here; Amazon UK here) ]

Responsorial Psalm
Psalm 21: 8-9, 17-20, 23-24 (R: v.2)

R: My God, my God, whatfor hae ye mislippen'd me?

A' that see me laugh me by;
they schute wi' the lip, they cave the head;
and quo they,
"He lippen'd the Lord; lat the Lord gar him gang:
lat the Lord redd him but, sen he liket him weel."

R: My God, my God, whatfor hae ye mislippen'd me?

For brachs hae forset me roun;
the gath'ran o' ill-doers fankit me about;
they drave thro' my han's an' my feet.
I may count ilk bane i' my bouk.

R: My God, my God, whatfor hae ye mislippen'd me?

They synder my cleedin amang them;
an' fling for my vera manteele.
Bot yersel, O Lord, be-na far frae me:
haste ye till help me,
my strenth an' a '.

R: My God, my God, whatfor hae ye mislippen'd me?

I maun tell o' yer name till my brether ilk ane;
in mids o' the folk I maun lilt till thee.
Wha fear the Lord, ye suld laud him a';
a' Jakob's out-come, laud him heigh;
an the growth o' Israel a', quauk ye afore him.

R: My God, my God, whatfor hae ye mislippen'd me?

[From Psalm 22, in The Psalms: frae Hebrew intil Scottis P. Hately Waddell (1891) here]

Second reading
Philippians 2: 6-11

He aye hid e netter o God,
bit he didna think tae strive
tae be upsides doon wi God.
Instead, o his ain free will,
he gied up aa att he hid
an teuk on e pairt o a fee'd man.
Takkin on human form,
he hummlt himsel bi deein jist fit he wis telt,
aye aiven tae verra daith,
daith on e cross.
Sae God reesed him up till e heichest place there is
an gied him a name abeen aa names;
an at e name o Jesus ilka knee will boo,
in hiven, in earth an in e placie aneth.
An ilka tongue will confess
att Jesus Christ is Lord,
tae e Glory o God e Fadder.

[From The Doric New Testament (2012), rendered in Doric by Gordon M. Hay, published by G. M. Hay, Longside, ISBN 978-0-9573515-0-9, author's website, Amazon UK here, Amazon US here. ]

Gospel reading
Luke 22:14 - 23: 56

Key: N. Narrator. Jesus. O. Other single speaker. C. Crowd, or more than one speaker.

N: And quhen the hour was cummin, [Jesus] sat to the mete, and the xij apostlis with him. And he said to thame,

✠: With desire I haue desiret to ete with you this pasche before that I suffir; for I say to you, that fra this tyme I sal nocht ete it till it be fulfillit in the realme of God.

N: And quhen he had takin the cop, he did gracis, and said,

✠:Tak ye, and depart ye amang you, for I say to you, that I sal nocht drink of the kynd of this wyne, till the realmme of God cum.

N: And quhen he had takin brede, he did thankingis, and brak, and gave to thame, and said,

✠:This is my body, that salbe gevin for you : do ye this thing in mynd of me.

N: He tuk alsa the coup eftire that he had soupit, and said,

✠:This coup is the new testament in my blude, that salbe schedde for you.

Neuirtheles, lo, the hand of him that betraies me is with me at the tabile. And mannis son gais, eftir that is determynit: neuirtheles wa to that man be quham he salbe betrayit.

N: And thai began for to seek amang thame, quha it was of thame that was to do this thing.

And strijf was made amang thame, quhilk of thame suld be seen to be gretest. Bot he said to thame,

✠: Kingis of hethin men ar lordis  of thame; and thai that haue power on tham ar callit gude doaris. Bot ye nocht sa: bot he that is gretest amang you, be made as yonngar; and he that is before gaer, as a seniand. Fot quha is gretare, he that sittis at the mete, or he that mynistars? quhethir nocht he that sittis at the mete? and I am in the myddis of you as he that ministaris.

And ye it ar that has duellit in me in my temptatiounns. And I dispone to you, as my fader has disponit to me, a kingdome, that ye ete and drink on my burde in my kingdome, and sitt on thrones and deme the xii kinredis of Israel. [...] Symon, lo, Sathanas has askit you, that he suld riddil as quhete: bot I haue prayit for thee, that thi faith failye nocht; and thou sumtyme conuertit, conferme thi brethir.

N: Quhilk said to him.

O: Lord, I am reddi to ga in to presoun and into deid with thee.

N: And he said, I say to the, Petir, the cok sal nocht craw this day, till thou thries deny that thou knawis me.

N: And he said to thame,

✠: Quhen I send you without sakket, and scrip, and schoone, quhethir ony thing failyeit to you?

N: And thai said,

C: Na thing.

