Sunday, 19 April 2020

Mass readings in Scots: Second Sunday of Easter (Year A)

First reading
Acts 2: 42-47

An they [fa were new believers] aa held stoot tae e wird an learnin o the Apostles an jined in their fellaship o brakkin e loaf an prayin.

A sense o awe wis aawye an mony meeracles an ferlies were brocht aboot throw the Apostles.

Aa e believers were egither an pairted oot amo themsels aa att they hid. They selt aa their gear an aa att they ained an pairted oot e siller amo themsels as there wis need.

Ilka day they met egither i the Temple an they breuk loaf egither in een anither's hooses an ett their maet wi gled an hummle herts, praisin God. An aabody respeckit them. An ilka day e Lord jined tae their groupie, them fa hid been savit.

[From The Doric New Testament (2012), rendered in Doric by Gordon M. Hay, published by G. M. Hay, Longside, ISBN 978-0-9573515-0-9, author's website, Amazon UK here, Amazon US here.]

Responsorial Psalm
Psalm 117: 2-4, 13-15, 22-24. Resp: v.1

Gie laud till the Lord, for he's gude;
for his gudeness, it tholes for ay.

Lat Israel say siclike;
for his gudeness, it tholes for ay:
Lat Aaron's houss say siclike;
for his gudeness, it tholes for ay.
Lat wha fear the Lord say siclike;
for his gudeness, it tholes for ay.

Gie laud till the Lord, for he's gude;
for his gudeness, it tholes for ay.

Ye schot at me sair, till ding me owre;
bot the Lord, he was stoop till me.
My strenth an' my sang, is the Lord;
an' eke, my heal-ha'din sal be.
It 's the sugh o' a sang an' heal-ha'din,
they're baith wi' gude folk i' the shiels;

Gie laud till the Lord, for he's gude;
for his gudeness, it tholes for ay.

The stane the biggers wad nane o',
the head o' the neuk it has been:
Frae the Lord himlane, siclike maun hae fa'n;
an' a ferlie it stan's in onr een.
A day siclike, 's the wark o' the Lord;
blythe an' fu' fain lat us be tharin:

Gie laud till the Lord, for he's gude;
for his gudeness, it tholes for ay.

[From Psalm 118 in The Psalms: frae Hebrew intil Scottis P. Hately Waddell (1891) here]

Second reading
1 Peter 3-9

Blissed be God, the Faither o our Lord Jesus Christ, at in his gryte mercie hes begotten us til a new life an a víve howp throu the resurrection o Jesus Christ frae the deid! Nou ar we heirs til an heirskip at will ne'er be connacht or fyled or dow, an heirskip laid by in heiven for ye, at is keepit bi the pouer o God throu faith for the salvâtion at is bidin us eenou, an will kythe at the hinnerend o this warld. That dirls your hairts wi joy, een tho for a wee the nou ye may hae tae dree pyne in monifauld seyals. For aa it perishes, gowd is seyed wi fire; an een sae ye maun dree sair seyals, at the pure metal o your faith, whilk is mair praicious nor gowd, may bring ye praise, glorie, an honour on the day whan Jesus Christ is revealt. For aa ye haena seen him, ye luve him; an tho ye see-him-na the nou, ye lippen on him, an your hairts stounds wi a glorious, heivenlie joy by tellin, because ye ar winnin the frute o your faith, the salvâtion o your sauls.

[From The New Testament in Scots (2012), translated by W. L. Lorimer, Canongate Classics, ISBN 978 0 85786 285 3, Amazon UK here, Amazon US here.]

Gospel reading John 20: 19-31

Tharfore quhen it was euen in that day, aan of the sabotis, and the yettis war closit quhare the discipilis war gaderit for drede of the Iewis, Jesus com and stude in the myddis of the discipilis, and he sais to thame, "Pece to yow." And quhen he had said this, he schewit to thame handis and side; tharfore the discipilis ioyit, for the Lord was seen. And he sais to thame agane, "Pece to you;

"as the fader send me,
I send you."

Quhen he had said this, he blew on thame, and said,

"Tak ye the Haligast;
Quhais synnis ye forgefe,
tha ar forgeuen to thame;
and quhais ye withhald,
tha ar withhaldin."

