Isaiah 40:1-5, 9-11
"Hearten ye weel, my folk; hearten ye weel,"
quo' your God.
"Speak heart-healin words till Jerusalem;
e'en gar her hear:
-That her warsle's by;
that her ill's forgien;
that scho's doubled now, frae the loof o' the Lord,
for a' her wrang-doens!"
Quo' a sugh frae the wust sae braid: "Redd up
the gate o' Jehovah;
straught owre the nieborless muir,
a road for our God ye sal mak it.
Ilk howe maun be heighen'd;
ilka knowe, an' ilk brae maun be laighen'd;
an' the cruik maun come straught,
an' the rough maun come even;
An' the gloir o' the Lord sal win but;
an' a' flesch see siclike, that's livin:
for the mouth o' the Lord, it was, spak it."
Up ti' the craig fu' hie,
Dochtir wi' tidins till gie until Zioun!
Up wi' yer tongue sae bauld;
Dochtir, the news maun be tauld, till Jerusalem!
Up, an' be nane affley'd;
cry till the towns o' Judah wide,
"Leuk, yer ain God, he's comin!"
Leuk, it's the Lord himsel; reddin the road wi' might,
an' his arm rax't out atowre him.
Leuk, for the darg's his ain;
an' the worth o' his wark's afore him.
Like the herd, he sal tent his fe:
he sal oxter the lams himsel,
an' his bosom sal fauld them fu' snod in;
an' the yowes that are mithers till be,
he sal cannily airt on the roddin.
[From Isaiah frae Hebrew intil Scottis, by P. Hately Waddell 1879 (Amazon US here; Amazon UK here) Google books here]
Responsorial Psalm
Psalm 84 (85): 9-14 (resp. v.8)
O Lord, lat us see yer ain gudeness;
an' yer heal-ha'din, wair 't on oursel!
I maun hearken what God the Lord will speak syne:
for peace he sal speak till his folk,
till his sants an' a';
bot till folly, they maunna win hame.
Surely nar's his heal-ha'din till wha fear himsel;
that gloiry may bide in our lan'.
O Lord, lat us see yer ain gudeness;
an' yer heal-ha'din, wair 't on oursel!
Rewth an' trewth hae forgather'd wi' ither;
the right an' the lown, they hae kiss'd, the twa.
Trewth schutes like the blade frae the grun';
an' the right, it leuks owre frae the lift.
O Lord, lat us see yer ain gudeness;
an' yer heal-ha'din, wair 't on oursel!
Syne the Lord, he sal gie us what's gude,
an' our lan' sal be guid wi' her gift.
The right, it sal fuhre afore him;
an' sal airt us the gate o' his feet.
O Lord, lat us see yer ain gudeness;
an' yer heal-ha'din, wair 't on oursel!
[From Psalm 85 in The Psalms: frae Hebrew intil Scottis P. Hately Waddell (1891) here]
Second reading
II Peter 3: 8-14
Bit hae myn, my freens, wi e Lord, ae day is lik a thoosan eer an a thoosan eer lik ae day. E Lord's nae slaw aboot keepin his promise, as some fowk wid hae ye think; e fac is he's affa patient wi ye, nae seekin att ony body shuld perish, bit att ye shuld aa come tae repintance. Bit e Day o e Lord will come lik a thief i the nicht. Att day e hivvens will disappear wi a great mineer, the elements will milt wi e heat, e warl an aathin inno't will be brunt tae a cinner.
Since aathin will be deen awa in iss wye, fit kine o fowk maun ye be? Yer lives maun be haily an gien ower tae God, leukin an mangin for e comin o e Day o God, att day fan e hivvens, aa ableeze, will be brunt tae a cinner an e elements miltit wi e heat. Bit we hiv His Promise an can leuk forrit till a new hivven an a new earth, far naethin bit gweed bides,
Sae, ma freens, as ye wyte for att Day, mak sheer ye're at peace wi God, perfec an fautless in his sicht.
[From The Doric New Testament (2012), rendered in Doric by Gordon M. Hay, published by G. M. Hay, Longside, ISBN 978-0-9573515-0-9, author's website, Amazon UK here, Amazon US here.]
Gospel reading:
Mark 1: 1-8
The first o’ the Blythe-Message o’ Jesus Christ, God’s Son. E’en as it is putten-doon by Esaiah the prophet,
Lo! I send oot my messenger afore thy face,
wha sal mak ready thy way for thy comin.
The sough o’ ane cryin oot i’ the waste,
Mak ye ready a gate for the Lord!
Mak straucht his fit-roads!
Than raise John, bapteezin i’ the muirland, and preachin repentance-baptism for the pittin-awa o’
sins. And thar gaed oot till him a’ the kintra-side o’ Judea, and a’ thae o’ Jerusalem, and war bapteez’t o’ him i’ the River Jordan, tellin oot their sins. And John was cleedit wi’camels'-hair, and had a leather belt aboot him; and he did eat locusts and rock-hinny. And quo’ he in his preachin, “Ane sterker nor I comes eftir me, the whang o’ whase shoon I am-na fit to lout doon and lowse! I watir-bapteeze ye; but he sal bapteeze ye wi’ Holie Spirit!”
(From The New Testament in Braid Scots William Wye Smith (1904) here)
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