Saturday 21 July 2018

Mass readings in Scots: Sixteenth Sunday of the Year (Year B)

Gospel reading
Mark 6: 30-34

And the Apostles gather’t theirsels thegither to Jesus; and they tell’t him as mony things as they had dune, and what they had been teachin. And he said to them, "Come by yersels apairt intil a desert-bit, and rest yersels for a wee.” For thar war mony comin and gaun, that they coudna get their breid eaten. And they gaed awa quately i' he boat, till a desert spot. And mony saw them gaun aff, and took tent; and a-fit, oot o’ a’ the cities, they ran, and wan there afore them. And he cam oot, and saw an unco thrang: and he had pitie on them, for they war as sheep wantin a Shepherd: and he begude to teach them mony things.

The New Testament in Braid Scots William Wye Smith (1904) here

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