Bot Thomas, aan of the xij, that is saide Didymus, was nocht with thame quhen Jesus com, tharfore the vther discipilis said to him, "We haue sene the Lord." And he said to thame, "Bot I se in his handis the fixing of the nailis, and put my fingire into the place of the nailis, and put my hand into his side, I sal nocht beleue." And eftir viii dais agane his discipilis war within, ande Thomas with thame. Jesus com, quhile the yettis war closit, and stude in the myddis, and said, "Pece to you." Eftirwart he sais to Thomas, "Put in here thi fingire, and se myn handis, and put hiddire thi hand, and put into my side, and will thou nocht be vnbeleeffull, bot faithfiill." Thomas ansuerd, and said to him, "My Lord and my God." Jesus sais to him,

"Thomas, for thou has sene me, thou beleues;
blessit be thai that saw nocht, and has beleuet."

And Jesus did mony vthir signes in the sicht of his discipilis, quhilkis ar nocht writtin in this buke. Bot thir ar writtin, that ye beleue that Jesus is Crist, the sonn of God, and that ye beleuynig haue lif in his name.

[From The New Testament in Scots Murdoch Nisbet [c.1520] (1903) vol 2 here]

Saturday, 4 April 2020

Mass readings in Scots: Passion Sunday (Palm Sunday) (Year A)

First reading
Isaiah 50: 4-7

The Lord that's Jehovah, he ettled mysel
the tongue o' siclike as hae lear;
that sae I suld ken, on the weary wight,
a kin' canny word till ware.
It's mornin by mornin, he waukens me weel;
he waukens my lug,
like the lave that hae lear, till hear:
Aye, the Lord that's Jehovah, my lug he couth dreel,
an' mysel I was-na sweer;
nor back frae the bit whar I had my fit,
awa I did-na steer:
my shouthirs I gied till wha dang fu' sair,
an' my chowks I turn'd till wha ruggit the hair;
my face I ne'er happit frae skaudes an' mair.
Bot the Lord that's Jehovah was stoop till me ay;
syne sae I was-na dauntit:
syne sae I couth stint my face like a flint;
for I kenn'd I suld ne'er be affrontit.

[From Isaiah frae Hebrew intil Scottis, by P. Hately Waddell 1879 (Amazon US here; Amazon UK here) ]

Responsorial Psalm
Psalm 21: 8-9, 17-20, 23-24 (R: v.2)

R: My God, my God, whatfor hae ye mislippen'd me?

A' that see me laugh me by;
they schute wi' the lip, they cave the head;
and quo they,
"He lippen'd the Lord; lat the Lord gar him gang:
lat the Lord redd him but, sen he liket him weel."

R: My God, my God, whatfor hae ye mislippen'd me?

For brachs hae forset me roun;
the gath'ran o' ill-doers fankit me about;
they drave thro' my han's an' my feet.
I may count ilk bane i' my bouk.

R: My God, my God, whatfor hae ye mislippen'd me?

They synder my cleedin amang them;
an' fling for my vera manteele.
Bot yersel, O Lord, be-na far frae me:
haste ye till help me,
my strenth an' a '.

R: My God, my God, whatfor hae ye mislippen'd me?

I maun tell o' yer name till my brether ilk ane;
in mids o' the folk I maun lilt till thee.
Wha fear the Lord, ye suld laud him a';
a' Jakob's out-come, laud him heigh;
an the growth o' Israel a', quauk ye afore him.

R: My God, my God, whatfor hae ye mislippen'd me?

[From Psalm 22, in The Psalms: frae Hebrew intil Scottis P. Hately Waddell (1891) here]

Second reading
Philippians 2: 6-11

He aye hid e netter o God,
bit he didna think tae strive
tae be upsides doon wi God.
Instead, o his ain free will,
he gied up aa att he hid
an teuk on e pairt o a fee'd man.
Takkin on human form,
he hummlt himsel bi deein jist fit he wis telt,
aye aiven tae verra daith,
daith on e cross.
Sae God reesed him up till e heichest place there is
an gied him a name abeen aa names;
an at e name o Jesus ilka knee will boo,
in hiven, in earth an in e placie aneth.
An ilka tongue will confess
att Jesus Christ is Lord,
tae e Glory o God e Fadder.

