Saturday 23 June 2018

Mass readings in Scots: Twelfth Sunday of the Year (Year B)

First reading
Job 38:1,8-11

An the Laird made repone tae Job oot the storm wind, an said,

Whaur war ye whan the sea come tae birth,
pushin oot frae its hidlin steid;
Whan A made the clud its robe,
an pit thick cluds aboot it as baunds,
Orderin a fixed leemit for't,
wi snecks an doors;
An said, Sae faur ye can come, an nae faurder;
an here the pride o yer waffs will be stappit?

[From The Old Testament in Scots, vol. 3, The Books of Wisdom, [Job, Psaums, Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, Sang o Sangs] trans. Gavin Falconer and Ross G. Arthur (2014) (translation into Plain Scots under the auspices of the Ullans Academy) ISBN 978-1-78324-006-7. Amazon US here. Amazon UK here.]

Responsorial Psalm
Psalm 106: 23-26, 28-32 (resp. v.1)

Gie laud till the Lord, for his gudeness, it bides for evir.

Wha gang till the sea in ships, 
an' hae do on the watirs wide; 
Siclike they can see the warks o' the Lord, 
an' his wonners in that deep tide. 

Gie laud till the Lord, for his gudeness, it bides for evir.

Quo' he an' he ettles a blast; 
an' it heizes its watirs heigh: 
They gang up till the lift, they gang down till the laigh; 
their life's like till thowe wi' dread:

Gie laud till the Lord, for his gudeness, it bides for evir.

Syne they sigh till the Lord i' their stretts; 
an' he redds them atowre frae their cumber: 
The steer he brings down, till a sugh fu' lown; 
an' the breinge o' the watir bides. 

Gie laud till the Lord, for his gudeness, it bides for evir.

Fu' blythe are they syne, sae lown an' fìne; 
an' he airts them in owre till their loesome haven. 
They suld laud the Lord for his gudeness; 
an' his warks o' wonner till sons o' men: 

Gie laud till the Lord, for his gudeness, it bides for evir.

[From Psalm 107 in The Psalms: frae Hebrew intil Scottis P. Hately Waddell (1891) here]

Second reading
2 Corinthians 5:14-17

Christ's luve laes us nae scouth tae dae ither an we dae, because we weill believe at ane díed for aa men, it wis sae at them at is in life suid líve nae langer for themsels, but for him at díed for them an rase again frae the deid. 

Sae we ken nae-ane onie mair the wey he luiks as a man amang men. Mebbies aince on a day we kent Christ that gate, but yon's aa by wi nou. Sae, then, gin a man is in Christ, he is a new thing aathegither; the auld wey o things is by an gane, an a new wey o things hes begoud.

[From The New Testament in Scots (2012), translated by W. L. Lorimer, Canongate Classics, ISBN 978 0 85786 285 3, Amazon UK here, Amazon US here.]

Gospel reading
Mark 4: 35-41

And he said to thame in that day, quhen euenyng was cummin, "Passe we aganewart." And thai left the pepile, and tuk him sa that he was in a boote, and vthir bootis war with him. And a gret storm of wynd was made, and kest wawis into the boot, sa that the bote was full. And he was in the hindir part of the boot, slepand on a cod: ande thai raise him, and sais to him, "Maistir, pertenis it nocht too thee that we perise?" And he raase vp, and manasset the wynd and said to the see, "Be still, wax dommbe." And the wynd ceissit, and gret peciabilnes was made. And he said to thame, "Quhat drede ye? ye haue na faith yit." And thai dred with gret drede, and said ilk ane to vthir, "Quha gessis thou is this, for the wynd and the see obeyis to him?"

[From The New Testament in Scots Murdoch Nisbet [c.1520] (1901) vol 1 here]

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