Saturday, 29 July 2017

Mass readings in Scots: Seventeenth Sunday of the Year (Year A)

First reading
1 Kings 3: 5, 7-12

I Gibeon, Solomon haed a vision o the Lord i a dream bi nicht; an God says tae him, "Say whit A am tae gie ye." An Solomon says, "An nou, O Lord ma God, ye hae made yer servant kin i the place o David ma father; an A am only a young boy, wi nae knowledge o hou tae gae oot or come i. An yer servant has round him the people o yer selection, a people sae great that they canna be numbered, an nae account o thaim can be given. Gie yer servant, then, a wise heart for judgin yer people, able tae see whit is guid an whit ill; for wha is able tae be the judge o this great people?" Nou these words an Solomon's request were pleasin tae the Lord. An God says tae him, "Because yer request is for this thing, an no for long life for yoursel or for wealth or for the destruction o yer haters, but for wisdom tae be a judge o causes, A hae done as ye says. A hae gien ye a wise an far-seein heart, sae thare has niver been yer equal i the past, an niver will thare be ony like ye i the future."

[Own translation, level 1 25/07/20. Details of methodology here.]

Responsorial Psalm
Psalm 118: 57, 72, 76-77, 127-130  (resp. v. 97)

O whit luve A hae for yer law!

The Laird is ma heirskip:
A hae said that A wad be ruled by yer wirds.
The law o yer mou is better tae me
nor thoosands in gowd an siller.

O whit luve A hae for yer law!

Lat yer mercy nou be ma easement,
as ye hae said tae yer servand.
Lat yer lown mercies come tae me till A hae life;
for yer law is my ma delite.

O whit luve A hae for yer law!

For this reason A hae mair luve for yer lear
nor for gowd, e'en for sheenin gowd.
Acause o't A haud straucht by yer orders in aw things;
an A am an ill-willer o ilka fause wey.

O whit luve A hae for yer law!

Yer uncheengin wird is fou o wunner;
for this raison ma saul hauds tae't.
The appenin o yer wirds gies licht;
it gies mense tae the semple.

O whit luve A hae for yer law!

[From Psalm 119 in The Old Testament in Scots, vol. 3, The Books of Wisdom, [Job, Psaums, Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, Sang o Sangs] trans. Gavin Falconer and Ross G. Arthur (2014) (translation into Plain Scots under the auspices of the Ullans Academy) ISBN 978-1-78324-006-7. Amazon US here. Amazon UK here.]

Second reading
Romans 8: 28-30

We ken, mairowre, at the Spírit wurks for their guid wi them at luves God - the, at is, at hes been caa'd conform til his eternal purpose. Them at he choised for his ain i the auld he pre-ordeined suid become like his Son, sae at his Son suid be the auldest o a familie o monie brithirs. Them at he sae pre-ordeined he hes caa'd, an them at he hes caa'd he hes juistifíed, an them he hes juistifíed he hes glorifíed.

[From The New Testament in Scots (2012), translated by W. L. Lorimer, Canongate Classics, ISBN 978 0 85786 285 3, Amazon UK here, Amazon US here.]

Gospel reading
Matthew 13: 44-52

[Jesus spak' until the thrang:] "Again, the kingdom o’ heaven is like until treasure hidet in a field; the whilk whan a man hath fund, he hideth, an’ for joy thereo’ gaeth an’ selleth a’ that he hath, an’ coffeth that field.

"Again, the kingdom o’ heaven is like until a merchantman seekin’ guidly pearls: Wha, whan he hath fund ae pearl o’ great price, gaed an’ sauld a’ that he had, an’ coft it.

"Again, the kingdom o' heaven is like a net, that was coost intil the sea, an’ gather’t o’ ilka kind: Whilk whan it was fu’, they drew til shore, an’ sat doun an’ gather’t the guid intil creels, but coost the bad awa. Sae sall it be at the en’ o’ the warld; the angels sall come furth, an’ shed the wicket frae amang the just, an’ sall cast them intil the kill o’ fire; there sall be greetin’ an’ runchin’ o’ teeth."