N: Tharfor he said to thame,

✠: Bot now, he that has a sakket, tak alsa a scrippe: and he that has naan, sell his coot, and by a suerde. For I say to you, that yit it behuves that thing that is writin to be fulfillit in me. And he is reput with wickitmen : for tha thingis that ar of me has end.

N: And thai said.

C: Lord, lo, ij suerdis here.

N: And he said to thame,

✠: It is enew.

N: And he yede out, and went eftir the vse into the hill of Olyues; and the discipilis followit him. And quhen he com to the place, he said to thame,

✠: Pray ye that ye entir nocht mto temptatioun.

N: And he was takin away fra thame sa mekile as is a staanis cast, and he knelit, and prait, and said,

✠: Fader, gif thou will do away fra me this chalice; neuirtheles nocht my will be done, bot thin.

N: And ane angel apperit to him fra heuen, and confortit him. And he was made in ane agonie, and prayit the langare; and his suete was made as droppis of blude rynnand doun into the erde.

And quhen he was risen fra prayer, and was cummin to his discipilis, he fand thame slepand for havynes. And he said to thame, Quhat slepe ye? ryse ye and pray ye, that ye entir nocht into temptatioun.

N: Yit quhile he spak, lo a cumpany, and he that was callit Judas, aan of the xii, yede before thame, and he com to Jesu to kisse him. And Jesus said to him,

✠: Judas, with a kis thou betrayis mannis sonn.

N: And thai that war about him, and saw that that was to cum, said to him,

C: Lord, quhethir we strike with suerde?

N: And aan of thame straik the seruand of the prince of preestis, and cuttit of his richt ere. Bot Jesus ansuerd and said,

✠: Suffir ye till hiddir.

N: And quhen he had tuichet his ere, he heilit him.

And Jesus said to thame that com to him, the princis of preestis and magestratis of the tempile, and eldirmen,

✠: As to a theef ye haue gaan out with suerdis and staaues. Quhen I was ilk day with you in the tempile, ye straucht nocht out handis into me; bot this is youre houre, and the powere of mirknessis.

N: And thai tuke him, and ledde to the hous of the prince of preestis. And Petir followit him on ferr. And quhen a fire was kendillit in the middis of the gret hous, and thai sat about, and Petir was in the myddis of thame, quham, quhen a damycele had seen sittand at the licht, and had behaldin him, scho said,

O: And this was with him.

N: And he denyit him, and saide,

O: Woman, I knaw him nocht.

N: And eftir a litil, ane vthir man saw him, and said,

O: And thou art of thame.

N: Bot Petir said,

O: O man, I am nocht.

N: And quhen a space was made as of ane houre, ane vthir affermit, and said,

O: Trewlie this was with him; for alsa he is of Galilee.

N: And Petir said,

O: Man, I wate nocht quhat thow sais.

N: And anon, yit quhile he spak, the cok crew. And the Lord turnit agane, and beheld Petir. And Petir had mynd on the word of Jesu, as he had saide, For before the cok craw, thries thou sal deny me. And Petir yede out, and wepit bittirly.

Ande the men that held him scomit him, and strake him. And thai blindfellit him, and smate his face, and askit him, and said,

C: Arede thou to vs, quha is he that smate thee?

N: And thai, blasphemand, said mony vther thingis aganes him.

And as the day was cummin, the eldirmen of the pepile, and the princis of preestis, and scribes com togiddir, and ledde into thar councele, and said,

C: Gif thou art Crist, say to vs.

N: And he said to thame,

✠: Gif I say to yow, ye sal nocht beleue to me; and gif I ask, ye sal nocht ansuere to me, nowthire ye sal deliuere me. Bot eftir this tyme mannis sonn salbe sittand on the richt half of the virtue of God.

N: Tharfor all said,

C: Than art thou the sonn of God?

N: And he said,

✠: Ye say that I am.

N: And thai said,

C: Quhat yit desire we witnessing? for we our self haue herde of his mouthe.

N: And al the multitude of thame raise, and ledde him to Pilat.

And thai began to accuse him, and said,

C: We haue fundin this turnand vpsadoun our folk, and forbiddand tributis to be gevin to the emperour, and sayand that him self is Crist and king.

N: And Pilat askit him, and said,

O: Art thou king of Jewis?

N: And he ansuerde and said,

✠: Thou sais.

N: And Pilat said to the princis of preestis and to the pepile,

O: I find nathing of cause in this man.

N: And thai wox strangare, and said,

C: He commoues the pepile, techand throu al Judee, beginnand fra Galilee till hiddir.

N: And Pilat, herand Galilee, askit gif he was a man of Galilee. And quhen he knew that he was of the powere of Herode, he send him to Herode, quhilk was at Jerusalem in tha dais.

