Copleston's A History of Philosophy

[Under construction: Last updated 1 November 2013]

Father Copleston's A History of Philosophy has achieved something of the status of a classic, particularly among Catholics. (Personally, I have some doubts about its suitability as an introductory text book, in particular (and most noticeably in volume 1) due to its extensive use of untranslated quotes in Latin and Greek, and its assumption of an existing familiarity with philosophy. But still...)

In any case, I shall attempt on this page to link to materials useful in reading this work. As a beginning, I shall attempt to link its bibliographies to online (free) editions of the works referred to. (Whilst there's an obvious objection that, in many cases the scholarship is outdated, I'd reply: a) even if much of the scholarship is unfashionable, the reading of a text through the prism of a Catholic scholastic sensibility remains of abiding worth to those of us intent on immersing ourselves in that sensibility rather than pursuing current intellectual fashions; and b) there remains an historical interest in tracing what someone trained in early twentieth century neo-scholasticism thought worth reading.)

The bibliographies are from the (paperback) Image Books edition of the History, published in 1962. They are taken verbatim from that edition, with material in square brackets being my additions.]

Volume 1: Greece and Rome. Part I

1. General Histories of Greek Philosophy

Adamson, R. (ed. Sorley and Hardie). The Development of Greek Philosophy. London. 1908. [Here.] [26/8/13]

Benn, A. W. The Greek Philosophers. London, 1914. [1882 edition, here.] [26/8/13]

Bréhier, E. Histoire de la philosophie: tome 1. L'antiquité et le moyen âge. Paris. 1943. [Here.] [Biography of Bréhier (French), here.] [9/8/13]

Burnet, J. Greek Philosophy, Part I. Thales to Plato. MacMillan. (This scholarly work is indispensable to the student.) [1928 edition, here.] [26/8/13]

Erdmann, J. E. A History of Philosophy, vol. I. Swan Sonnenschein, 1910. (Erdmann was an eminent historian of the Hegelian school.) [Trans. W.S. Hough, 1890, here.] [26/8/13]

Gomperz, Th. Greek Thinkers, 4 vols. (Trs. L. Magnus.) John Murray. [vol. 1, here; vol. 2, here; vol. 3, here; vol. 4, here.] [26/8/13]

Stace, W. T. A Critical History of Greek Philosophy. MacMillan, 1920. [Here.] [26/8/13]

Stockl, A. A Handbook of the History of Philosophy. Part I. Pre-Scholastic Philosophy. Trs by T. A. Finlay, S.J. Dublin, 1887. [Here.] [26/8/13]

Ueberweg-Praechter. Die Philosophie des Altertums. Berlin, Mittler, 1926. [1920 edition, here.] [English translation of 1871 German edition, publ. 1889, here.] [26/8/13]

Zeller, E. Outlines of the History of Greek Philosophy. Kegan Paul, 1931. (Revised by W. Nestle, translated by L.R. Palmer [1886 edition translated by S.F. Alleyne and E. Abbott, here.] [26/8/13]


2. Pre-Socratic Philosophy

The best collection of the fragments of the pre-Socratics is to be found in Hermann Diels' Vorsokratiker, fifth edition. Berlin, 1934-5. [2nd edition, vol. 1, here; 2nd edition, vol. 2, first half, here; 2nd edition, vol 2, second half, here .] [There does not appear to be a scanned complete 3rd or 4th edition yet available online from the Internet archive. The 4th edition bills itself as a '3rd edition with supplements', so may be compatible. 3rd edition, vol. 1, here; 3rd edition, vol. 2, here; 4th edition, vol. 2, here, 4th edition, vol. 3, here] [Wikipedia article, Diels, here.][26/8/13]

[Kathleen Freeman's standard English translation of Diels (Ancilla to the Pre-Socratic Philosophers) can be found, here.] [26/8/13]

[Kirk and Raven's selection and translation of the Presocratics (1957) can be found here.] [26/8/13]

[A website offering the 5th edition of Diels-Kranz (Greek texts with an Italian translation), here.] [26/8/13]


Burnet, J. Early Greek Philosophy. Black, 3rd edition, 1920; 4th edition, 1930. (This extremely useful work includes very many fragments.) [2nd edition, here.] [26/8/13]

Fairbanks, A. The First Philosophers of Greece. London, 1898. [Here.] [26/8/13]

Zeller, E. A HIstory of Greek Philosophy from the earliest period to the time of Socrates. Trs. S. F. Alleyne, 2 vols. Longmans, 1881. [Vol 1, here; vol. 2, here.] [26/8/13]


3. Plato

Archer-Hind, R.D. The Timaeus of Plato. Macmillan, 1888. [Here.] [Greek text, translation and notes] [27/8/13]

