Saturday, 30 June 2018

Mass readings in Scots: Thirteenth Sunday of the Year (Year B)

Gospel reading
Mark 5: 21-43

And quhen Jesus had gaan vp eftsone ouer the see, and mekile pepile com togiddir to him, and was about the see. And aan of the princis of the synagogis, be name Jairus, com, and saw him, and fel doun at his feet, and prayit him mekile, and said, "My douchtir is neire deid: cum thou, put thi hand on hir, that scho be saif, and leeue." And he went furth with him and mekile pepile followit him, and threstit him.

And a woman had bene in the bludy flux xij yere, and had resauet full mony thingis of full mony leches, and had spendit al hir gude, and was nathing amendit, bot was rather the weir. Quhen scho had herde of Jesu, scho com amang the pepile behind, and tuichet his clething, for scho said, "That gif I tuiche ye his clething, I salbe saif." And anoon the well of hir blude was driet vp and sche feld in body that scho was heilit of the seeknes. And anoon Jesus knew in himself the virtue that was gaan out of him, and turnit to the pepile, and said, "Quha tuichet my clathis?" And his disciplis said to him, "Thou seis the pepile thresting thee, and sais, "Quha tuichet me?" And Jesus luket about to se hir that had done this thing. And the woman dred and quakit, wittand that it was [done] in hir, and com and fel doun before him, and said to him al the treuthe. And Jesus said to hir, "Douchtir, thi faith has made thee saaf; ga in pece, and be thou haale of thi seeknes."

Yit quhile he spak, messingeris com to the prince of the synagog, and sais, "Thi douchtir is dede: quhat traualis thou the Maistire ferther?" Bot quhen the word was herde that was said, Jesus said to the prince of the synagog, "Will thou nocht drede, anly beleue thou." And he tuke na man to folou him, bot Petir, and Johnne, and James the bruthir of Johnne. And thai com into the hous of the prince of the synagog, and he saw noise, and men wepand and wailand mekell. And he yede in, and said to thame, "Quhat are ye trubilit and wepis? the damycele is nocht deid, bot slepis." And thai scornit him. Bot quhen al war put out, he takis the fadere and the modere of the damycel, and thame that war with him, and thai entire quhare the damycele lay. And he held the hand of the damycele, and said to hir, "Thabithacunj"; that is to say, "I say to thee, Damysele, aryse." And anoon the damysele raase, and yede; and scho was of xij yeres. And thai war abaisit with gret stonaying. And he comandit to thame gretlie that na man suld wit it; and comandit to geue to hire mete.

[From The New Testament in Scots Murdoch Nisbet [c.1520] (1901) vol 1 here]

Saturday, 23 June 2018

Mass readings in Scots: Birthday of St John the Baptist

First reading
Isaiah 49: 1-6

Hearken till me , ye lanely lan's;
an ' folk far-awa tak tent ti't:
The Lord, frae the lisk he cry'd me but;
frae my mither's bouk , the name I suld bruik , he kenn'd it .

An ' my mouthe, he couth mak it a swurd fu' gleg;
i ' the howe o ' his han' he couth theek me: 
he wrought me syne , like a fane fu' fine; 
syne intil his belt he couth steek me;

An ' quo' he till me, "My ain Loon are ye; Isr’el, 
in yersel, it's weel kenn'd I sal be.
Syne quo' I, "It's for nought sae lang I hae wrought; 
for nought, an ' till tyne, I hae ware ' d my pyne";
bot ay wi' the Lord , my plea it sal be;
an ' the worth o ' my wark , wi ' the God that's mine.

 Syne sae quo' the Lord brought me but frae the lisk, 
his ain loon till be;
till fesh Jakob hame till himsel,
an' till weise him thegither Isr'el:

for it's sae i' Jehovah's sight I suld kythe fu' bright,
an' the feck o' my might my ain God suld be:
An' quo' He: "It's owre sma' a fee ye suld be my thral,
till straught-up the soukirs o' Jacob an' till eke out the beughs o' Isra'l:
I’se gie yo for light till the natiouns; 
aye, e'en for my ain salvatioun, 
till the ends o ' the yirth , till be."