Jesus saith until them, "Hae ye understood a’ thae things?" They say until him, "Ay, Lord." Syne said he until them, "Therefore ilka scribe wha is instruckit until the kingdom o’ heaven is like until a man that is a househaulder, wha bringeth furth out o' his treasure things new an’ auld."

[From The Gospel of St. Matthew, Translated Into Lowland Scotch, by George Henderson (1862) here]

Saturday, 22 July 2017

Mass readings in Scots: Sixteenth Sunday of the Year (Year A)

First reading
Wisdom 12: 13, 16-19

For thare is nae ither god but you, that hae care o aw,
sae as ye maun shaw ye dinna gie juidgement unjuistlie.
For yeir pouer is the beginnin o juistice:
an sith ye ir laird o aw, ye mak yeirsel gracious til aw.
For ye shaw yeir pouer, whan men winna trew ye ti be absolute i power,
an ye insense the gallusness o thaim that dinna ken ye.
But ye bein maister o pouer, juidge wi tranquillitie;
an wi gret favour dispose o us:
for yeir pouer is at haund whan ye wul.
But ye hae taucht yeir fowk bi sic warks,
that thai maun be juist an couthie,
an hae made yeir bairns ti be o a guid howp: a
sith i juidgin ye mak scowth for repentance for sins.

[Own translation. Level 2 18/07/20. Methodology here]

Responsorial Psalm
Psalm 85: 5-6, 9-10, 15-16 (resp. v.5)

For thou, Lord, art guid, an' readie till forgie.

For thou, Lord, art guid, an' readie till forgie;
an' routh in mercie untill a' thaime that ca' apon thee.
Gie eær, O Lord, untill my præyer;
an' tak' tent til the voyce o' my supplicationes.

For thou, Lord, art guid, an' readie till forgie.

A' nationes wham thou hest mæde sall cum an' bowe doun afore thee,
O Lord, an' sall glorifie thy næme.
For thou art grit, an' deth wunderfu' things;
thou art God alane.

For thou, Lord, art guid, an' readie till forgie.

But thou, O Lord, art ane God fu' o' tendir pitie, an' gracious,
an' waynesum in mercie an' trouth.
O turn untill me, an' hae mercie apon me.

For thou, Lord, art guid, an' readie till forgie.

[From Psalm 86 in The Book of Psalms in Lowland Scots Henry Scott Riddell (1857) here]

Second reading
Romans 8: 26-27

I the same wye, e Speerit helps wir wykeness; cause we dinna ken foo tae pray richt gait, bit e Speerit inno hiz is prayin for hiz in grains att we canna pit in tae wirds. An God, fa sees in till wir herts, kens fit e Speerit means, cause he pleads for God's fowk in God's ain wye.

[From The Doric New Testament (2012), rendered in Doric by Gordon M. Hay, published by G. M. Hay, Longside, ISBN 978-0-9573515-0-9, author's website, Amazon UK here, Amazon US here.]

Gospel reading
Matthew 13: 24-43

Anither parable pat he furth untill them, sayin’, "The kingdoom o’ heæven is likenet untill ane man whilk sawet guid seed in his field. But while he sleepet, his enemy cam’ an’ sawet tares amang the wheet, an’ gaed his waye. But whan the braird was sprung up an’ broucht furth frut, than kythet the tares alsua. Sae the servents o’ the houshaulder cam’ an’ said untill him, 'Sir, didestna thou saw guid seed in thy field? frae whance than heth it tares?' He said untill them, 'Ane enemy heth dune this.' The servents said untill him, 'Wult thou than that we gae an’ gether them up?' But he said, 'Na, in kase while ye gether up the tares, ye rute up alsua the wheet wi’ them. Let baith growe thegither until the hairst; an’ in the time o’ the hairst I wull say, til the sheerers, Gether ye thegither first the tares, an’ bin’ them in bunches til burn them: but gether the wheet intill my bern.'"