Demos, R. The Philosophy of Plato. Scribners, 1939. [Here.] [27/8/13]

Field, G.C. Plato and his Contemporaries. Methuen, 1930. [Here.] [27/8/13]

Grote, C. Plato and the other Companions of Socrates. John Murray, 2nd edition, 1867. [1885 edition, four volumes: vol. 1, here; vol. 2, here; vol. 3, here;  vol. 4, here.] [27/8/13]

Lutoslawski, W. The Origin and Growth of Plato's Logic. London, 1905. [1897 edition, here.]
Milhaud, G. Les philosophes-géomètres de la Grèce. 2nd edition, Paris, 1934. [1900 edition, here.] [27/8/13]

Nettleship, R.L. Lectures on the Republic of Plato. Macmillan, 1898. [Here.] [27/8/13]

Ritter, C. Platon, sein Leben, seine Schriften, sein Lehre. 2  vols. Munich, 1910 and 1923. [Vol 1, here; vol. 2, here.] [28/8/13]

Robin, L. La physique de Platon. Paris, 1919. [Études sur la signification et la place de la physique dans la philosophie de Platon. Paris, 1919. Here.] [28/8/13]

Shorey, P. The Unity of Plato's Thought. Chicago, 1903. [Here.] [28/8/13]

Stewart, J.A. The Myths of Plato. O.U.P., 1905. [Here.] [28/8/13]

Stewart, J.A. Plato's Doctrine of Ideas. O.U.P., 1909. [Here.] [28/8/13]

Taylor, A.E. Plato, the Man and his Work. Methuen, 1926. (No student of Plato should be unacquainted with this masterly work.) [Here.] [28/8/13]

Taylor, A.E. Platonism and its Influence. USA. 1924 (Eng.Harrap) [New York, 1963, here.] [28/8/13]

Wilamowitz-Moellendorf, U. von. Platon. 2 vols. Berlin, 1919. [Vol. 1, here; vol. 2, here.] [3/09/13]

Zeller, E. Plato and the Older Academy. Longmans, 1876. (Translated by S.F. Alleyne and A. Goodwin.) [Here.] [27/8/13]


Volume 1: Greece and Rome. Part II

1. General Histories of Greek Philosophy

[See Part I above] [12/9/13]

2Pre-Socratic Philosophy 

[See Part I above] [12/9/13]

3. Plato

[See Part I above] [12/9/13]


4. Aristotle

The Oxford translation of the works of Aristotle is published in eleven volumes, under the editorship of J. A. Smith and W. D. Ross. [vol. 1, here; vol. 2, here; vol. 3, here; vol. 4, here; vol.5, here; vol. 6, here; vol. 7, here; vol. 8, here; vol. 9, here; vol. 10, here; vol. 11, here; vol. 12, here]  [13/9/13]

Barker, E. The Political Thought of Plato and Aristotle. Methuen. 1906. [Here.] [12/9/13]

Case, T. Article on Aristotle in the Encyc. Brit., 11th edition. [Here.]  [13/9/13]

Grote, T. Aristotle. London, 1883. [2nd ed. 1880, here] [12/9/13]

Jaeger, Werner. Aristotle. Fundamentals of the History of his Development. O.U.P. 1934. (Translated by R. Robinson.) [German original, 1923, here.] [12/9/13]

Piat, C. Aristote. Paris, 1912. [Here.] [13/9/13]

Taylor, A.E. Aristotle. Nelson, 1943. [Revised edition, 1919, here] [12/9/13]

Zeller, E. Aristotle and the earlier Peripatetics. 2 vols. Longmans, 1897. [Vol. 1, here; vol. 2, here.] [12/9/13]


5. Post-Aristotelian Philosophy

Arnold, E.V. Roman Stoicism. 1911. [Here.] [12/9/13]

Bevan, E. E. Stoics and Sceptics. O.U.P., 1913. [Here.] [13/9/13]

Bigg, C. Neoplatonism.  S.P.C.K., 1895. [Here.] [13/9/13]

Bréhier, E. Philon d'Alexandrie. Paris, 1908. [Here.] [13/9/13]

Capes, W. W. Stoicism. S.P.C.K., 1880. [Here.] [13/9/13]

Dill, Sir S. Roman Society from Nero to Marcus Aurelius. Macmillan, 1905. [Here.] [13/9/13]

Fuller, B.A.G. The Problem of Evil in Plotinus. Cambridge, 1912. [Here.] [12/9/13]

Hicks, R. D. Stoic and Epicurean. Longmans, 1910. [Here.] [13/9/13]