[From Isaiah frae Hebrew intil Scottis, by P. Hately Waddell 1879 (Amazon US here; Amazon UK here)  Google books here]

Responsorial Psalm
Psalm 138: 1-3, 13-15 (resp. v. 14)

I suld lilt till ye syne, 'am sae wonner fine.

Lord, ye rypit me, thrugh an' thro', till ye kent me: 
Yerlane, ye ken weel o' my down-sittin baith, and my risin; 
fu' brawly ye ken the thought that's far ben, 'ithin me. 
Gangin or lyin, ye trew me a'; 
no a gate o' my ain, but ye tent it: 

I suld lilt till ye syne, 'am sae wonner fine.

For yerlane, ye had a' my lisk ; 
in my mither's bouk, ye biel'd me. 
I suld lilt till ye syne, 'am sae wonner fine; 
wrought a' sae gran', as my thought can forestan', sae weel to'. 

I suld lilt till ye syne, 'am sae wonner fine.

My banes war-na happit frae thee, 
tho' I was wrought i' the mirk; 
wi' sae mony a fauld, 
i' the laighest halds o' the yirth. 

I suld lilt till ye syne, 'am sae wonner fine.

[From Psalm 139 in The Psalms: frae Hebrew intil Scottis P. Hately Waddell (1891) here]

Second reading
Acts 13: 22-26

[Paule said: "God] raasit to thaim Dauid king, to quham he bare witnessing, and said, 'I haue fundin Dauid, the sonn of Jesse, a man eftir my hart, quhilk sal do al my willis.' Of quhais seed be the behecht God has led out to Israel a saluatour Jesu, quhen Johnne prechit before the face of his cummyng the baptym of pennance to al the pepile of Israel. Bot quhen Johnne fillit his cours, he said, 'Quham ye deme me to be, I am nocht he; bot lo! he cummis eftire me, and I am nocht worthi to do of the schone of his feet.' 

"Brethir, and sonnis of the kynd of Abraham, and quhilk that in you dredis God, to you the word of hele is send."

[From The New Testament in Scots Murdoch Nisbet [c.1520] (1905) vol 3 here]

Gospel reading
Luke 1: 5-17

Thar  was, in the days o’ Herod, King o’ Judea, a priest ca’d Zachariah, o’ Abijah’s coorse; and his wife was o’ the dochters o’ Aaron, and she was ca’d Elizabeth.  And they war baith richt-leevin afore God, walkin i’ the Commauns and appointments o’ the Lord wyte- less. And they had nae bairn, for that Elizabeth bure-na; and they war baith growin auld. 

Noo it cam aboot, that while he was doin priestly service afore God i’ the order o’ his coorse, as was the custom o’ the priesthood, it was his lot to offer incense, enterin intil the Temple o’ the Lord. And the thrang o’ folk were oot-by, prayin, at the ’oor o’ the incense-offeran. 

And thar appear’t to him an Angel o’ the Lord, staunin on the richt side o’ the incense-altar. And Zachariah was uncolie putten-aboot whan he saw him, and fear cam on him. But the Angel says to him, “ Be-na fleyt, Zachariah! for yere prayer has been heard, and yere wife Elizabeth sal bear a son t’ye, and his name ye’se ca’ John. And ye sal hae joy to ye, and rejoicin, and mony sal be blythe at his birth. For he sal be michty afore the Lord, and he’se drink nae wine nor strong drink; and he sal be fu’ o’ the Holie Spirit, e’en frae the womb. And mony o’ Isra’l’s sons wull he weise roun’ till the Lord their God. And he sal gang afore him i’ the spirit and micht o’ Elijah to weise roun’ faithers’ hearts till their bairns, and the dour to the wyss-heid o’ the gude; to mak ready for the Lord a prepared folk.”