And quhen Herode saw Jesu, he ioyit ful mekile; for lang tyme he couatit to se him, for he herd mony thingis of him; and hopet to se sum taken to be done of him. And he askit him in mony wordis; and he ansuerde nathing to him. And the princis of preestis and the scribes stude, stedfastlie accusand him. Bot Herode with his oost despiset him, and scornit him, and clethit him with a quhite clathe, and send him agane to Pilate. And Herode and Pilat war made freendis fra that day: for before thai ware ennimyes to vthir.

And Pilat callit togiddir the pnncis of preestis and the magestratis of the pepile, and said to thame,

O: Ye haue broucht to me this man, as tumand away the pepile: and, lo, I askand before you, find na cause in this man of thir thingis in quhilk ye accuse him: Nouther Herode: for he has send him agane to vs; and, lo, nathing worthi of dede is done to him. And tharfore I sal amend him, and delyuer him.

N: Bot he behuvit delyuere to thame on need aan be the feest day. And al the pepile criet togiddire, and said,

C: Tak him away, and delyver to vs Barrabas:

N: Quhilk was send into presonn for distroubling made in the citee and for manslauchtir.

And eftsone Pilat spak to thame, and wald delyuer Jesu, and thai vndir criet, and saide,

C: Crucifie, crucifie him.

N: And the thrid tyme he said to thame,

O: For quhat euile has this done? I find na cause of deid in him  tharfor I sal chastise him, and I sal delyver.

N: And thai continewit with gret voces, askand that he suld be crucifijt : and the voces of thame wox stark.

And Pilat demyt thare asking to be done. And he delyuerit to thame him that for manslauchtir and seditionn was send into presoun, quham thai askit; bot he betuke Jesu to thar will.

And quhen thai ledde him, thai tuke a man Symon, of Cyrenen, cummand fra the toun, and thai laid on him the croce, to bere eftir Jesu. And thar followit him mekile pepile, and wymmen, that bewailit and murnit him. Jesus tumit to thame and said,

✠: Douchtris of Jerusalem, will ye nocht wepe on me, bot wepe ye on your self, and on your sonnis. For, lo, dais sal cum in quhilkis it salbe said, Blessit be barane wymmen, and women that haue nocht born childer, and the pappis that has nocht gevin souke. Than thai sal begynn to say to montanis, Fall ye doun on vs ; and to smal hillis, Hide ye vs. For, gif in a grene tre thai do thir thingis, quhat salbe done in a dry?

N: Alsa vthir twa wickit men war ledde with him to be slanne. 

And eftir that thai com into a place that is callit of Caluarie, thare thai crucifijt him, and the theeues, aan on the richt side, and that vthir on the lift side. Bot Jesus said,

✠: Fader, forgeue thame, for thai wate nocht quhat thai do.

N: And thai departit his clathes, and kest cauillis.

And the pepile stude behaldand. And the princis scornit him with thame, and said,

C: He made vthir men saif ; mak he him self saif, gif this be Crist, the chosen of God.

N: And the knichtis neret and scornit him, and proffirit vynagre to him, and said,

C: Gif thou art king of Jewis, mak the saif. And the superscriptioun was writin abone him with Greke letteris, and of Latyne, and of Hebrow, This is king of Jewis.

And aan of thir theeues that hang blasphemyt him, and said,

O: Gif thou art Crist, mak thi self saif and vs.

N: Bot that vther ansuerde and said, blamand him,

O: Nouthir thou dredis God, that art in the sammin dampnatioun? Trewlie we iustlie, for we haue resauet worthi thingis to werkis; bot this did nathing of euile. 

N: And he said to Jesu,

O: Lorde, haue mynd on me quhen thou cummis into thi kingdom.

N: And Jesus said to him,

✠: Trewly I say to thee, this day thow salbe with me in paradise.

N: And it was almaast the sext houre, and mirknessis war made in to al the erde till into the ix houre. And the sonn was made mirk, and the veile of the tempile was revyn in twa. And Jesus, criand with a gret voce, saide,

✠: Fader, into thin handis I beteche my spirit.

N: And he sayand thir thingis, gave vp the gaast.

And the centurion, seand the thing that was done, glorifijt God, and said,

O: Verralie this man was iust.

N: And al the pepile of thame that war thare togiddir at this spectacile, and saw tha thingis that war done, strake thar breestis, and turnit agane.

Bot al his knawne stude on fer, and wymmen that followit him fra Galilee, seand thir thingis.

And, lo, a man, Josephe be name, of Arimathie, a citee of Judee, that was a decurien, a gude man and a iust: And this man consentit nocht to the connsale and to the deedis of thame; and he abade the kingdom of God. This Joseph com to Pilat, and askit the body of Jesu. And tuke it doun, and wand it in a cleen lynnyng clathe, and laid him in a graue hewin, in quhilk nocht yit ony man had bene laid, and the day was the euen of the haly day, and the sabot began to schyne.