Anither parable pat he furth untill them, sayin’, "The kingdoom o’ heæven is like til ane grain o’ mustart-seed, whilk ane man tuik an’ sawet in his field; whilk trewlie is the littlest o’ a’ seeds, but whan it is grown it is the gritest amang yirbs, an’ turns out ane trie, sae that the burds o’ the air come an’ ludge in the branches o’t."

Anither parable spak he untill them: "The kingdoom o’ heæven is like untill leæven whilk ane woman tuik an’ hade in three measurs o’ meal, till the haill was leævenet."

А’ thae things spak Jesus untill the multitud in parables; an’ bot ane parable spakna he untill them: that it micht be fufillet whilk was spokin bie the prophet:

     I wull open my mooth in parables;
     I wull utter things whilk hae been keepet secreit frae the fundation o’ the warld.

Than Jesus sendet the multitud awa an’ gaed intill the hous: an’ his discipels cam’ untill him, sayin’, "Mak’ plane untill us the parable o’ the tares o’ the field." He answiret an’ said untill them, "He that sawith the guid seed is the Son o’ man; the field is the wаrld; the guid seed ar the childer o’ the kingdoom; but the tares ar the childer o’ the wicket ane; the enemy that sawet them is the deevil; the hairst is the en’ o’ the wаrld; an’ the sheerers ar the angils. As therfor the tares ar’ getheret an’ brunt in the fire, sae sall it be in the en’ o’ the warld. The Son o’ man sall sen’ furth his angils, an’ they sall gether out o’ his kingdoom a’ things that offen’, an’ them that do inequitie; an sall cast them intill ane furnace o’fire: ther sall be greetin’ an’ nashin’ o’ teeth. Than sall the richtious shine furth as the sun in the kingdoom o’ the Faether. Wha heth ears til hear, let him hear."

The Gospel of St. Matthew in Lowland Scotch, from the English Authorised Version. By H. S. Riddell (1856) here

Saturday, 15 July 2017

Mass readings in Scots: Fifteenth Sunday of the Year (Year A)

First Reading
Isaiah 55:10-11

"For e'en like's the showir an' the snaw frae the lifts win awa, an' they dinna retour; bot the yirth they can drook till scho braird an' break-out, till gie seed ti' the sawer an' bread ti' the mawer: e'en sae sal the word be gangs but frae my mouthe; it sanna come hame till me toom: bot ay it sal do, what I will tharout; an' thrive, whar I gied it room."

(From Peter Hately Waddell (1879) Isaiah: Frae Hebrew intil Scottis, J. Menzies & Co, Edinburgh and Glasgow (reprint Lightning Source UK Ltd, Milton Keynes, ISBN 9-781274542106 (Amazon UK here; Amazon US here)).)

Responsorial Psalm
Psalm 64:10-14 (65: 9-13) (resp. Luke 8: 8)

Some seed fell on guid grund,
an gíed a crap.

Thou veesitist the yirth, an' waterist it;
thou gritlie inrichist it
wi' the river o' God, whilk is fu' o' water:
thou prepairist the coorn whan thou best sae mæde it readie.

Some seed fell on guid grund,
an gíed a crap.

Thou waterist the riggs o't abundentlie;
thou settelist the furs thero';
thou makist it saft wi' shoors;
thou blissist the brairdin' o't.

Some seed fell on guid grund,
an gíed a crap.

Thou crownist the yeer wi' thy guidniss,
an' thy peths drap fatniss.
Thaye drap apon the pasters o' the wuldirniss;

Some seed fell on guid grund,
an gíed a crap.

an' the wee hills rejoyce on ilka syde.
The heff-gangs ar claethet wi' hirsels o' sheepe;
the vallies ar alsua kiveret ower wi' coorn;
thaye crye owt for joy, thaye lilt alsua an' sing.