Inge, W. R. The Philosophy of Plotinus. 2 vols. 3rd edition. Longmans, 1928. [1918, vol. 1, here; vol. 2, here] [12/9/13]

Lebreton, J. Histoire du dogme de la Trinité. Paris, 1910. [Vol 1, Les origines, here; vol. 2, De  St Clément à  Saint Irénée, here.] [13/9/13]

Plotinus. The Enneads have been translated into English, in five vols. by S. MacKenna and B. S. Page. 1917-30. [Vol. 1, here; vol. 2, here; vol. 3, here; vol. 4, here; vol. 5, here] [17/9/13]

Reinhardt, K. Poseidonios. Munich, 1921. [Here.] [13/9/13]

Taylor, T. Select Works of Plotinus (ed. G. R. S. Mead). G. Bell and Sons, 1929 [1895, here.] [17/9/13]

Whittaker, T. The Neo-Platonists. 2nd edition, Cambridge, 1901. [Here.] [13/9/13]

Zeller, E. Plato and the Older Academy. Longmans, 1876. (Translated by O.J. Reichel.) [1876 edition translated by Alleyne and Goodwin, here] [12/9/13]

Zeller, E. A History of Eclecticism in Greek Philosophy. Longmans, 1883. (Translated by S. F. Alleyne.) [Here.] [12/9/13]


Volume 2: Mediaeval Philosophy. Part I: Augustine to Bonaventure.

General works on Mediaeval Philosophy:

Bréhier, E. Histoire de la philosophie: tome 1. L'antiquité et le moyen âge. Paris. 1943. [Here.] [Biography of Bréhier (French), here.] [9/8/13]

Carlyle, R. W. & A. J. A History of Mediaeval Political Theory in the West. 4 vols. London, 1903-22. [vol 1, here; vol 2, here; vol 3, here; vol 4, here; vol 5, here; vol 6, here.] [9/8/13]

De Wulf, M. Histoire de la philosophie mediévale. 3 vols. Louvain, 1934-47 (6th edition). [1st edition in one volume, here ] English translation of first two vols. by E.C. Messenger, London, 1935-8 (3rd edition). [vol 1, here; vol 2, not available (at 9/8/13). These are translations of the 6th French edition. A one volume translation of the 2nd French edition by P. Coffey is available here.] [Biography of De Wulf, here.] [9/8/13]

Geyer, B. Die patristiche and scholastische Philosophie. Berlin, 1928. (This is the second volume of the revised edition of Ueberweg.) [The 1928 edition doesn't seem to be available (at 8/8/13). An earlier edition (1915) by Mattias Baumgartner of Ueberweg is available here.] [Biography of Ueberweg, here.] [English translation of 1871 German edition, publ. 1889, here.] [26/8/13]

Gilson, E. La philosophie au moyen âge. Paris, 1944 (2nd edition, revised and augmented). [1st edition, here.] [10/8/13]

Gilson, E. Études de philosophie médiévale. Strasbourg, 1921. [Here.] [10/8/13]

Grunwald, G. Geschichte der Gottesbeweise im Mittelalter bis zum Ausgang der Hochscholastik.  Münster, 1907. [Here.] [10/8/13]

Hauréau, B. Histoire de la philosophie scolastique. 3 vols. Paris, 1872-80. [Part 1, here; Part 2, tome 1, here; part 2 tome 2, here.] [Biography of author: here and here.] [9/8/13]

Hawkins, D.J.B. A Sketch of Mediaeval Philosophy. London. 1946. [Here.] [9/8/13]

Lebreton, J. Histoire du dogme de la Trinité. Paris, 1910. [Vol 1, Les origines, here; vol. 2, De  St Clément à  Saint Irénée, here.]

Picavet, F. Esquisse d'une histoire générale et comparée des philosophies médiévales. Paris, 1907 (2nd edition). [Here.] [10/8/13]

Picavet, F. Essais sur l'histoire générale et comparée des théologies et des philosophies médiévales. Paris, 1913. [Here.] [10/8/13]

Stöckl, A. Geschichte der Philosophie des Mittelalters. 3 vols, Mainz, 1864-6. [vol. 1, here; vol 2, here; vol. 3, here.] [10/8/13]


Chapter II: The Patristic Period

(a) Texts: General collections of

Corpus scriptorum ecclesiasticorum Latinorum. Vienna. [List of works available online: here and here.] [18/9/13]

Ante-Nicene Christian Library. Translations of the writings of the Fathers down to A.D. 325. Edinburgh. [Here. Description of series (Wikipedia article), here.]  [18/9/13]

[English translations. Early Church Fathers, CCEL: contains Ante-Nicene, Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers. Here. Early Church Fathers (additional texts not included in the original collection (Roger Pearse). Here.] [18/9/13]