Ande the wymen followand, that com with him fra Galilee, saw the graue, and how his body was laide. Ande thai turnit agane, and made reddi suete smelling spices and oynyementis; bot in the saboth thai restit, eftir the commandement.
[From The New Testament in Scots Murdoch Nisbet [c.1520] (1901) vol 1 here]

Saturday 6 April 2019

Mass readings in Scots: Fifth Sunday of Lent (Year C)

First reading
Isaiah 43:16-21

E'en sae quo' the Lord
made a gate i' the sea,
an' a roddin in the mighty watirs:
Wha weise'd but the rider an' horse an' a';
the strenth an' menzie, thegither:
they gaed down at ance, they ne'er raise ava';
they gaed out; like tow, they war smuther'd.

Bot think nae mair o' siclike, langsyne;
nor at by-gane warks mak a swither:
Tak tent, what's new I ettle till do;
or lang it sal be, tho' ye winna see;
I sal e'en mak a gate i' the gateless grun;
i' the drouthy lan', rowin rivers.

The beiss o' the fiel sal mak meikle o' me;
the dragons, an' weans o' the howlet:
for watir I'se gie, i' the wust till lye;
an' fludes i' the lan' was ance sae dry;
till sloken my folk, my walit:
the folk that I made, for mysel till be;
an' my laud, they sal tell the hail o't.

[From Isaiah frae Hebrew intil Scottis, by P. Hately Waddell 1879 (Amazon US here; Amazon UK here)]

Responsorial Psalm
Psalm 125

Whan the Lord brang agayne the captifitie o' Zion,
we wer like thame that dreæm.
Than was our mooth fillet wi' lauchtir,
an' our tung wi' singin':

than said thaye amang the heæthin, "Grit things
heth the Lord dune for thame!"
The Lord trewlie haes dune grit things for us,
an' for whilk we ar gladsume.

As the streems in the south,
turn agayne, O Lord, our captifitie.
Thaye that saw in teærs,
sall sheer in joy.

He that gangs owt greetin'
carryin' pracious seede,
sail doutliss cum bak agayne rejoycin',
bringin' his sheefes wi' him.

[From Psalm 126, The Book of Psalms in Lowland Scots Henry Scott Riddell (1857) here]

Second reading
Philippians 3: 8-14

Neuirtheles, I gesse al thingis to be pairment for the clere science of Jesu Crist my Lord, for quham I made al thingis pairment, and I deme as dirt, that I wynn Crist, and that I be fundin in him, nocht havand my richtuisnes that is of the law, bot that that is of the faith of Crist Jesu, that is of God the richtuisnes in faith, to knaw him, and the virtue of his aganerysing, and the fallouschip of his passioun, and to be made like to his dede, gif on ony maner I cum to the resurrectioun that is fra dede. Nocht that now I haue takin, or now I am perfite; bot I folow, gif in ony maner I comprehend, in quhilk thing alsa I am comprehendit of Crist Jesu. Brether, I deme me nocht that I haue comprehendit; bot aa thing, I foryet tha thingis that ar behind, and streke furth my self to tha thingis that ar before, and persew to the ordanit mede of the hie calling of God in Crist Jesu.

[From The New Testament in Scots Murdoch Nisbet [c.1520] (1903) vol 2 here

Gospel reading
John 8: 1-11

Bot Jesus went into the mont of Olyuete. And airlie he com agane into the tempile; and al the pepile com to him; and he sat, and taucht thame. 

And scribes and Phariseis bringis a woman takin in adultrie, and thai sett hir in the myddis, and thai sayd to him, "Maister, this woman is now takin in adultrie. And in the law Moyses comandit vs for to staan sic; tharfore quhat sais thou?" And thai said this thing tempting him, that thai mycht accuse him. And Jesus bowit him self doun, and wrate with his fingire in the erde. And quhen thai abade askand him, he raasit him self, and said to thame, "He of you that is without synn, first cast a staan into hir." And he bowit agane him self, and wrate in the erde. And thai herand thir thingis, went away aan eftire ane vthir, and thai began fra the eldermen; and Jesus duelt allaan, and the woman standand in the myddis. And Jesus raasit him self, and said to hir, "Woman, quhare are thai that accusit thee? Na man has condampnit thee." Scho said, "Na man. Lord." Jesus sais to hir, "Nore yit I sal condampne thee; ga thou, and now eftirwart wil thou nocht syn na maire." 

[From The New Testament in Scots Murdoch Nisbet [c.1520] (1903) vol 2 here]