[From The Doric New Testament (2012), rendered in Doric by Gordon M. Hay, published by G. M. Hay, Longside, ISBN 978-0-9573515-0-9, author's website, Amazon UK here, Amazon US here. ]

Gospel reading
Matthew 21: 1-11

Key: N. Narrator. Jesus. O. Other single speaker. C. Crowd, or more than one speaker.

N: Syne ane o’ the twal, ca’d Judas Iscariot, gaed until the chief priests, an’ said until them,

O: What will ye gie me, an’ I will gie him up until you?

N: An’ they ’gree’t wi’ him for thretty pieces o’ siller. An’ frae that time he soucht for a chance to betray him.

Now the first day o' the feast o’ unleavenet bread, the disciples cam’ til Jesus, sayin’,

C: Whare wilt thou that we mak’ ready for thee to eat the passover?

N: An’ he said,

✠Gang intil the toun til sic a man, an’ say until him, "The Maister saith, My time is at han’; I will keep the passover at thy house wi' my disciples."

N: An’ the disciples did as Jesus had direckit them; an’ they made ready the passover.

Now whan the gloamin’ was come he sat doun wi’ the twal. An’ as they did eat he said,

✠Verily I say unto you, that ane o’ you sall betray me.

N: An’ they were unco waefu’, an’ begoude ilka ane o’ them to say until him,

C: Lord, is it me?

N: An’ he answer’t an’ said,

✠He wha dippeth his han’ wi’ me in the aschet, the same sall betray me. The Son o’ man gaeth, as it is written o’ him; but wae until that man by wham the Son o’ man is betrayet! it had been guid for that man gif he hadna been born.

N: Syne Judas, wha betrayet him, answer’t an’ said,

O: Maister, is it me?

N: He said until him,

✠Thou hast said.

N: An’ as they were eatin’, Jesus teuk bread an’ blesset it, an’ brak’ it, an’ gied it til his disciples, an’ said,

✠Tak’, eat; this is my body.

N: An’ he teuk the cup, an’ gied thanks, an’ gied it til them, sayin’,

✠Drink ye a’ o’ it; for this is my bluid o’ the new testament, whilk is shed for mony for the forgieness o’ sins. But I say until you, I winna drink hancefurth o’ the fruit o’ the vine, till that day whan I drink it new wi’ you in my Father’s kingdom.

N: An’ whan they had sung a hymn, they gaed out til the Mount o’ Olives. Syne saith Jesus until them,

✠A’ ye sall be offendet because o’ me this nicht, for it is written, I sall smite the shepherd, an’ the sheep o’ the hirsel sall be scatter’t abraid. But after I am risen again, I will gae afore you intil Galilee.

N: Peter answer’t an’ said until him,

O: Though a’ men sall be offendet, because o’ thee, yet will I never be offendet.

N: Jesus saith til him,

✠Verily I say unto thee, that this nicht, afore the cock craw, thou sallt disown me thrice.

N: Peter said until him,

O: Though I sud dee wi’ thee, yet winna I disown thee.

N: Likewaise alsua said a’ the disciples. Syne cometh Jesus wi’ them until a place ca’d Gethsemane, an’ saith until the disciples,

✠Sit ye here, while I gang an’ pray yonner.

N: An’ he teuk wi’ him Peter an’ the twa sons o’ Zebedee, an’ begoude to be waefu’, an’ unco heavy. Syne saith he until them,

✠My saul is unco waefu’, e’en until death: bide ye here, an’ watch wi’ me.

N: An’ he gaed a wee farrer, an’ fa’d on his face, an’ prayet, sayin’,

✠O my Father, gin it be possible, let this tass pass frae me; natheless, no as I will, but as thou wilt.

N: An’ he cometh until the disciples' an’ fand them sleepin’, an’ saith until Peter,

✠What! cudna ye watch wi’ me ae hour? Watch an’ pray, that ye dinna gae intil temptation; the spirit truly is willin’, but the flesh is feck less.

N: He gaed awa the second time, an’ prayet, sayin’,

✠O my Father, gif this tass maunna pass awa frae me, excep’ I drink it, thy will be dune.

