Sunday, 11 August 2019

Mass readings in Scots: Nineteenth Sunday of the Year (Year C)

First reading
Wisdom 18: 6-9

For thon nicht wes kent afore bi oor faithers,
Sae, kennin certie the aiths they haed lippent, they micht be o better courage.
Sae thy fowk gat the salvation o the juist, an ruinage o the unjuist.
For, as thou punisht the faemen,
sae thou did anaw hert up an glorifie us.
For the juist bairns o guid men wes offerin sacrifice hiddlins,
an they wi ane mind ordert a law o justice:
sae the juist soud git baith guid an evil efter ane,
singin nou the praises o the faithers.

[Own translation: level 2 (28/7/22). Details of translation process here]

Responsorial Psalm 32 (33): 1, 12, 18-20 (resp. v.12)

Weel for the folk, whase God is the Lord; 
the folk that he waled for his ain hame-ha'din. 

Sing sangs till the Lord, ye rightous; 
sic liltin sets-weel the aefauld. 
Weel for the folk, whase God is the Lord; 
the folk that he waled for his ain hame-ha'din. 

Weel for the folk, whase God is the Lord; 
the folk that he waled for his ain hame-ha'din. 

Bot, the ee o' the Lord's on wha fear himsel, 
on wha lippen a' till his likan: 
Till redd out their saul frae i diean-dune; 
an' in dearth, till haud them thrivan. 

Weel for the folk, whase God is the Lord; 
the folk that he waled for his ain hame-ha'din. 

Our life's but a tryst on the Lord; 
our stoop an' our schild is he. 
Lat yer luve be atowre us, 
Lord, sae lang's we lippen till thee. 

Weel for the folk, whase God is the Lord; 
the folk that he waled for his ain hame-ha'din. 

[From Psalm 33, The Psalms: frae Hebrew intil Scottis P. Hately Waddell (1891) here]

Second reading
Hebrews 11:1-2, 8-19

Noo faith is gruppin the substance o’ things lookit for; the confidence o’ raal-things no yet seen. For thar-in the Elders had gude-witness borne them.

Throwe faith Abra’m - he wha was tell’t - obey’d to gang till a place he was to hae for a heritage; and gaed oot, no weel-kennin whaur he was gaun. Throwe faith he bade day-by-day i’ the Land o’ Promise, as in a fremd land; bidin in tents, wi’ Isaac and Jaucob, joint-heirs o’ the same promise: for he was waitin for the Citie wi’ fundations, biggit, and planned by God. 

Throwe faith e’en Sarah her sel had strength to conceive, whan she was ayont age: seein that she was haudin him as faithfu’ that had promised. And sae, e’en frae ane was thar born - and him as he war deid -  "as mony as the starns o’ the sky in their thrang, and as the sand by the lip o’ the sea; no to be number’t".  

And conform to faith, dee’t a’ thir; no haen their sels grippit the promises, but seein them far awa, and salutin them, and confessin that they their sels war fremd anes, and lodgers on the yirth. For they that say sic things, mak it plain to be kent that they are seekin a land o’ their ain. For gin they had been thinkin aye o’ the land they came frae, they micht hae had opportunity o’ returnin: but noo they look for a better land, that is a heevenlie ane; whaurfor God isna ashamed o’ them to be socht till as their God; for he did prepare for them a Citie. 

Throwe faith Abra’m when he was testit, offer’t up Isaac, aye, he wha blythely acceptit the promises, was offerin-up his ae and only son; o’ wham it was said, “Thar sal be ca’d a seed tae thee in Isaac.” Reckonin that God could raise him again, e’en frae ’mang the deid; frae whilk he, in a likeness, wan him back again. 

[From The New Testament in Braid Scots William Wye Smith (1904) here]

Gospel reading
Luke 12: 32-48

[And Jesus says to his disciples,] “Be-na fear’t, ye wee hirsel, mickle lov’d! for weel-pleased was
yere Faither to gift ye the Kingdom.

"Sell yere plenishin, and gie awmous: mak to ye wallets that dinna wax auld; gear nevir failin aboon whaur nae reiver comes nar, nor moth dis destroy! For yer heart will be whaur yere best gear is! Lat yere loins be girt, and yere crusies lowin. And yersels like servants lookin for their Maister, whan he comes frae the bridal; that whan he comes and tirls, straught they may open to him. Weel fa' thae servants wham the Maister, whan he comes hame, sal fin' watchin! Truly say I t’ye, he wall gird his sel, and gar them set-to, and comin nigh, sal ser’ them. And gif aiblins he comes i’ the second watch, or gif he comes i’ the third watch, and fin’ it sae, weel-fa’ thae servants! But tak ye weel tent o’ this: Did the gudeman jalouse the ’oor the reiver wad come, he wad hae keepit watch, and no latten his hoose be howkit throwe. And ye too, be winnin ready! for in an ’oor ye're no thinkin o’, the Son o’ Man comes.”

And Peter spak: “Lord div ye speak this parable to us, or to a’ the folk?” And the Lord says, “Wha
than, is the true leal steward, the canny ane, wham his maister wull set ower his hame-servants, to gie them at due times the portion o’ their meat? Weel fa’ that servant, wham his maister, gif he comes, sal fin’ sae doin! Truly say I t’ye, he wull set him ower a’ that he has. But gin aiblins that servant soud say within his sel, 'My lord is lang i’ the hame-comin! and soud begin to clour the lads and the lasses, and to be eatin and drinkin, and makin his sel fou; the lord o' that servant wull come hame in a day he looks-na for him, and in an ’oor when he isna takin tent; and wull cut him sindry, and wull gie him his pairt wi’ the fause anes!

“And the servant wha cam to ken his lord’s wull, and naither gat his sel ready, nor wrocht oot his wull, sal be sair cloured. But he that didna come to ken, and did deeds ca’in for stripes, sal hae the sma’ punishment. And ilka ane that gat muckle, sal hae muckle required o’ him; and frae him wha had muckle committit to him, wull they seek the mair."

[From The New Testament in Braid Scots William Wye Smith (1904) here]

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