Saturday, 30 March 2019

Mass readings in Scots: Fourth Sunday of Lent (Year C)

First reading
Joshua 5: 9-12

An the Laird telt Joshua, "The-day the shame o Egypt hae been rollit awa frae ye."

Sae the clan o Israel pat up thair tents i Gilgal; an they kepit Pask on the fowerteent day o the month, at e'en, i the lawlands o Jericho.  An on the day eftir Pask, they haed for thair meat the cropt o the laund, unleavenit cakes an dry grain on the same day. An thare wesna manna frae the day eftir they haed for thair meat the cropt o the laund; the clan o Israel haed manna nae mair, but thon year the cropt o the laund o Canaan wes thair meat.

[Own translation: level 2 (30/03/19). Details of translation process here]

Responsorial Psalm
Psalm 33: 2-7, (resp. v.9)

Pree ye, an' ken gin the Lord be-na gude.

Ilk tide my life I'se a blythe-bid the Lord; 
his praise i' my mouthe sal be plene: 
I' the Lord sal my saul be liltin-blythe-, 
the feckless sal hear, an' be fain. 

Pree ye, an' ken gin the Lord be-na gude.

Mak might o' the Lord wi' me; 
an' his name we'se uphaud thegither: 
I sought the Lord, an' he hearken'd me hame; 
syne redd me frae a' my fluther. 

Pree ye, an' ken gin the Lord be-na gude.

Folk leuk ay till Him, an' are brighten'd a'; 
nae gluff o' schame hae their faces:
This puir-body skreigh't, an' the Lord couth hear; 
syne heal'd him frae a' his fashes. 

Pree ye, an' ken gin the Lord be-na gude.

[From Psalm 34, The Psalms: frae Hebrew intil Scottis P. Hately Waddell (1891) here]

Second reading:
II Corinthians 5: 17-21

Sae gin ye be in Christ, ye're a new creation. Aul things are aa awa an e new eens are here. Aa iss comes fae God, fa's brocht hiz till himsel throw Christ an his gien hiz e job o fessin e lave tee. Fit iss means is, God, throw Christ wis makkin e hale warl his freen, an nae haudin fowk's ill-deeds agin them, an he's gien hiz e job o tellin aa fowk att he's their freen.

Sae here we are, syne, spikkin for Christ as gin God wis makkin his appeal throw hiz. We'd prig wi ye for Christ's sake, be freens wi God. Christ hid nae ill wyes inno him, bit God made him oor ill wyes sae att wi him we mith be made een wi e gweedness o God himsel.

[From The Doric New Testament (2012), rendered in Doric by Gordon M. Hay, published by G. M. Hay, Longside, ISBN 978-0-9573515-0-9, author's website, Amazon UK here, Amazon US here.]

Luke 15: 1-3, 11-32

And thar war comin till [Jesus] a’ the tax men and the ill deedie anes to hear him, and baith the Writers and the Pharisees war yammerin at him, “This ane taks in ill-leeyin folk, and eats meat wi’ them!" And he spak till them this parable, sayin:

“A particular man had twa sons. And the young son said till his faither, 'Faither! gie me my portion that wad fa' to me o’ a’ the gear!’ And he portioned oot till them his leevin. And, a wheen days eftir, the young son gaither't a' his gear thegither, and gaed awa frae hame till a far-awa lan’; and thar sperfl’t his gear in riotousness. But mair: whan a’ was gane thar cam up an awesome famine oot-throwe yon lan'; and he begude to be wantin. And he gaed awa, and was sornin on ane o’ the men o’ that lan’: and he sent him oot-by to herd swine. And he fain wad fill’t his sel wi’ the hools the swine war eatin; and nae ane gied them till him. But, comin’ till his richt min’, quo’ he, ‘Hoo mony are the fee’d servants o’ my faither, wha hae rowth o' breid, and an over-come; while I, here, dee o’ hung’er! I will rise and gang tae my faither, and wull say till him, My faither! I hae dune wrang, again Heeven, and afore you; nae mair am I fit to be ca’d yere son; mak me like till ane o' the fee'd servants!' And, sae risin, he cam awa till his faither.