(b) Particular Texts

Tertullian. Tertullian concerning the Resurrection of the Flesh. A. Souter (edit.). London, 1922. [Here.] [18/9/13]

Tertullian. Tertullian against Praxeas. A. Souter (edit.). London, 1920. [Here.] [18/9/13]

Other Works
Baylis, H. J. Minucius Felix. London., 1928. [Here.] [11/8/13]

Diekamp, F. Die Gotteslehre des Heiligen Gregor von Nyssa. Münster, 1896. [Here.] [10/8/13]

Fairweather, W. Origen and Greek Patristic Theology. London, 1901. [Here.] [10/8/13]

Hitchcock, F.R. Montgomery. Irenaeus of Lugdunum. Cambridge, 1914. [Here.] [11/8/13]

Lebreton, J. Histoire du dogme de la Trinité. Paris, 1910. [Vol 1, Les origines, here; vol. 2, De  St Clément à  Saint Irénée, here.]

Thamin, R. Saint Ambroise et la morale chrétienne au IVe siècle. Paris, 1895. [Here.] [11/8/13]


Chapter XI: The Carolingian Renaissance


Buxton, E.M. Wilmot. Alcuin. London, 1922. [Here.] [18/9/13]

Taylor, H.O. The Mediaeval Mind, vol. 1. London, 1911. [Here. (Vol. 2, here.)] [18/9/13]

Turnau, D. Rabanus Maurus praeceptor Germaniae. Munich, 1900. [Here. (German).] [18/9/13]


Chapters XII-XIII: John Scotus Eriugena


Selections (in English) in Selections from Mediaeval Philosophers, vol. 1, by R. McKeon. London, 1930. [Here.][18/9/13]


Schneider, A. Die Erkenntnislehre des Johannes Eriugena im Rahmen ihrer metaphysischen und anthropologischen Voraussetzungen. 2 vols. Berlin, 1921-3. [Vol. 1, here; vol. 2, no trace (18/9/13).] [Biography of Schneider (German, Wikipedia), here.][18/9/13]


Chapter XIV: The Problem of Universals


Selections from Abelard in Selections from Mediaeval Philosophers, vol. 1, by R. McKeon. London, 1930. [Here.] [18/9/13]


Berthaud, A. Gilbert de la Porrée et sa philosophie. Poitiers, 1892. [Here.] [18/9/13]

Cousin, V. Ouvrages inédits d'Abelard. Paris, 1836. [Here.] [18/9/13]

De Wulf, M.Le Problème des universaux dans son évolution historique du IXe au XIIIe siècle. Archiv fuer Geschichte der Philosophie, 1896. [Here.]  [18/9/13]

Lefèvre, G. Les variations de Guillaume de Champeaux et la question des universaux. Lille, 1898. [Here.] [18/9/13]

Picavet, F. Gerbert ou le pape philosophe. Paris, 1897. [Here.] [18/9/13]

Picavet, F. Roscelin, philosophe et théologien d'après la légende et d'après l'histoire. Paris, 1911. [Here.] [18/9/13]

Reiners, J. Der aristotelische Realismus in der Frühscholastik . Bonn, 1907 [Here.] [18/9/13]


Chapter XVII: The School of St. Victor


Ebner, J. Die Erkenntnislehre Richards von St. Viktor. Muenster, 1917 (Beiträge, 19, 4). [Here.] [18/9/13]

Mignon, A. Les origines de la scolastique et Hugues de Saint-Victor, 2 vols. Paris, 1895. [Vol. 1, here; vol. 2, here] [18/9/13]


Chapter XIX: Islamic Philosophy

Studies: General

Carra de Vaux, B. Les penseurs d'Islam. 5 vols. Paris, 1921-6. [Vol.1, here; vol. 2, no trace; vol. 3, no trace; vol. 4, no trace; vol. 5, no trace] [18/9/13]

Munk, S. Mélanges de philosophie Juive et Arabe. Paris, 1927. [Here.] [18/9/13]

O'Leary, De Lacy. Arabic Thought and its place in History. London, 1922. [Here.] [18/9/13]

The Legacy of Islam. T. Arnold and A. Guillaume (edit.). Oxford, 1931. [Here.] [18/9/13]


Carra de Vaux, B. Gazali. Paris, 1902. [Here.] [18/9/13]

Carra de Vaux, B. Avicenne. Paris, 1900. [Here.] [18/9/13]

Gauthier, L. La théorie d'Ibn Rochd sur les rapports de la religion et de la philosophie. Paris, 1909. [Here.] [19/9/13]

Horten, M. Die Metaphysik des Averroes. Halle, 1912. [Here.] [19/9/13]

Renan, E. Averroes et l'averroïsme. Paris, 1869. [1852 edition, here] [19/9/13]

Volume 2: Mediaeval Philosophy. Part II: Albert the Great to Duns Scotus.