Some seed fell on guid grund,
an gíed a crap.

(From Psalm 65 in The Book of Psalms in Lowland Scots Henry Scott Riddell (1857) here; response based on The New Testament in Scots (2012), translated by W. L. Lorimer, Canongate Classics, ISBN 978 0 85786 285 3, Amazon UK here, Amazon US here here)

Second Reading
Romans 8:18-23

And I deme, that the passiounns of this tyme ar nocht worthi to the glorie to cummand, that salbe schewit in vs. For the abiding of creature abides the schewing of the sonnis of God. Bot the creature is subiect to vanytee, nocht willand, bot for him that made it subiect in hope; For the ilk creature salbe delyuerit fra seruage of corruptioun into libertee of glorie of the sonnis of God. And we wate, that ilk creature sorowis, and traualis with payn till yit. And nocht aanly it, bot alsa we our self, that haue the first fruitis of the spirit, and we our self sorowis within vs for the adoptioun of Goddis sonnis, abiding the aganebying of our body.

(From The New Testament in Scots Murdoch Nisbet [c.1520] (1903)vol 2 here )

Matthew 13:1-21

And that day Jesus yede out of the hous, and satt beside the see. And mekile pepile was gaderit to him, sa that he went vp into a boote, and satt; and all the pepile stude on the brink. And he spak mony thingis to tham in parabillis, and said,

"Lo, he that sawis yede out to saw his sede: And quhile he sawis, sum sedes fell beside the way, and briddis of the aere com and ete tham:  Bot vthir sede fell in stany places, quhar thai had nocht mekile erde; and anon thai sprang vp, for thai had nocht depnes of erde: Bot quhen the sonn was risen, thai scaldit; and for thai had nocht rute, thai dryet vp: And vther seedis fell amang thornes; and thornes wox up and stranglit thaim:  Bot vthir sedes fell into gude land, and gaue frute, sum a hundrethfald, an vthir sextifald, and an vthir threttifald. He that has eiris of hering, here he." 

And the disciplis com nere, and said to him, "Quhy spekis thou in parabilis to tham?" And he ansuerde and said to tham, "For to you it is gevin to knaw the priuateis of the kingdom of heuenis, bot it is nocht gevin to tham. For it salbe gevin to him that has, and he sal haue plentee ; bot gif a man has nocht, alsa that thing that he has salbe takin away fra him. Tharfor I speke to tham in parabilis: for thai seand, seis nocht; and thai herand, here nocht; nouthir vndirstandis. That the prophecie of Esaie be fulfillit in tham, 

With hering ye sal here, and ye sal nocht vndirstand;
and ye seand sal se, and ye sal nocht se:
For the hart of this pepile is gretly fattit, 
and thai herd hevilie with eiris, and they haue closet thar een;
or perauenter thai se with een,
and with eiris here,
and vnderstind in hert,
and thai be conuertit, and I heill tham.

"Bot your een that seis ar blessit, and your eiris that heres. Forsuthe I say to you, that mony prophetis and iustmen couatit to se tha thingis that ye se, and thai saw nocht; and to here tha thingis that ye here, and thai herd nocht.

"Tharfore here ye the parabile of the sawere. Ilkman that heris the word of the realm, and vndirstandis nocht, the euile spirit cummis, and rauysis that that is sawne in his hart. This it is that is sawne beside the way. Bot this that is sawne on the stany land, this it is that heris the word of God, and anoon with joy takis it: And he has nocht rute in him self, bot is temporale; for quhen tribulatioun and persecutioun is made for the word, anoon he is sclaundrit. Bot he that is sawne on thornes is this that heris the word; and the besynes of this warlde, and fallace of richessis, stranglis the word, and it is made without frute. Bot he that is sawne into gude lande is this that heris the worde, and vndirstandis; and bringis furth frute, and sum makis a hundrethfald, trewlie an vthir sextifald, and an vthir threttyfald."