“But, while he was yet haudin far awa, his faither spy't him, and was fu’ o’ compassion; and rinnin, he fell on his neck, and begude kissin him. And the son said till him, 'My faither! I did wrang again Heeven, and afore you : I am nae mair wordie to be ca’d yere son!’ But the faither said to the servants, 'Waste nae time! bring oot a robe -the first and best ane- and pit it on him; and gie a ring for his fing’er, and shoon for his feet. And bring oot the stall'd cauf, and kill it; that we may eat and be joyfu’! For he my son, was deid, and cam to life again; he had been tint, and is fund again!' And they begude to be joyfu’.

“But his auld brither was i’ the field: and, as he cam in, he drew nar the hoose, and heard music and dancin. And, beckonin till him ane o' the fee’d folk, he speir't what aiblins a’ this micht mean. And he said till him, ‘Yere brither has come back again ; and yere faither has kill’t the stall'd cauf, for that he gat him hame again a' safe and soun’.’ But he was fu' o' ang’er, and wadna gang in. His faither, tho', cam oot, and was entreatin him. But he, answerin him, said till his faither, ‘See! a' thir years hae I ser't ye ; and never did I gang ayont yere commauns; and at nae time did ye gie me e'en a kid, that I micht mak a feast for my freends. But whane'er this yere son, wha has devoor’t yere leevin wi' harlots, cam, ye killed the stall’d cauf !'

“But he said till him, 'Bairn! thou art aye wi’ me ! and a' that is mine is thine! But it was richt we soud mak merry and rejoice; for he, thy brither, was deid, and cam back to life again; he had been tint, and was fund!"
[From The New Testament in Braid Scots William Wye Smith (1904) here]

Saturday, 23 March 2019

Mass readings in Scots: Third Sunday of Lent (Year C)

First reading
Exodus 3:1-8, 13-15

Nou Moses wis leukin efter the hirsel o Jethro, his guidfaither, the priest o Midian: an he taen the hirsel tae the back o the wilderness an come tae Horeb, the knowe o God. An the angel o the Laird wis seen by him in a flame o fire comin oot a buss: an he seen that the tree wis alowe, but it wisna brunt up. An Moses said, A will gang an see this wunnerfu thing, whit for the buss isna brunt up. An whan the Laird seen him turnin tae ae side for tae see, God said his name oot the tree, greetin, Moses, Moses. An he said, Here A am. An he said, Dinna come nearhaund: tak aff yer shuin frae yer feet, for the steid whaur ye ar is haly. An he said, A a the God o yer faithers, the God o Aubraham, the God o Isaac, an the God o Jaucob. An Moses held his face happit for fear o leukin on God.

An God said, Truelins, A hae seen the dule o ma fowk in Egypt, an thair cry acause o thair ill-kyndit maisters haes come tae ma lugs; for A ken thair sorraes; an A hae come doun for tae tak thaim oot the haunds o the Egyptians, airtin thaim oot that laund intae a guid laund an braid, intae a laund fleetin wi milk an hinny.

An Moses said tae God, Whan A come tae the bairns o Israel an say tae thaim, The God o yer faithers haes sent me tae ye: an thay say tae me, Whit's his name? Whit am A tae say tae thaim? An God said tae him, A AM WHIT A AM: an he said, Say tae the bairns o Israel, A AM haes sent me tae ye. An God gaen on tae say tae Moses, Say tae the bairns o Israel, The Laird, the God o yer faithers, the God o Aubraham, o Isaac, an o Jaucob, haes sent me tae ye: this is ma name for aye, an this is ma sign tae aw generations.