General works on Mediaeval Philosophy:

Bréhier, E. Histoire de la philosophie: tome 1. L'antiquité et le moyen âge. Paris. 1943. [Here.] [Biography of Bréhier (French), here.] [9/8/13]

Carlyle, R. W. & A. J. A History of Mediaeval Political Theory in the West. 4 vols. London, 1903-22. [vol 1, here; vol 2, here; vol 3, here; vol 4, here; vol 5, here; vol 6, here.] [9/8/13]

De Wulf, M. Histoire de la philosophie mediévale. 3 vols. Louvain, 1934-47 (6th edition). [1st edition in one volume, here ] English translation of first two vols. by E.C. Messenger, London, 1935-8 (3rd edition). [vol 1, here; vol 2, not available (at 9/8/13). These are translations of the 6th French edition. A one volume translation of the 2nd French edition by P. Coffey is available here.] [Biography of De Wulf, here.] [9/8/13]

Geyer, B. Die patristiche and scholastische Philosophie. Berlin, 1928. (This is the second volume of the revised edition of Ueberweg.) [The 1928 edition doesn't seem to be available (at 8/8/13). An earlier edition (1915) by Mattias Baumgartner of Ueberweg is available here.] [Biography of Ueberweg, here.] [English translation of 1871 German edition, publ. 1889, here.] [26/8/13]

Gilson, E. La philosophie au moyen âge. Paris, 1944 (2nd edition, revised and augmented). [1st edition, here.] [10/8/13]

Gilson, E. Études de philosophie médiévale. Strasbourg, 1921. [Here.] [10/8/13]

Grunwald, G. Geschichte der Gottesbeweise im Mittelalter bis zum Ausgang der Hochscholastik.  Münster, 1907. [Here.] [10/8/13]

Hauréau, B. Histoire de la philosophie scolastique. 3 vols. Paris, 1872-80. [Part 1, here; Part 2, tome 1, here; part 2 tome 2, here.] [Biography of author: here and here.] [9/8/13]

Hawkins, D.J.B. A Sketch of Mediaeval Philosophy. London. 1946. [Here.] [9/8/13]

Picavet, F. Esquisse d'une histoire générale et comparée des philosophies médiévales. Paris, 1907 (2nd edition). [Here.] [10/8/13]

Picavet, F. Essais sur l'histoire générale et comparée des théologies et des philosophies médiévales. Paris, 1913. [Here.] [10/8/13]

Stöckl, A. Geschichte der Philosophie des Mittelalters. 3 vols, Mainz, 1864-6. [vol. 1, here; vol 2, here; vol. 3, here.] [10/8/13]


Chapter XXX: St. Albert the Great


Opera Omnia. A. Borgnet. 38 vols. Paris, 1890-9. (See also G. Meersseman. Introductio in opera omnia beati Alberti Magni, O.P. Bruges, 1931.)

[Borgnet edition:

Vol. I: here. [17/9/13]
Vol. II: Logicae secunda pars, here [17/9/13]
Vol. III: here. [17/9/13]
Vol. IV: De coelo et mundo, lib. IV; de generatione et corruptione, lib. II; de meteoris, lib. IV, here. [17/9/13]
Vol. V: Mineralium, lib. V; de anima, lib. III; philosophia pauperum; liber de apprehensione, here. [17/9/13]
Vol. VI: here. [17/9/13]
Vol. VII: here. [17/9/13]
Vol. VIII: here. [17/9/13]
Vol. IX: here. [17/9/13]
Vol. X: Parvorum naturalium, pars altera, here [17/9/13]
Vol. XI: Animalium lib. XXVI, pars prior I-XII, here. [17/9/13]
Vol. XII: Animalium lib. XXVI, pars altera, XIII-XXVI, here. [17/9/13]
Vol. XIII: Sermones, here. [17/9/13]
Vol. XIV: Commentarii in opp. beati Dionysii Areopagitae, here. [17/9/13]
Vol. XV: Commentarii in primam partem psalmorum, I-L, here. [17/9/13]
Vol. XVI: here. [17/9/13]
Vol. XVII: Commentarii in tertiam partem psalmorum, CI-CL, here. [17/9/13]
Vol. XVIII: Liber de mulieri forti; commentarii in threnos Jeremiae; commentarii in Baruch; commentarii in Danielem, here. [17/9/13]
Vol. XIX: here. [17/9/13]
Vol. XX: Ennarationes in evangelium Matthaei, (I-XX), here. [17/9/13]
Vol. XXI: here. [17/9/13]
Vol. XXII: here. [17/9/13]
Vol. XXIII: Ennarationes in secundam partem evang. Lucae (X-XXIV), here. [17/9/13]
Vol. XXIV: Ennarationes in Joannem, here. [17/9/13]
Vol. XXV: Commentarii in I sententiarum (dist. I-XXV), here. [17/9/13]
Vol. XXVI: Commentarii in I sententiarum (dist. XXVI-XLVIII), here. [17/9/13]
Vol. XXVII: Commentarii in II sententiarum, here. [17/9/13]
Vol. XXVIII: here. [17/9/13]
Vol. XXIX: here. [17/9/13]
Vol. XXX: here. [17/9/13]
Vol. XXXI: here. [17/9/13]
Vol. XXXII: Summae theologiae, pars secunda (quaest. I-LXVII), here. [17/9/13]
Vol. XXXIII: here. [17/9/13]
Vol. XXXIV: here. [17/9/13]
Vol. XXXV: Secunda pars summae de creaturis, here. [17/9/13]
Vol. XXXVI: De laudibus beatae Mariae libri XII, here. [17/9/13]
Vol. XXXVII: here. [17/9/13]
Vol. XXXVIII: here.] [17/9/13]

