Saturday 7 October 2017

Mass readings in Scots: Twenty-seventh Sunday of the Year (Year A)

First reading
Isaiah 5: 1-7

An' syne I maun sugh a bit sang , till ane I loe weel; 
the sang , it ' s my niebor himsel , an' the yaird he can teel. 

My niebor's a yaird o’ his ain, 
on an unco growthy knowe: 
An' he dykit it roun', an flang stanes out enew; 
an' he set it wi’ stoks o ' the wale'dest; 
an' he bigget a towir i' the mids o' the yaird, 
an' he howket a troch whar the wine maun be shair'd; 
an ' he ettled it syne till gie grapes in reward, 
bot it gie'd-na a grape but the wildest.

An ' now a' ye folk i' Jerus'lem that fen'; 
an' o' Judah itsel, the lave o' the men; 
ye maun right atween me an' my vineyaird:
What mair's till do wi' this yaird o' my ain, 
that I hae-na dune wi 't till gar't carry? 
whan I leukit syne it suld carry me grapes, 
what for brought it canker'd berries? 

Come here awa syne, an' I'se gar yo ken what I ettle till do wi' my vineyaird: 
I'se out wi' its hedge, 
I'se down wi' its dyke; 
an' it's baith be herried an' moul'ard:
I'se e'en mak it a' wust lan'; it sal neither be sned nor digget; 
bot the brier an' the thorn, they sal thig it: 
an ' the cluds, I sal gie my commaun, 
that they dreep-na a drap till sloke it.
For Jehovah o' hosts, that vineyaird o' his, 
it's the houss o' Isra'l; 
an' the stok he's sae fain o', 
's the men o' Judah: 
an' he leukit for right, 
bot ay it was wrang; 
an' for a' that was straught, 
bot ay the sugh o' sair tholin.

[From Isaiah frae Hebrew intil Scottis, by P. Hately Waddell 1879 (Amazon US here; Amazon UK here)  Google books here]

Responsorial Psalm
Psalm 79: 9, 12-16, 19-20 (resp. Isaiah 5: 7)

For Jehovah o' hosts, that vineyaird o' his, 
it's the houss o' Isra'l.

A vine-stok ye brought out o'Ægyp;
ye dang the hethen atowre, an' ye plantit her. 
Till the sea, scho rax't yont her suckers; 
till the watirs, her fast-growin rods. 

For Jehovah o' hosts, that vineyaird o' his, 
it's the houss o' Isra'l.

Whatfor hae ye dang down her dykins; 
that ilka gate-ganger can rive her awa? 
The boar frae the frith, he can stamp her; 
an' the beast o' the fell, he can glaum her at will.

For Jehovah o' hosts, that vineyaird o' his, 
it's the houss o' Isra'l.

Hame again, O God o' hosts: 
tak a leuk frae the lift, an' see; 
an' visit this vine: 
An' the haddin yer right han' has plantit; 
an' the growthe ye made stieve for yersel. 

For Jehovah o' hosts, that vineyaird o' his, 
it's the houss o' Isra'l.

Syne, frae thee, we suld ne'er fa' awa; 
lat us live, an' we'll cry on yer name. 
Weise us hame again, Lord God o' hosts; 
gar yer face gie a glint, an' we're hain'd. 

For Jehovah o' hosts, that vineyaird o' his, 
it's the houss o' Isra'l.

[From Psalm 80 in The Psalms: frae Hebrew intil Scottis P. Hately Waddell (1891) here; response from Isaiah frae Hebrew intil Scottis, by P. Hately Waddell 1879 (Amazon US here; Amazon UK here)  Google books here]

Second reading
Philippians 4: 6-9

Be ye nathing besie, bot in al prayere and beseking, with doing of thankingis, be your askingis knawne at God. And the pece of God, that passis al witt, kepe your hartis and vndirstanding in Crist Jesu. Fra hine furth, brether, quhat euir thingis ar suthe, quhat euir thingis chast, quhat euir thingis iust, quhat euir thingis halie, quhat euir thingis abile to be luvit, quhat euir thingis of gude fame, gif ony virtue, gif ony praising of discipline, think ye thir thingis, that alsa ye haue leirit, and takin, and herd, and sene in me, do ye thir thingis: and God of pece salbe with you.

[From The New Testament in Scots Murdoch Nisbet [c.1520] (1903) vol 2 here]

Gospel reading
Matthew 21:33-43

[Jesus said untill the chief priests an' the elders o' the peeple,] "Hear anither parable: Ther was ane certain houshaulder whilk plantet ane vinyaird, an’ hedget it roun’ about, an’ howket ane wine-press in it, an’ bigget ane touer, an’ let it out til husbanmen, an’ gaed intill аne fer countrie. An’ whan the time o’ the frut drew neer, he sendet his servents til the husbanmen, that they micht receive the fruts o’ it. An’ the husbanmen tuik his servents an’ nevellet ane, an’ killet anither, an’ stanet anither. Agane he sendet ither servents mair nor the first: an’ they did untill them likewaise. But last o’ a’ he sendet untill them his son, sayin’, 'They wull reverance my son.' But whan the husbanmen sаw the son, they said amang themsels, 'This is the heir; come, let us kill him, an’ let us seeze on his heirscep.' An’ they grippet him, an’ castet him out o’ the vinyaird, an’ sleyet him. Whan the lord therfor o’ the vinyaird comith, what wull he do til thae husbanmen?" They say untill him, "Нe wull miserablie destroye thae wicket men, an’ wull let out his vinyaird untill ither husbanmen, whilk sall render him the fruts in their seasens." Jesus saith untill them, "Did ye nevir reæd in the Scripturs,

The stane whilk the biggers rejecket,
the same is become the cape stane o’ the nuik:
this is the Lord’s doin’,
an’ it is marvellous in our eyne?

"Therfor say I untill yow, The kingdoom o’ God sall be taken frae yow, an’ gien til ane natione bringin’ furth the fruts thero’."

The Gospel of St. Matthew in Lowland Scotch, from the English Authorised Version. By H. S. Riddell (1856) here

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