First reading
Isaiah 62:1-5
For Zioun's sake, I maunna be quaiet,
an' for Jerus'lem's sake, I sal wheest me nane:
no till her right gangs furth like light;
an' her health, like a lamp that lowes its lane.
An' the folk, they sal see yer right,
an' the kings ilkane yer gloiry:
a new name o' yer ain sal be cry'd on yo syne;
that the mouthe o' the Lord sal hae for ye.
Syne, it's a diadem gran' i' the Lord's ain han',
an' a crown for a king, i' the loof o' yer God, ye sal be ay.
Nae mair sal folk cry till yo syne, Ye're left yerlane;
nor yet ony mair till the lan' whar ye stan', It's been herried:
but yersel they sal ca', My delight's in her a';
an' that lan o' yer ain, It's married!
for the Lord, he likes weel till bide wi' yersel,
an' that lan' o' yer ain sal be marrow'd.
For e'en's a braw youngster marries a maid,
yer folk they sal marry thee;
an' e'en as the bridegrom's sae fain o' his bride,
yer God sal be fain o' thee.
[From Isaiah frae Hebrew intil Scottis, by P. Hately Waddell 1879 (Amazon US here; Amazon UK here) Google books here]
Responsorial Psalm
Psalm 95 (96): 1-3, 7-10 (resp. v.3)
Tell owre amang a' the folk, the warks o' wonner o' the Lord.
sing ye till the Lord, the hail yirth:
Sing ye till the Lord, blythe-bid his name;
Tell owre amang a' the folk, the warks o' wonner o' the Lord.
tell ye his heal-ha'din, frae day till day.
Tell owre amang the folk the weight o' his gree;
amang a' the folk, his warks o' wonner.
Gie ye till the Lord, ye outcome o' the folk;
Tell owre amang a' the folk, the warks o' wonner o' the Lord.
gie ye till the Lord, gudeliheid an' might:
Gie ye till the Lord, the gloiry beha'din his name;
Gie ye till the Lord, the gloiry beha'din his name;
Tell owre amang a' the folk, the warks o' wonner o' the Lord.
tak a hansel, an' ben till his chaumers:
Lout laigh till the Lord, in braws o' the best;
Lout laigh till the Lord, in braws o' the best;
quak ye afore him, the hail yirth:
Quo' ye amang the folk, The Lord he's king;
Quo' ye amang the folk, The Lord he's king;
the warld eke fu' sikker is, that it suld ne'er be steerit:
the folk he sal guide himsel, wi' his ain rightous guidins.
the folk he sal guide himsel, wi' his ain rightous guidins.
Tell owre amang a' the folk, the warks o' wonner o' the Lord.
[From Psalm 96, in The Psalms: frae Hebrew intil Scottis P. Hately Waddell (1891) here]
Second reading
I Corinthians 12: 4-11
[From The New Testament in Braid Scots William Wye Smith (1904) here]
Gospel reading
John 2: 1-12
[Thar] was a bridal at Galilee Cana, and Jesus’ mither was thar; and baith Jesus and his disciples had a bode to the bridal. And whan the wine ran dune, Jesus' mither said to him, “The wine’s a’ dune!” Quo' Jesus, “ Eh, wumman, what hae I to do wi’ ye e'noo? My 'oor will be here belyve!” But hie mither coonsell’t wi’ the servants, “Whatsae he bids ye, gang and do it.” And thar war staunin sax stane jars, according as the Jews purify’t theirsels; and ilk wad haud twa-thrie firkins. And Jesus had them fill the watir-jars wi' watir. And they teemed them lippin-fou. And be spak till them, "Dip oot noo, and tak to the Maister o’ the feast!” And they gaed wi’t. As sune as the Maister o’ the feast bad pree’d the watir wine (and kent-na whaur it cam frae; but the servants kent), he cry’t to the bride-groom, "Ilka man wales oot his best wine to hansel the feast; and whan folk are weel slocken’t, than feshes the second-wale; but ye hae hained the best wine till noo!”
Sae Jesus begude to do his wunner-works in Galilee-Cana, and schawed forth his glorie: and the
disciples lippened on him. And syne he gaed doon to Capernaum, wi’ his mither, and his ain folk, and the disciples; and they stoppit thar a wheen days.
[From The New Testament in Braid Scots William Wye Smith (1904) here]
[Thar] was a bridal at Galilee Cana, and Jesus’ mither was thar; and baith Jesus and his disciples had a bode to the bridal. And whan the wine ran dune, Jesus' mither said to him, “The wine’s a’ dune!” Quo' Jesus, “ Eh, wumman, what hae I to do wi’ ye e'noo? My 'oor will be here belyve!” But hie mither coonsell’t wi’ the servants, “Whatsae he bids ye, gang and do it.” And thar war staunin sax stane jars, according as the Jews purify’t theirsels; and ilk wad haud twa-thrie firkins. And Jesus had them fill the watir-jars wi' watir. And they teemed them lippin-fou. And be spak till them, "Dip oot noo, and tak to the Maister o’ the feast!” And they gaed wi’t. As sune as the Maister o’ the feast bad pree’d the watir wine (and kent-na whaur it cam frae; but the servants kent), he cry’t to the bride-groom, "Ilka man wales oot his best wine to hansel the feast; and whan folk are weel slocken’t, than feshes the second-wale; but ye hae hained the best wine till noo!”
Sae Jesus begude to do his wunner-works in Galilee-Cana, and schawed forth his glorie: and the
disciples lippened on him. And syne he gaed doon to Capernaum, wi’ his mither, and his ain folk, and the disciples; and they stoppit thar a wheen days.
[From The New Testament in Braid Scots William Wye Smith (1904) here]
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