Saturday, 14 December 2019

Mass readings in Scots: Third Sunday of Advent (Year A)

First reading
Isaiah 35: 1-6a, 10

The forsakin...and without way salbe glaid;
and wildirnes sal mak full out ioy,
and sal flour as a lilie.
It burionyng sal burioun,
and it glaid and praysand sal mak full out ioy.
The glorie of Liban is gevin to it,
the fairnes of Carmel and of Saron:
thai sal se the glorie of the Lord,
and the fairnes of our God.
Confort ye laamyt handis,
and mak ye stark febile kneis.
Say ye, Men of litil confort,
be ye confortit, and wil ye nocht drede;
lo! our God sal bring the vengeance of yeelding...,
God him self sal cum, and sal saaf vs.
Than the een of blind men salbe opnit,
and the eris of deef men salbe opin.
Than a crukit man sal skip as ane hart,
and the toung of dumb men salbe opnit:
The folk that's bought wi' Jehovah's fee,
sal home win owre that causey'd grun:
till Zioun, they sal come wi' glee;
an' en'less joie their heads abune.
Syne, a' that's blythe sal be their fa';
an' dule an' sighan flie awa!

[Isaiah 35: 1-6a from The New Testament in Scots Murdoch Nisbet [c.1520] (1905) vol 3 here; Isaiah 35: 10 (italicized) from Isaiah frae Hebrew intil Scottis, by P. Hately Waddell 1879 (Amazon US here; Amazon UK here)]

Responsorial Psalm
Psalm 145: 6-10 (resp. Isaiah 35:4)

[Come, Lord, redd us frae thrall!]

[It is the Lord] wha bides by the trewth evir mair:
wha rights amang sair-tholin folk;
wha ay ettles bread for the hungry,
the Lord lats the thirl-bun' gang.

[Come Lord, redd us frae thrall!]

The Lord, he can lighten the blin';
the Lord, he can straught the twa-fauld;
the Lord loes the rightous weel:
The Lord keeps haud o' the frem;
the orph'lin an' widow, he stoops;

[Come Lord, redd us frae thrall!]

bot the gate o' ill-doers, he dings.
The Lord sal be King for ay!
That God o' yer ain, O Zioun,
is frae ae folk's time till anither:
Laud till the Lord gie ye!

[Come Lord, redd us frae thrall!]

[From Psalm 146, The Psalms: frae Hebrew intil Scottis P. Hately Waddell (1891) here. Response adapted from Isaiah frae Hebrew intil Scottis, by P. Hately Waddell 1879 (Amazon US here; Amazon UK here)  Google books here]

Second reading
James 5: 7-10

Thole patiently, than, brethren! till the Lord be amang ye. Behauld, the tiller is waiting for the precious frutes o’ the yirth, and is patient wi’ it, till it gets the early and the hin-maist rain. Thole ye patiently, as weel I strenthen yere hearts; for the comin o’ the Lord draws on! Yammer- na, brethren, again ane anither, least ye be judged: see! the Judge stauns fornent the door. Tak ye, brethren, for yere likeness o' sufferan and patience, the Prophets that spak i' the name o’ the Lord.

[From The New Testament in Braid Scots William Wye Smith (1904) here]

Gospel reading
Matthew 11: 2-11

Now whan John had hear’t in the prison the warks o’ Christ he sendet twa o’ his disciples, an’ said until him, "Art thou he that sud come, or do we leuk for anither?" Jesus answer’t an’ said until them, "Gae ye, an’ shaw John again thae things whilk ye do hear an’ see: the blin’ receive their sicht, an’ the lame gang, the lepers are cleanset, an’ the deaf hear, the dead are raiset up, an’ the puir hae the gospel preachet til them. An’ blesset is he whasaever sallna be offendet be cause o’ me."

An’, as they gaed awa, Jesus begoude to say until the thrang anent John, "What gaed ye out intil the wilderness to see i’ a reed shaken wi’ the win’? But what gaed ye out for to see? a man claithet in saft claes? Behald, they wha wear saft claithin’ are in kings’ houses. But what gaed ye out for to see? a prophet? ay, I say until you, an’ mair nor a prophet. For this is he o’ wham it is written,

         Behald, I sen’ my messenger afore thy face wha sall mak’ ready thy road afore thee.

"Verily I say unto you, amang thae wha are born o' women there hathna risen a greater nor John the Baptist: yet he that is laist in the kingdom o’ heaven is greater nor he."

[From The Gospel of St. Matthew, Translated Into Lowland Scotch, by George Henderson (1862) here]

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