[From The New Testament in Braid Scots William Wye Smith (1904) here]

Mass readings in Scots: Twelfth Sunday of the Year (Year B)

First reading
Job 38:1,8-11

An the Laird made repone tae Job oot the storm wind, an said,

Whaur war ye whan the sea come tae birth,
pushin oot frae its hidlin steid;
Whan A made the clud its robe,
an pit thick cluds aboot it as baunds,
Orderin a fixed leemit for't,
wi snecks an doors;
An said, Sae faur ye can come, an nae faurder;
an here the pride o yer waffs will be stappit?

[From The Old Testament in Scots, vol. 3, The Books of Wisdom, [Job, Psaums, Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, Sang o Sangs] trans. Gavin Falconer and Ross G. Arthur (2014) (translation into Plain Scots under the auspices of the Ullans Academy) ISBN 978-1-78324-006-7. Amazon US here. Amazon UK here.]

Responsorial Psalm
Psalm 106: 23-26, 28-32 (resp. v.1)

Gie laud till the Lord, for his gudeness, it bides for evir.

Wha gang till the sea in ships, 
an' hae do on the watirs wide; 
Siclike they can see the warks o' the Lord, 
an' his wonners in that deep tide. 

Gie laud till the Lord, for his gudeness, it bides for evir.

Quo' he an' he ettles a blast; 
an' it heizes its watirs heigh: 
They gang up till the lift, they gang down till the laigh; 
their life's like till thowe wi' dread:

Gie laud till the Lord, for his gudeness, it bides for evir.

Syne they sigh till the Lord i' their stretts; 
an' he redds them atowre frae their cumber: 
The steer he brings down, till a sugh fu' lown; 
an' the breinge o' the watir bides. 

Gie laud till the Lord, for his gudeness, it bides for evir.

Fu' blythe are they syne, sae lown an' fìne; 
an' he airts them in owre till their loesome haven. 
They suld laud the Lord for his gudeness; 
an' his warks o' wonner till sons o' men: 

Gie laud till the Lord, for his gudeness, it bides for evir.

[From Psalm 107 in The Psalms: frae Hebrew intil Scottis P. Hately Waddell (1891) here]

Second reading
2 Corinthians 5:14-17

Christ's luve laes us nae scouth tae dae ither an we dae, because we weill believe at ane díed for aa men, it wis sae at them at is in life suid líve nae langer for themsels, but for him at díed for them an rase again frae the deid. 

Sae we ken nae-ane onie mair the wey he luiks as a man amang men. Mebbies aince on a day we kent Christ that gate, but yon's aa by wi nou. Sae, then, gin a man is in Christ, he is a new thing aathegither; the auld wey o things is by an gane, an a new wey o things hes begoud.

[From The New Testament in Scots (2012), translated by W. L. Lorimer, Canongate Classics, ISBN 978 0 85786 285 3, Amazon UK here, Amazon US here.]

Gospel reading
Mark 4: 35-41

And he said to thame in that day, quhen euenyng was cummin, "Passe we aganewart." And thai left the pepile, and tuk him sa that he was in a boote, and vthir bootis war with him. And a gret storm of wynd was made, and kest wawis into the boot, sa that the bote was full. And he was in the hindir part of the boot, slepand on a cod: ande thai raise him, and sais to him, "Maistir, pertenis it nocht too thee that we perise?" And he raase vp, and manasset the wynd and said to the see, "Be still, wax dommbe." And the wynd ceissit, and gret peciabilnes was made. And he said to thame, "Quhat drede ye? ye haue na faith yit." And thai dred with gret drede, and said ilk ane to vthir, "Quha gessis thou is this, for the wynd and the see obeyis to him?"

[From The New Testament in Scots Murdoch Nisbet [c.1520] (1901) vol 1 here]

Saturday, 16 June 2018

Mass readings in Scots: Eleventh Sunday of the Year (Year B)

Gospel reading
Mark 4: 26-34

[Jesus] said, "Sa the kingdome of God is, as gif a man cast seed into the erd; and he slepe, and it rise vp nycht and day, and bring furth seed, and wax fast quhile he wate nocht. For the erd makis fructe; first grasse, eftirwart the eere, and eftirwart ful fructe in the eere. And quhen of it self it has broucht furth fructe, anoon he sendis the hewk, for schering tymc is cummyn."