(From The New Testament in Scots Murdoch Nisbet [c.1520] (1901) vol 1 here)

Saturday, 8 July 2017

Mass readings in Scots: Fourteenth Sunday of the Year (Year A)

First reading
Zechariah 9: 9-10

The Laird says this:

"Be fou o joy, O dochter o Zion!
Gie a glad cry, O dochter o Jerusalem!
See, yer king comes tae ye:
he is upricht an haes overcome;
gentle an seatit on an ass, on a young ass.
An he wul hae the chairiot cut aff frae Ephraim,
an the horse frae Jerusalem,
an the bow o war wul be cut aff:
an he wul say words o peace tae the nations:
an his rule wul be frae sea tae sea,
an frae the River tae the ends o the yird."

[Own translation level 1 01/07/20 methodology here]

Responsorial Psalm
Psalm 144: 1-2, 8-11, 13-14. (resp. v. 1)

Lord God o' my ain, that's King,
I maun heize ye heigh.

Lord God o' my ain, that's King, I maun heize ye heigh;
an' laud yer name, for evir an' ay:
Ilka day, I maun roose yersel;
an' laud yer name for evir an' ay.

Lord God o' my ain, that's King,
I maun heize ye heigh.

Kind an' pitifu' ay is the Lord;
lang or he lowes; and rews right fain:
Gude's the Lord till aforby;
an' his pitie, atowre his warks ilk ane.

Lord God o' my ain, that's King,
I maun heize ye heigh.

Lord, yer doens, they praise ye a';
an' sants o' yer ain, they suld speak ye fair:
The weight o' yer kingryks, folk maun tell;
an' ay on yer rightousness words maun ware.

Lord God o' my ain, that's King,
I maun heize ye heigh.

Thae realms o' thine, hae been realms out o' mind;
an' yer rewl, it's ayont a' livin kind.
The Lord, he stoops a' wha stacher down;
an' straughts a' wha gang twa-fauld.

Lord God o' my ain, that's King,
I maun heize ye heigh.

[From Psalm 145 in The Psalms: frae Hebrew intil Scottis P. Hately Waddell (1891) here]

Second reading
Romans 8: 9, 11-13

Bot ye ar nocht in flesch, bot in spirit; gif neuirtheles the spirit of God duellis in you. Bot gif ony has nocht the spirit of Crist, this is nocht his. And gif the spirit of him that raasit Jesu Crist fra deid duellis in you, he that raasis Jesu Crist fra deid, sal quickin alsa your bodijs, for the spirit of him that duellis in you.

Tharfore, brether, we ar dettouris, nocht to flesch, that we leef eftir the flesch. For gif ye leeue eftir the flesch, ye sal dee; bot gif ye be the spirit slais the deedis of the flesch, ye sal leeue.

[From The New Testament in Scots Murdoch Nisbet [c.1520] (1903) vol 2 here]

Gospel reading
Matthew 11: 25-30

At that time Jesus spak’ an’ said, "I thank thee, O Father, Lord o’ heaven an’ yirth, because thou hast hidden thae things frae the wise an’ prudent, an’ hast shawed them until bairns. E’en sae, Father: for sae it seemet guid in thy sicht. A’ things are gien until me o’ my Father; an’ nae man kenneth the Son but the Father; neither kenneth ony man the Father saufan’ the Son, an’ be til whamsaever the Son sall shaw him.

"Come until me, a’ ye wha labor an’ are heavy laden, an’ I will gie you rest. Tak’ my yoke upon you, an’ learn o’ me; for I am meek an’ laighly in hairt; an’ ye sall fin’ rest until your sauls. For my yoke is easy, an’ my burden is licht."