De vegetalibus. C. Jessen. Berlin, 1867. [Here.] [17/9/13]

De animalibus. H. Stradler. Muenster, 1916 (Beitraege, 15-16). [Latin text and German translation: vol. 1, (no trace, 17/9/13); vol. 2  (books 13-26), here.] [17/9/13]


Schneider, A. Die Psychologie Alberts des Grossen, Muenster, 1903-6 (Beitraege, 4, 5-6). [Here]


Chapters XXXI-XLI: St Thomas Aquinas


Chesterton, G. K. St Thomas Aquinas. London, 1933, 1947. [Here.] [4/09/13]

General Studies:

D'Arcy, M.C. Thomas Aquinas. London, 1931. [Here.] [4/09/13]

Gilson, E. Le Thomisme. Paris, 1944 (5th edition). [1922 edition, here.] [4/09/13]

Sertillanges, A.D. S. Thomas d'Aquin. 2 vols. Paris, 1925. (4th edition). [3rd edition, vol. 1, here; vol. 2, here] [4/09/13]


Beemelmanns, F. Zeit und Ewigkeit nach Thomas von Aquin. Muenster, 1914 (Beitraege, 17, 1). [Here.] [17/9/13]

Cornoldi, G. M. The Physical System of St. Thomas. Translated by E. H. Dering. London., 1895. [Here.] [17/9/13]

And see General Studies.

Moral Theory:

Rousselot, P. Pour l'histoire du problème de l'amour au Moyen Age. Muenster, 1908 (Beitraege, 6, 6). [Here.] [4/09/13]

Sertillanges, A.D. La Philosophie Morale de S.Thomas d'Aquin. Paris, 1942 (new edition). [1916 edition, here.] [4/09/13]

Aesthetic theory

De Wulf, M. Études historiques sur l'esthétique de saint Thomas d'Aquin. Louvain, 1896. [Here.] [17/9/13]

Maritain, J. Art and Scholasticism. London, 1930. [The Philosophy of Art, here] [17/9/13]


Chapter XLII: Latin Averroism: Siger of Brabant


Mandonnet, P. Siger de Brabant et l'averroïsme latin. (Les Philosophes Belges, 6.) Louvain, 1908, 1911. [1899, Fribourg, here] [17/9/13]


Mandonnet, P. Siger de Brabant et l'averroïsme latin. (Les Philosophes Belges, 6.) Louvain, 1908, 1911. [1899, Fribourg, here] [17/9/13]


Chapter XLIII: Franciscan Thinkers

1. Bacon: Texts

Bridges, J. H. The Opus Maius of Roger Bacon, 2 vols. Oxford, 1987. [Vol. 1, here; vol. 2, here] [30/9/13]

Bridges, J. H. Supplementary volume. Oxford, 1900. [Here] [30/9/13]

6. Raymond Lull: Texts

O. Keicher (see below) has published the Declaratio Raymundi in the Beitraege series. [Here.]


Keicher, O. Raymundus Lullus und seine Stellung zur arabischen Philosophie. Muenster, 1909. (Beitraege, 7, 4-5) [Here.] [17/9/13]

Probst, J. H. Caractère et origine des idées du bienheureux Raymond Lulle. Toulouse, 1912. [Here.] [17/9/13]

Probst, J. H. La mystique de Ramon Lull et l'Art de Contemplation, Muenster, 1914 (Beitraege, 13, 2-3). [Here.] [17/9/13]


