First reading
Daniel 7: 13-14
As the sichtis of the nicht continewit, I saw
ane like the Son of man comin,
upon the cloudis of hevin;
quhen he come to the Auld One
and was presentit afore him,
the one like the Son of man gat dominion, glorie, and kingdom;
all folk, natiouns, and language servit him.
His dominion is an everlasting dominion
that sall nocht be ta'en awa,
his kingdom sall nocht be destroyit.
Responsorial Psalm
Ps 92:1, 1-2, 5 (resp. v.1)
The Lord is king, in glore arrayed.
The Lord is king, in glore arrayed;
arrayed is the Lord and girt about with strenth.
The Lord is king, in glore arrayed.
And he hath made the warld stable,
not to be removit.
Thy throne standeth fast from of auld;
from everlasting thou art, O Lord.
The Lord is king, in glore arrayed.
Thy decreis ar worthy of trust indeid;
holynesse befits thy hous,
O Lord, for length of dais.
The Lord is king, in glore arrayed.
Second reading
Revelation 1:5-8
Jesus Christ is the faithful witnes,
the firstborn of the deid and ruler of the kings of the earth.
To him that lovis us and hath freit us frae our sinnes by his blude,
who hath made us a kingdom, preists unto his God and Father,
to him be glorie and power for ever and aye. Amen.
Behold, he cometh in the cloudis,
and ilka eye shall see him,
evin they that piercit him.
All the folkis of the earth shall waill him.
Yea. Amen.
"I am the Alpha and the Omega," saith the Lord God,
"the ane that is and was and is to come, the almichty."
[Above readings from ChatGPT 16/2/25: in the language of the Early Scots of Gavin Douglas in his translation of the Aeneid. Further prompt for stricter adherence to orthography of original text. Starting text New American Bible.]
Gospel reading
John 18: 33-37
Than Pilate gaed intil the Judgment ha’ again, and ca’d Jesus, and quo' he to him, "Are ye the King o’ the Jews?” Jesus answer’t, “Say ye this o’ yere ain sel, or did ithers tell ye me?” Quo’ Pilate, "Am I a Jew? Yere ain folk and the Heigh-priests hae gien ye up to me: what hae ye dune?” Jesus answer’t, "My Kingdom isna o’ this warld: gin my Kingdom was o’ this warld, my servants wad fecht, that I soudna be gien up to the Jews: but noo is my Kingdom no frae here?” Quo’ Pilate to him, "Are ye a King, than?” Jesus answer’t, "Ye weel say I am a King. For this end was I born, and for this end cam I to the warld, to gie witness o’ the truth. Ilka ane wha is o’ the Truth hears my voice.”
[From The New Testament in Braid Scots William Wye Smith (1904) here]
John 18: 33-37
Than Pilate gaed intil the Judgment ha’ again, and ca’d Jesus, and quo' he to him, "Are ye the King o’ the Jews?” Jesus answer’t, “Say ye this o’ yere ain sel, or did ithers tell ye me?” Quo’ Pilate, "Am I a Jew? Yere ain folk and the Heigh-priests hae gien ye up to me: what hae ye dune?” Jesus answer’t, "My Kingdom isna o’ this warld: gin my Kingdom was o’ this warld, my servants wad fecht, that I soudna be gien up to the Jews: but noo is my Kingdom no frae here?” Quo’ Pilate to him, "Are ye a King, than?” Jesus answer’t, "Ye weel say I am a King. For this end was I born, and for this end cam I to the warld, to gie witness o’ the truth. Ilka ane wha is o’ the Truth hears my voice.”
[From The New Testament in Braid Scots William Wye Smith (1904) here]
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