[From The Old Testament in Scots, vol. 1, The Pentateuch, [Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Nummers, Deuteronomy] trans. Gavin Falconer and Ross G. Arthur (2014) (translation into Plain Scots under the auspices of the Ullans Academy) ISBN 978-1-78324-005-0. Amazon US here. Amazon UK here.]

Responsorial Psalm
Psalm 102; 1-4, 6-8, 11

Ruise the Laird, O ma saul;
lat awthing in me ruise his haly name.
Ruise the Laird, O ma saul;
latna aw his sainins gang frae yer myndin.

He forgies aw yer sins;
he taks awa aw yer diseases;
He hauds back yer life frae ruinage,
crounin ye wi mercy an grace.

The Laird deems in richtousness
for thaim in tribble.
He gien knawledge o his wey tae Moses
an made his acts clear tae the bairns o Israel.

The Laird is couthie an fou o peety,
no swith made wraith, but aye ready tae shaw mercy.
For, as the hieven is heich ower the yird,
that great is his mercy tae his wirshippers.

[From Psalm 103, The Old Testament in Scots, vol. 3, The Books of Wisdom, [Job, Psaums, Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, Sang o Sangs] trans. Gavin Falconer and Ross G. Arthur (2014) (translation into Plain Scots under the auspices of the Ullans Academy) ISBN 978-1-78324-006-7. Amazon US here. Amazon UK here.]

Second reading
1 Corinthians 10: 1-6, 10-12

Brethir, I wil nocht, that ye vnknaw, that al oure fadris ware vndir cloud, and all passit the see; and all war baptizit in Moyses, in a cloude and in the see; and al ete the sammin spirituale mete, and al drank the sammin spirituale drink; thai drank of the spirituale staan following thame; and the staan was Crist. Bot nocht in full mony of thame it was wele pleisand to God; forquhy thai war castin doun in desert.

Bot thire thingis are done in figure of vs, that we be nocht couataris of euile thingis, as thai couatit. Nouthir murmure ye, as sum of thame murmurit, and thai perisit of a destroyare.

And al thir thingis fell to thame in figure; bot thai ar writtin to oure amending, into the quhilkis the endis of the warldis ar cummin. Tharfore he that gessis him, that he standis, se that he fall nocht.

[From The New Testament in Scots Murdoch Nisbet [c.1520] (1903) vol 2 here]

Gospel reading
Luke 13: 1-9

At that parteeclar time, Jesus wus toul that Pilate haed kïllt some fowk frae Galilee while the' wur offerin sercyfices ïn tha Hoose o tha Loard. He saed tae thaim, "Dae ye jalouse tha yins that suffert laik thïs haed daen mair wrang ner aa ither Galileeans? Na, A tell ye thïs, ïf yis dïnnae repent, tha hale lock o yis'll perish as weel. Or whut aboot tha echteen that deed ïn Siloam whaniver tha tooer cum doon on tap o thaim? Dae ye jalouse that thair wrangdaeins wus waur ner aa tha ither yins in Jerusalem? Na, A tell ye thïs, ïf yis dïnnae repent, tha hale lock o ye wull perish for forbye.

Then Jesus toul thaim a parable. "Thair wus thïs man haed a fïg tree plantit ïn hïs vineyaird. Yin day, he cum tae ït tae see ïf thair wus onie fruit on ït, but he fun nane. Sae he saed tae tha gairdner, 'Luk here, thïs thrie yeir A hae cum lukkin fer fïgs on thïs tree, an thair's nane on ït! Cut ït doon! It's a waste o guid grun.' Tha gairdner saed, 'Lea ït alane, sïr, gie ït anither yeir. A'll dïg roon ït an gie ït a guid dressin o dung. If thair's onie fïgs on ït nixt yeir, weel an guid, an ïf no, we'll cut ït doon fer ye.' "

[From Tha Fower Gospels  (2016) (Ulster-Scots), Ullans Press, ISBN: 978-1-905281-25-1, Amazon UK here,  Amazon US here.) ]

Saturday, 16 March 2019

Mass readings in Scots: Second Sunday of Lent (Year C)

First reading
Genesis 15: 5-12, 17-18

[An the Laird taen Aubram] ootby an said tae him, Lat yer een be liftit tae heiven, an see gin the starns can be rackont; e'en sae will yer strynd be. An he lippent on the Laird, an it wis pit tae his accoont as richtousness.