Chapters XLV-L: John Duns Scotus


B. J. D. Scoti Commentaria Oxoniensia (on the first and second books of the Sentences). Quaracchi, 1912-14. 2 vols. [Vol. 1, here; vol. 2, here.] [20/9/13]

Tractatus de Primo Principio. Quaracchi, 1910. [Here.] [21/9/13]


Belmond, S. O.F.M. Dieu, Existence et Cognoscibilité. Paris, 1913. [Here.] [21/9/13]

Heidegger, M. Die Kategorien- und Bedeutungslehre des Duns Scotus. Tuebingen, 1916. [Here.] [21/9/13]

Landry, B. Duns Scot. Paris, 1922. [Here.] [21/9/13]


Volume 3: Late Mediaeval and Renaissance Philosophy. Part I: Ockham to the Speculative Mystics.

General Works:

Bréhier, E. Histoire de la philosophie. Tome 1, L'antiquité et le moyen âge. Paris. 1943. (A treatment of Renaissance philosophy is included in this volume.) [Here.] [Biography of Bréhier (French), here.] [13/9/13]

Burckhardt, J. The Civilization of the Renaissance. London, 1944. [1921, here.]

Carlyle, R. W. & A. J. A History of Mediaeval Political Theory in the West. 6 vols. London, 1903-36. [vol 1, here; vol 2, here; vol 3, here; vol 4, here; vol 5, here; vol 6, here.] [13/9/13]

Geyer, B. Die patristiche and scholastische Philosophie. Berlin, 1928. (This is the second volume of the revised edition of Ueberweg.) [The 1928 edition doesn't seem to be available (at 8/8/13). An earlier edition (1915) by Mattias Baumgartner of Ueberweg is available here.] [Biography of Ueberweg, here.] [English translation of 1871 German edition, publ. 1889, here.] [13/9/13]

Gilson, E. La philosophie au moyen âge. Paris, 1944 (2nd edition, revised and augmented). [1st edition, here.] [13/9/13]

Hauréau, B. Histoire de la philosophie scolastique. 3 vols. Paris, 1872-80. [Part 1, here; Part 2, tome 1, here; part 2 tome 2, here.] [Biography of author: here and here.] [13/9/13]

Hawkins, D.J.B. A Sketch of Mediaeval Philosophy. London. 1946. [Here.] [13/9/13]

Picavet, F. Esquisse d'une histoire générale et comparée des philosophies médiévales. Paris, 1907 (2nd edition). [Here.] [13/9/13]

Picavet, F. Essais sur l'histoire générale et comparée des théologies et des philosophies médiévales. Paris, 1913. [Here.] [13/9/13]


Chapter Nine: The Ockhamist Movement: John of Mirecourt and Nicholas of Autrecourt



Lappe, J. Nikolaus von Autrecourt. Muenster, 1908. (Beitraege, 6, 1) (This contains correspondence between Nicholas and Bernard of Arezzo and between Nicholas and Giles.) [Here.] [21/9/13]


Lappe, J. See above. [21/9/13]

Michalski, C. Les courants philosophiques à Oxford et à Paris pendant le XIV siècle. Bulletin de l'Académie polonaise des sciences et des lettres., 1920 (separately, Cracow, 1921). [Krakow, here.] [21/9/13]

Ritter, G. Studien zur Spätscholastik, 2 vols. Heidelberg, 1921-2. [3 vols bound as one, here.] [21/9/13]


Chapter Ten: The Scientific Movement

Ritter, G. Studien zur Spätscholastik. Vol. 1, Marsilius von Inghen und die okkamistische Schule in Deutschland. Heidelberg, 1921. [Here.] [30/9/13]

Chapter Twelve: Speculative Mysticism

Bl. Henry Suso

The life of Blessed Henry Suso by Himself. T.F. Knox (translator). London, 1865. [Here.] [30/9/13]


Bernhart, J. Die philosophische Mystik des Mittelalters von ihren antiken Ursprüngen bis zur Renaissance. Munich, 1922. [Here.] [30/9/13]


Volume 3: Late Mediaeval and Renaissance Philosophy. Part II: The Revival of Platonism to Suarez.