(From The Gospel of St. Matthew, Translated Into Lowland Scotch, by George Henderson (1862) here )

Saturday, 1 July 2017

Mass readings in Scots: Thirteenth Sunday of the Year (Year A)

First reading
2 Kings 4: 8-11, 14-16

Nou thare came a day whan Elisha went ti Shunem, an thare wis a leddy steyin thare, that made him come i an hae a meal wi her. An sin syne, ivery time he went bi, he went intil her house for meat. An she says til her man, "Nou A see this is a holy man o God, that comes bi day eftir day. Sae let us make a wee room on the wall; an put a bit thare for him, an a table an a seat an a licht; sae whan he comes til us, he can gae i thare. Nou ane day, whan he haed gone thare, he went inti the wee room an took his rest thare. Sae he says, "Whit then is ti be done for her?" An Gehazi made answer, "Still thare is this, she has nae son an her man is auld." Then Elisha says, "Send for her."  An i answer til his voice she took her place at the door. An Elisha says, "At this time i the comin year ye will hae a son i yer arms."

[Own translation 27/06/20, level 1. For methodology see here.]

Responsorial Psalm
Psalm 88: 2-3, 16-19 (resp. v.2)

I wull sing o' the mercies o' the Lord forevir.

I wull sing o' the mercies o' the Lord forevir:
wi' my mooth wull I mak' kennet thy faithfu'niss til a' ganæratians.
I hae said, Mercie sall be buggen up forevir:
thy faithfu'niss sallt thou sete up, an' mak' siccer in the verra heævens.

I wull sing o' the mercies o' the Lord forevir.

Blisset ar the peeple wha ken the joyfu' suund;
thaye sall gae on in the licht o' thy countinence.
In thy næme sall thaye rejoyce a' the daye:
an' in thy richteousniss sall thaye be liftet up.

I wull sing o' the mercies o' the Lord forevir.

For ye ar the glorie o' thair strencth,
an' in thy faavor our hoorn sall be sete heich.
For the Lord is our defense,
an' the Haly Ane o' Israel our King.
I wull sing o' the mercies o' the Lord forevir.

[From Psalm 89 in The Book of Psalms in Lowland Scots Henry Scott Riddell (1857) here]

Second reading
Romans 6: 3-4, 8-11

Div ye nae myn att fan we wis baptised intae accoord wi Jesus Christ, we wis baptised in tae his daith? We wis deid an beeriet wi him in baptism, sae att jist as he wis reesed up fae e deid bi e glory o e Fadder, sae we mith set fit on e new pathie o life anaa.

An gin we be deid wi Christ, syne seerly we maun be alive wi him, kennin att Christ, reesed fae e deid, winna dee again, he's nae lannger domineered bi daith. He deit cause o ill wyes bit the eence, bit noo att he lives, he lives in God. E same wye, ee maun think on yersels as deid tae ill wyes an alive tae God, throw Jesus Christ wir Lord.

[From The Doric New Testament (2012), rendered in Doric by Gordon M. Hay, published by G. M. Hay, Longside, ISBN 978-0-9573515-0-9, author's website, Amazon UK here, Amazon US here.]

Gospel Reading
Matthew 10: 37-42

[Thir twal Jesus sent oot, and chairged them, sayin,] “Wha lo'es faither or mither mair nor me, isna wordie o' me; and wha lo’es son or dochter mair nor me, isna wordie o’ me. And wha taks-na up his cross, to follow me, isna wordie o’ me. He wha wins his life sal tine it; and wha tines his life for my sake, he sal win it!

“He wha welcomes you, welcomes me; and he wha welcomes me, welcomes him wha sent me forth.

“He wha take in a seer, in the name o’ a seer, sal receive a seer’s reward; and he wha taks in a holie man i’ the name o’ a holie man, wins a holie man’s reward.

“And whasae sal gie to drink til ane o’ thir wee anes a cup o' the cauld watir only, i’ the name o’ a disciple -truly I say t’ye, he sanna in onygate tine his reward!”

[From The New Testament in Braid Scots William Wye Smith (1904) here]