N: An’ he cam’ an’ fand them sleepin’ again (for their een were heavy): an’ he quat them, an’ gaed awa again, an’ prayet the third time, sayin’ the same words. Syne cometh he til his disciples, an’ saith until them,

✠Sleep on now, an’ tak’ your rest: behald, the hour is at han’, an’ the Son o’ man is betrayet intil the han’s o’ sinners. Rise up, let us be gaun: behald, he is at han' wha doth betray me.

N: An’ while he yet spak’, lo, Judas, ane o’ the twal, cam’, an’ wi’ him a meikle thrang wi’ swerds an’ rungs, frae the chief priests an’ elders o’ the people. Now he wha betrayet him had gien them a sign, sayin’,

O: Whamsaever I sall kiss, that same is he: haud him fast.

N: An’ furthwith he cam’ til Jesus, an’ said,

O: Hail, Maister;

N: an’ kisset him. An’ Jesus said until him,

✠Frien’, wharefore art thou come?

N: Syne cam’ they, an’ laid han’s on Jesus, an’ teuk him. An’, behald, ane o’ them wha were wi’ Jesus raucht out his han’, an’ drew his swerd, an’ strack a servan’ o’ the high-priest, an’ sneddet aff his ear. Syne said Jesus until him,

✠Pit up again thy swerd intil its place; for a’ they wha tak’ the swerd sall perish by the swerd. Trowest thou that I canna now pray til my Father, an’ he sall at ance gie me mair nor twal legions o’ angels? But how than sall the Scriptures be fulfillet whilk say that sae it maun be?

N: In that same hour said Jesus til the folk,

✠Are ye come out as agayne a riever wi’ swerds an’ rungs for to tak’ me? I sat daily wi’ you teachin’ in the temple, an’ ye laid nae hand on me. But a’ this was dune that the Scriptures o’ the prophets micht be fulfillet.

N: Syne a’ the disciples forleet him, an’ fled. An’ they wha had laid hand on Jesus led him awa til Caiaphas the high-priest, whare the scribes an’ elders were gather’t thegither. An’ Peter followet him afar aff until the palace o’ the high-priest, an’ gaed in, an’ sat wi’ the servan’s to see the en’. Now the chief priests, an’ elders, an’ a’ the cuncil, soucht fause witness agayne Jesus that they micht pit him til death. But they fand nane; ay, e’en though mony fause witnesses cam’, yet fand they nane. At last cam’ twa fause witnesses, an’ said,

O: This fallow said, I am able to destroy the temple o’ God, an’ to big it again in three days.

N: An’ the high-priest rase up, an’ said until him,

O: Answerest thou naething? What is it whilk thae witness agayne thee?

N: But Jesus held his tongue. An’ the high-priest answer’t an’ said until him,

O: I adjure thee by the livin’ God, that thou tell us gif thou be the Christ, the Son o’ God.

N: Jesus saith until him,

✠Thou hast said: mair owre I say until you, hereafter sall ye see the Son o’ man sittin’ on the richt han’ o’ power, an’ comin’ in the cluds o’ heaven.

N: Syne the high-priest rived his claes, sayin’,

O: He hath spoken blasphemy. What mair need hae we o' witnesses? behald, now ye hae hear’t his blasphemy. What trow ye?

N: They answer’t an’ said,

C: He is wordy o’ death.

N: Syne they spat in his face, an’ nevellet him, an’ ithers cuffet him wi’ the looves o' their han’s, sayin’,

C: Spae until us, thou Christ, wha is he that cuffet thee?

N: Now Peter sat without in the ha’: an’ a maid servan’ cam’ until him, sayin’,

O: Thou alsua wast wi’ Jesus o’ Galilee.

N: But he denied afore them a’, sayin’,

✠I dinna ken what thou sayest.

N: An’ whan he was gane out intil the porch, anither ane saw him, an’ said until them wha were there,

C: This fallow was alsua wi’ Jesus o’ Nazareth.

N: An’ again he denied wi’ an aith,

O: I dinna ken the man.

N: An’ after a while cam’ until him they wha stood by, an’ said til Peter,

C: Surely thou alsua art ane o’ them, for thy speech outeth thee.