And he said, "To quhat thing sal we likne the kingdom of God? or to quhat parabile sal we comparisoun it? As a corn of syneuei, quhilk, quhen it is sawne into the erde, is lesse than all seedis that ar into the erde: And quhen it is sprungin vp, it waxis into a tre, and is made gretare than al herbis, and it makis gret braunches; sa that birdis of heuen may duell vndire the schadow tharof."

And in mony sic parabilis he spak to thame the worde, as thai mycht here. And he spak nocht to thame without parabile: bot he exponyt to his disciplis al thingis be thameself.

[From The New Testament in Scots Murdoch Nisbet [c.1520] (1901) vol 1 here]

Saturday, 9 June 2018

Mass readings in Scots: Tenth Sunday of the Year (Year B)

First reading
Genesis 3: 9-15

An the vyce o the Laird God come tae the man, sayin, "Whaur ar ye?" An he said, "Hearin yer vyce in the gairden A wis sair fleggit, acause A wis nakit: an A held masel frae yer een." An he said, "Wha gien ye the knawledge that ye war nakit? Hae ye taen o the fruit o the tree that A said ye warna tae tak?" An the man said, "The wumman that ye gien tae bi wi me, she gien me the fruit o the tree, an A taen't." An the Laird God said tae the wumman, "Whit hae ye duin?" An the wumman said, "A wis swickit by the deceivery o the serpent, an A taen't."

An the Laird God said tae the serpent, "Acause ye hae duin this,

"ye are bannit mair nor aw the kye,
an ilka beast o the field;
ye will gang flet on the yird, an stour will be yer meat
aw the days o yer life:
An the'll be war
atween yersel an the wumman
an atween yer strynd an her strynd:
by him yer heid will be brouselt
an by ye his fit will be woundit."

[From The Old Testament in Scots, vol. 1, The Pentateuch, [Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Nummers, Deuteronomy] trans. Gavin Falconer and Ross G. Arthur (2014) (translation into Plain Scots under the auspices of the Ullans Academy) ISBN 978-1-78324-005-0. Amazon US here. Amazon UK here.]

Responsorial Psalm
Psalm 129

Oot the deep A hae cried on ye, O Laird.
Laird, lat ma vyce come afore ye:
lat yer lugs wauken
tae the vyce o ma prayer.

O Jah, gin ye taen tent tae ilka sin,
wha wad gang free?
But the'r forgieness wi ye,
sae that ye ar feart.

A wait on the Laird, ma saul waits on him,
an ma howp is in his wird.
Ma saul wauks for the Laird mair nor thaim that wauks for the forenuin;
ay, mair nor the waukers for the forenuin.

O Israel, howp in the Laird;
for wi the Laird is mercy
an fou salvation.
An he will set Israel free frae aw his sins.

[From Psalm 130 in The Old Testament in Scots, vol. 3, The Books of Wisdom, [Job, Psaums, Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, Sang o Sangs] trans. Gavin Falconer and Ross G. Arthur (2014) (translation into Plain Scots under the auspices of the Ullans Academy) ISBN 978-1-78324-006-7. Amazon US here. Amazon UK here.]

Second reading
2 Corinthians 4: 13-5:1

Hoobeit, we hae the same spirit o’ faith, conform to what is putten-doon, “I had faith, thar-for spak I;” sae we hae faith, and thar-for spak: lippenin that he wha raised up the Lord Jesus, wull also wi’
Jesus raise us, and wull present us wi’ you. For a' things are for yere sakes, sae that, wi’ grace aboundin throwe the mony, it may mak the praise to abound the mair, to the glorie o’ God.

Thar-for we are-na faint-heartit; but e'en tho’ oor ootward man dwines awa, yet oor inward man is ilka day renewin. For the wee bit passin sorrow that we hae, is workin oot for us, aye mair and mair, a mair excellent and eternal wecht o’ glorie; sae lang as we look-na for things seen, but for things unseen: for the seen things are but for a time, but the things no seen are for aye.

