Saturday 11 August 2018

Mass readings in Scots: Nineteenth Sunday of the Year (Year B)

First reading
1 Kings 19-48

Elijah gaed a day's journey intae the waste land, an took a seat under a broom-plant, desirin for hissell only death; for he says, "It is eneuch: nou, O Lord, tak awa ma life, for A am nae better than ma faithers." An stretchin hissell on the yird, he slept under the broom-plant; but an angel, touchin him, says tae him, "Get up an hae some meat." An lookin up, he saw bi his heid a bannock cookit on the stanes an a bottle o wattir. Sae he took meat an drink an slept again. An the angel o the Lord cam again a second time, an touchin him says, "Get up an hae some meat, or the journey will be oermuch for yer strength." So he got up an took meat an drink, an i the strength o the meat he gaed on for forty days an nichts, tae Horeb, the mountain o God.

[Own translation, level 1 (7/8/21) methodology here.]

Responsorial Psalm
Psalm 33 (34): 2-9 (resp. v. 8)

Pree ye, an' ken gin the Lord be-na gude. 

Ilk tide o' my life I'se a blythe-bid the Lord; 
his praise i' my mouthe sal be plene: 
I' the Lord sal my saul be liltin-blythe, 
the feckless sal hear, an' be fain. 

Pree ye, an' ken gin the Lord be-na gude. 

Mak might o' the Lord wi' me; 
an' his name we'se uphaud thegither: 
I sought the Lord, an' he hearken'd me hame; 
syne redd me frae a' my fluther. 

Pree ye, an' ken gin the Lord be-na gude. 

Folk leuk ay till Him, an' are brighten'd a';
nae gluff o' schame hae their faces:
This puir-body skreigh't, an' the Lord couth hear; 
syne heal'd him frae a' his fashes. 

Pree ye, an' ken gin the Lord be-na gude. 

Na, the Lord's erran-rinner himsel bides about; 
till rax them atowre that are fley'd o' him: 
Pree ye, an' ken gin the Lord be-na gude; 
blythe be the wight can bide on him. 

Pree ye, an' ken gin the Lord be-na gude. 

[From Psalm 34 in The Psalms: frae Hebrew intil Scottis P. Hately Waddell (1891) here

Second reading
Ephesians 4:30-5:2

An dinna kittle up e Haily Speerit o God, cause att's fit bins ye in till e day, i the hinnerein, att ye'll be lowsed. Hae nae mair trock wi strivin, wraith, annger, roarin an shoutin, sweirin an coorse feelin o aa kine. Be gweed tae een anither, tenner-herted, forgie een anither, jist as God his forgien you throw Christ.

Ye're aa God's bairnies, sae ye maun try tae be lik him. Yer hale life maun be een o luv, jist as Christ looed you, an gied himsel up for ye aa as an offerin an a sacrifeece att's sae sweet-scintit att it pleases God.

[From The Doric New Testament (2012), rendered in Doric by Gordon M. Hay, published by G. M. Hay, Longside, ISBN 978-0-9573515-0-9, author's website, Amazon UK here, Amazon US here.]

Gospel reading
John 6: 41-51

Than the Jews yammer’t at him, for that he said to them, "I am the Breid that cam doon frae Heeven.” Quo’ they, "Isna this Jesus, Joseph’s son? Hoo is’t than that he says he cam doon frae Heeven?” Sae Jesus answer’t them, and quo’ he,

"Cavil-na amang yersels.
Nae man comes to me, 
gin the Faither wha sent me dinna draw him: 
and I wull raise him again at the Last Day.
The Prophets pat doon:
And God sal teach them a’. 
And sae ilk man wha hears, 
and has taen in the lear o’ the Faither,
comes to me.
No that ony man has e’er set een on the Faither, 
only he wha is o’ God:
he has seen the Faither! 
Truly, truly say I t’ye, 
Wha believes me has Life for Aye!
That Breid o’ Life am I!
Yere forebears did eat manna
i' the wilderness, and dee’t.
But here is the Breid that cam doon frae Heeven, 
that a man may eat o’ it, and no dee!
The Leevin Breid that cam doon frae Heeven is mysel; 
gin ony man eat this Breid, he leeves for Aye: 
and the breid I sal gie
is my flesh, that I wull gie for the warld’s life.”

[From The New Testament in Braid Scots William Wye Smith (1904) here]


  1. Just to say that I still find this series fascinating.

    1. Thank you! I've been catching up with your blog recently. (My tablet doesn't seem to like loading it up so it's only when I'm on the destop that I can see it!) Although you're focusing on a very different aspect, there is I think this in common between what we're doing: that there has been a loss of a Christian pattern of life that reflects transcendence and yet is deeply embedded in the everyday rhythms (and speech rhythms) of a community.

      (For anyone else reading this, try Ttony's for starters.)

      Anyway, doing this gives me something to do in a time of confusion...

    2. A Christian pattern of life deeply embedded in the way we live. Well, this is surely something that monastic life, structured around the Divine Office and the founder's Rule, embodies; but it's harder for ordinary laypeople living in the heart of the secular world to achieve - at least outwith a kind of intentional community.

    3. Yes, that's clearly right -and perhaps a reminder of how the laity rely on monasticism for constant prayer and how we need to be more conscious of that work. (That said, there is much that many lay folk can do in regular prayer and do. And certainly in retirement, more opportunities may exist. I am conscious how much my own parish relies on the regular prayer life of that socially overlooked group -the elderly, especially elderly women.