N: Syne begoude he to ban an’ to sweer, sayin’,

O: I dinna ken the man.

N: An’ straughtway the cock crawed. An’ Peter mindet the word o’ Jesus, wha said until him, "Afore the cock craw, thou sallt disown me thrice." An’ he gaed out, an’ grat sairly.

Whan the mornin was come, a' the chief priests an' elders o' the people teuk rede agayne Jesus to pit him til death. An’ whan they had bund him they led him awa, an’ gied him up til Pontius Pilate the governor.

Syne Judas, wha had betrayet him, whan he saw that he was condemnet, rewet himsel, an’ broucht again the thretty pieces o’ siller til the chief priests an’ elders, sayin’,

O: I hae sinnet in that I hae betrayet the innocent bluid.

N: An’ they said,

C: What is that til us ? See thou til that.

N: An’ he coost doun the pieces o’ siller in the temple, an’ quat them, an’ gaed an’ hanget himsel. An’ the chief priests teuk the siller pieces, an’ said,

C: It isna lawfu’ for to pit them intil the treasure kist, because it is the price of bluid.

N: An’ they teuk rede, an’ coft wi’ them the potter’s field, to bury strangers in. Wharefore that field was ca’d the field o’bluid until this day. Syne was fulfillet that whilk was spoken by Jeremy the prophet, sayin’, An’ they teuk the thretty pieces o’ siller, the price o' him wha was valuet, wham they o’ the childer o' Israel did value; an’ gied them for the potter’s field, as the Lord appointet me.

An’ Jesus stood afore the governor; an’ the governor spier’t at him, sayin’,

O: Art thou the king o’ the Jews?

N: An’ Jesus said until him,

✠Thou sayest.

N: An’ whan he was delatet o’ the chief priests an’ elders, he answer’t naething. Syne said Pilate until him,

O: Hearestna thou how mony things they witness agayne thee?

N: An’ he answer’t him no a word; insaemeikle that the governor wonder’t greatly.

Now at that feast the governor uset to lowse until the folk a prisoner, wham they wad. An’ they had than a notable prisoner ca’d Barabbas. Therefore whan they were gather’t thegither, Pilate said until them,

O: Wham will ye that I lowse until you, Barabbas, or Jesus wha is ca’d Christ?

N: For he kent that for ill-will they had gien him up. Whan he was set doun on the judgment-seat, his wife sendet until him, sayin’,

O: Hae thou naething to  do wi’ that just man: for I hae tholet mony things this day in a dream because o’ him.

N: But the chief priests an’ elders persuadet the folk that they sud ask Barabbas, an’ destroy Jesus. Syne the governor spak’ an’ said until them,

O: Whilk o’ the twa will ye that I lowse until you?

N: They said,

C: Barabbas.

N: Pilate saith until them,

C: What sall I do than wi’ Jesus wha is ca’d Christ?

N: They a’ say until him,

C: Let him be crucifiet!

N: An’ the governor said,

O: Why? what ill hath he dune?

N: But they screighet the mair, sayin’,

C: Let him be crucifiet!

N: Whan Pilate saw that he cud prevail naething, but that rather a racket was made, he teuk water an’ washet his han’s afore the folk, sayin’,

O: I am innocent o’ the bluid o’ this just person: see ye til it.

N: Syne answer’t a’ the folk, an’ said,

C: His bluid be on us, an’ on our bairns!

N: Syne he lowset Barabbas until them; an’ whan he had scourget Jesus, he gied him up to be crucifiet. Syne the sodgers o’ the governor teuk Jesus intil the common ha’, an’ gather’t until them the hale band. An’ they strippet him, an’ pat on him a scarlet robe. An’ whan they had plattet a croun o’ thorns, they pat it upon his head, an’ a reed in his richt han’; an’ they bowet the knee afore him, an’ mocket him, sayin’,

C: Hail, King o’ the Jews!

N: An’ they spat upon him, an’ teuk the reed, an’ strack him on the head. An’ after they had mocket him, they teuk the robe atf frae him, an’ pat his ain claes on him, an’ led him awa to crucify him.