For we ken, that gin aiblins oor yirdly sheilin be taen doon, we hae a biggin o’ God, a dwallin no made wi’ hauns, eternal i’ the Heevens.

[From The New Testament in Braid Scots William Wye Smith (1904) here]

Mark 3: 20-35

Sae Jesus went bak ïntae tha hoose whar he wus stappin ower, an thair wus that monie fowk croodin roon aboot thaim, that the' cud get nae peace tae hae oniethin tae ait. Becas o whut wus happenin, Jesus' freens tried tae tak tha houl o hïm, fer the' thocht he wus oot o hïs mine.

An some maistèrs o tha Laa cum frae Jerusalem saed, "Beelzebul haes taen hïm ower. It's tha heidyin o tha demons that's giein hïm tha pooer tae cast oot ither demons!" An Jesus caad thaim ower tae hïm an raisoned wi thaim, sayin, "Hoo can Satan cast hissel oot? If a kïngdom ïs divïd agin ïtsel, ït maun faa sinnerie. An ïf a femlie ïs divïd agin ïtsel, ït cannae stan. Sae ïf  Satan rises up agin hissel, an ïs divïd, then he cannae stan, an that's tha enn o hïm! Shair naebodie can brek ïntae a strang man's hoose an ramseck ït, afore he haes tyed up that strang man. Eftèr that, he can plunner awa!

"A tell ye thïs, men can be forgien blesphemies an aa ither kines o wrangdaeins. Thair'll be nae forgiein fer hïm that spakes blesphemies agin tha Halie Spïrit, but! Fer that sïn, an tha guilt o ït, bides fer iver an aye." Noo Jesus saed aa thïs, becas tha fowk cum frae Jerusalem wur chairgin hïm we haein an ïll spïrit.

An tha mither an brithers o Jesus cum lukkin hïm at tha hoose whar he wus stappin, an the' caad fer hïm tae cum oot. Summodie ïn tha crood sïttin lïstenin tae hïm toul hïm, "Yer mither an yer brithers [an sïstèrs] ir ootbye. The' ir wantin ye!" An Jesus cum bak wi, "Wha's ma mither, an wha's ma brithers?" An he lukt at tha crood sïttin aa roon hïm an saed, "These yins here ir ma mither an brithers! Fer thaim at daes tha wull o God, them's ma brither, ma sïstèr, an ma mither."

[From Tha Fower Gospels  (2016) (Ulster-Scots), Ullans Press, ISBN: 978-1-905281-25-1, Amazon UK here, Amazon US here.) ]

Saturday, 2 June 2018

Mass readings in Scots: The Feast of the Body and Blood of Christ (Year B)

Gospel reading
Mark 14: 12-16, 22-26

And on the first day o’ the Sad Breid, whan they aye kill’t the Paschal lamb, his disciples speir’t at him, “Whaur wull ye that we gang and mak ready that we may eat the Pasche?” And he sends oot twa o’ the disciples, and quo’ he to them, “Gang yere ways intil the citie, and a man wi’ a stoup o’ watir sal meet ye: follow him. And whaur he may gang in, say ye to the gudeman o’ the hoose, ‘The Maister says, Whaur is my lodgins, whaur I may eat the Pasche wi’ my disciples?' And he himsel wull schaw ye a gudely upper room, plenish’t and ready: and thar prepare ye for us.” And the disciples ga’ed oot, and cam intil the citie, and faund as he had said to them; and they prepared the Pasche.

And as they war eatin, Jesus took breid, and whan he bless’t, brak it, and gied it to them, and said, “Tak ye, this is my body.” And he took a cup; and giean thanks, gied it to them; and they drank o’t. And he said to them, “This is my blude o’ the Covenant, the blude shed for mony. Truly say I t’ye, Nae mair sal I drink o’ the frute o’ the vine, until I drink it anew in the Kingdom o’ God!” And whan they had sung the Psalm, they gaed oot in til the Mount o’ Olives.

[From The New Testament in Braid Scots William Wye Smith (1904) here]