Chapter Thirteen: The Revival of Platonism


Burckhardt, J. The Civilization of the Renaissance. London, 1944. [Here.] [4/10/13]

Della Torre, A. Storia dell'Accademia platonica di Firenze. Florence, 1902. [Here.] [4/10/13]

Taylor, H. O. Thought and Expression in the Sixteenth Century. New York, 1920. [Vol. 1, here; vol., 2, here] [4/10/13]

Woodward, W. H. Studies in Education during the Age of the Renaissance. Cambridge, 1906. [Here.] [4/10/13]


Chapter Fourteen: Aristotelianism


Montaigne. Essais. Numerous editions, the most complete being by F. Strowksi, P. Gebelin and P. Villey (5 vols.), 1906-33. [Vol. 1, here; vol. 2, here; vol. 3, here; vol. 4, here; vol. 5, here]. [4/10/13]


Douglas, C. and Hardie, R. P. The Philosophy and Psychology of Pietro Pomponazzi. Cambridge, 1910. [Here.] [4/10/13]

Graves, F. P. Peter Ramus and the Educational Reformation of the 16th Century. London, 1912. [Here.]

Petersen, P. Geschichte der Aristotelischen Philosophie im Protestantischen Deutschland. Leipzig, 1921. [Here.] [4/10/13]

Strowski, F. Montaigne. Paris, 1906. [Here.] [4/10/13]

Waddington, C. De Petri Rami vita, scriptis, philosophia. Paris, 1849. [Here.] [4/10/13]


Chapter Fifteen: Nicholas of Cusa


Clemens, F. J. Giordano Bruno und Nicolaus von Cusa. Bonn, 1847. [Here.] [5/10/13]

Vansteenberghe, E. Le cardinal Nicolas de Cues. Paris, 1920. [Here.] [5/10/13]


Chapters Sixteen-Seventeen: Philosophy of Nature


Böhme. Werke. 7 vols. K. W. Sciebler (edit.). Lepizig, 1840-7 (2nd edition). [Vol. 1, here; vol. 2, here; vol. 3, here; vol. 4, here; vol. 5, here; vol. 6, here; vol. 7, here.] [1/11/13]

[Jacob Boehme online: English versions of many of his works and other material, here] [1/11/13]


Blanchet, L. Campanella. Paris, 1920. [Here.] [5/10/13]

Boulting, W. Giordano Bruno, his life, thought, and martyrdom. London, 1914. [Here.] [5/10/13]

Gentile, G. [Giordano] Bruno e il pensiero del rinascimento. Florence, 1920. [Here.] [5/10/13]

McIntyre, J. L. Giordano Bruno. London, 1903. [Here.] [5/10/13]

Stillman, J. M. Theophrastus Bombastus von Hohenheim, called Paracelsus. Chicago, 1920. [Here.] [1/11/13]

Whyte, A. Jacob Behmen: An Appreciation. Edinburgh, 1895. [Here.] [1/11/13]


Chapter Eighteen: The Scientific Movement of the Renaissance.


Leonardo da Vinci. The Literary Works. J. R. Richter (edit.). Oxford, 1939 [J. P. Richter, 1883: vol. 1, here; vol. 2, here] [1/11/13]

Dampier, Sir W. C. A Shorter History of Science. Cambridge, 1944. [Here.] [1/11/13]

Dreyer, J. L. E. Tycho Brahe. Edinburgh, 1890. [Here.] [1/11/13]

Fahie, J. J. Galileo, his Life and Work. London, 1903. [Here.] [1/11/13]

Sedgwick, W. T. and Tyler, H. W. A Short History of Science. New York, 1917 (revised edition, 1939) [1939 edition, here.] [1/11/13]

Stimson, D. The Gradual Acceptance of the Copernican Theory of the Universe. New York, 1917. [Here.]

Taylor, F. Sherwood. A Short History of Science. London, 1939. [1940, here.]

Thorndike, L. A History of Magic and Experimental Science. 6 vols. New York, 1923-42. [Vol. 1, here; vol. 2, here; vol. 3, N/T; vol. 4, N/T; vol. 5, N/T; vol. 6, N/T] [1/11/13]


Chapter Nineteen: Francis Bacon


Works. R. L. Ellis, J. Spedding and D. D. Heath (edit.) 7 vols. London, 1857-74. [1861, The Works, edited by J. Spedding, R. L. Ellis, and D. D. Heath, 15 vols. Boston: Taggard and ThompsonVol. 1, here; vol. 2, here; vol. 3, here; vol. 4, here; vol. 5, here; vol. 6, here; vol. 7, here; vol. 8, here; vol. 9, here; vol. 10, here; vol. 11, here; vol. 12, here; vol. 13, here; vol. 14, here; vol. 15, here] [1/11/13]

The Advancment of Learning. London (Everyman Series). [Here.] [1/11/13]


Fischer, Kuno. Francis Bacon und seine Schule. Heidelberg, 1923 (4th edition). [1904, here.] [1/11/13]

Nichol, J. Francis Bacon, his Life and Philosophy. 2 vols. London and Edinburgh, 1901. [Vol. 1, here; vol. 2, here] [1/11/13]