An’ as they cam’ out, they fand a man o’ Cyrene, Simon by name, him they gar’t to bear his cross. An’ whan they were come until a place ca’d Golgotha, (whilk is to say, a place o’ a skull,) they gied him vinegar to drink mynget wi’ ga’: an’ whan he had pried thereo’, he wadna drink. An’ they crucifiet him, an’ pairtet his claes, drawin’ cutts: that it micht be fulfillet whilk was spoken by the prophet, They pairtet my claes amang them, an’ for my vesture did they draw cutts. An’ sitting doun, they watchet him there; an’ set up aboon his head his delation in writin’, "This is Jesus the King o' the Jews". Syne were there twa rievers crucifiet wi’ him, ane on the right han’, an’ anither on the left.

An’ they that gaed by misca’d him, geckin' their heads, an’ sayin’,

C: Thou wha destroyest the temple, an’ biggest it in three days, saufe thysel. Gif thou be the Son o’ God, come doun frae the cross.

N: Likewaise alsua the chief priests mockin’ him, wi’ , the scribes an’ elders, said,

C: He saufet ithers; himsel he canna saufe. Gif he be the King o’ Israel, let him now come doun frae the cross, an’ we will believe him. He lippenet in God: let him saufe him now, gif he will hae him: for he said, I am the Son o’ God.

N: The rievers alsua wha were crucifiet wi’ him, coost the same in his teeth.

Now frae the saxt’ hour there was mirkness owre a’ the lan’ until the nint’ hour. An’ about the nint’ hour Jesus criet wi’ a loud voice, sayin’,

✠Eli, Eli, lama sabachthani!

N: whilk is to say, "My God, my God, why hast thou forleet me?" Some o’ them wha stood there, whan they hear’t that, said,

C: This man ca’eth for Elias.

N: An’ straughtway ane o’ them ran, an’ teuk a spunge, an’ fillet it wi’ vinegar, an’ pat it on a reed, an’ gied him to drink. The lave said,

C: Let him alane, let us see gin Elias will come to saufe him.

N: Jesus, whan he had criet again wi’ a loud voice, gied up the ghaist.

An’, behald, the veil o’ the temple was riven in twa frae the tap til the boddum; an’ the yirth did quake, an’ the rocks were rendet. An’ the graves were openet: an’ mony bodies o’ the saunts wha sleepet rase up, an’ cam’ out o’ the graves after his resurrection, an’ gaed intil the haly toun, an’ kythet until mony. Now whan the centurion, an’ they wha were wi’ him, watchin’ Jesus, saw the yirthquake, an’ thae things whilk were dune, they fear’t greatly, sayin’,

C: Verament this was the Son o’ God.

N: An’ mony women were there leukin’ on frae afar afi', wha followet Jesus frae Galilee, ministerin’ until him; amang wham was Mary Magdalene, an’ Mary the mither o’ James an’ Joses, an’ the mither o’ Zebedee’s childer.

Whan the gloamin’ was come, there cam’ a bien man o’ Arimathea, ca’d Joseph, wha alsua himsel was a disciple o’ Jesus: he gaed til Pilate, an’ begget the body o’ Jesus. Syne Pilate commaundet the body to be gien til him. An’ whan Joseph had taen the body, he wand it in a clean linen claith, an’ laid it in his ain new tomb, whilk he had hewet out o’ the rock, an’ he rowet a muckle stane til the door o’ the sepulchre, an’ gaed his gate. An’ there was Mary Magdalene, an’ the tither Mary, sittin’ fornent the sepulchre.

Now the niest day (whilk followet the day o' the preparation), the chief priests an’ Pharisees gaed the gither until Pilate, sayin’,

C: Sir, we mindet that that begowker said while he was yet livin’, "After three days I will rise again." Commaun’ therefore that the sepulchre be made sicker until the third day, lest his disciples come by nicht an’ steal him awa, an’ say until the folk, "He is risen frae the dead: sae the last faut sall be waur nor the first."

N: Pilate said until them,

O: Ye hae a watch, gae your gate, mak’ it as sicker as ye can.

N: Sae they gaed, an’ made the sepulchre sicker, pittin’ a seal on the stane, an’ settin’ a watch.

[From The Gospel of St. Matthew, Translated Into Lowland Scotch, by George Henderson (1862) here]