An he said tae him, A am the Laird, that taen ye frae Ur o the Chaldees tae gie ye this laund for yer heirskip. An he said, O Laird God, whit wey can A be siccar that it will be mines? An he said, Tak a young cou o three year auld, an a she-gait o three year auld, an a sheep o three year auld, an a dou an a young puddy dou. Aw thir he taen, cuttin thaim in twa an pittin ae hauf forenent the tither, but no cuttin the birds in twa. An ill birds lit on the corps, but Aubram sent thaim awa.

Nou whan the sun wis gaun doun, a deep sleep come ower Aubram, an a mirk clud o fear. Syne whan the sun gaen doun, an it wis mirk, he seen a reekin fire an a lowin licht that gaen atween the pairts o the bouks. In that day the Laird made a greement wi Aubram an said,

Tae yer strynd A hae gien this laund 
frae the watter o Egypt tae the muckle watter, the Euphrates Watter.

[From The Old Testament in Scots, vol. 1, The Pentateuch, [Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Nummers, Deuteronomy] trans. Gavin Falconer and Ross G. Arthur (2014) (translation into Plain Scots under the auspices of the Ullans Academy) ISBN 978-1-78324-005-0. Amazon US here. Amazon UK here.]

Responsorial Psalm
Psalm 26 (27): 1, 7-9, 13-14 (resp. v.1) 

The Lord is my light an' my lown.

The Lord is my light an' my lown; 
o' wham sal I be fley'd ? 
The Lord is the stoop o' my life, 
o' wham sal I hae dread ? 

The Lord is my light an' my lown.

Hearken, Lord, till my skreigh, 
an' be gude till me; an' speak hame till me, ay whan I cry. 
Quo' my heart till yersel, 
''Seek ye my face."

The Lord is my light an' my lown.

Yer face, Lord, seek maun I.
Hide-na yer face frae me; 
ding-na yer loon in wuth awa: 
my stoop are ye; forget-na me.

The Lord is my light an' my lown.

O the gude o' the Lord, i' the lan' o' the live, 
gin I had-na lippen'd till see! 
Bide ay on the Lord himlane; be bauld, an' yer heart sal thrive: 
e'en sae, on the Lord bide ye! 

The Lord is my light an' my lown.

[From Psalm 27 in The Psalms: frae Hebrew intil Scottis P. Hately Waddell (1891) here]

Second reading
Philippians 3:17-4.1

Brether, be ye my followaris, and wait ye thame that walkis sa, as ye haue oure forme. For mony walkis, quhilk I haue said oft to you, bot now I wepand say, the ennimyis of Cristis croce, quhais end is dede, quhais god is the wambe, and the glorie in confusioun of thame, that sauouris erdlie thingis. Bot oure leving is in heuenis; fra quhyne alsa we abide the saluatour oure Lord Jesu Crist, quhilk sal reforme the body of oure meeknes, that is made like to the body of his clernes, be the wirking be quhilk alsa he may mak al thingis subiect to him.

Tharfor, my brether maast dereworthe and maast desiret, my ioy and my croun, sa stand ye in the Lorde, maast dere (brether).

 [From The New Testament in Scots Murdoch Nisbet [c.1520] (1903) vol 2 here]

Gospel reading
Luke 9: 28-36

Jesus took wi’ him Peter and John and James, and gaed to pray, up intil a mountain. And whiles he was prayin, the look o’ his face was changed, and his cleedin becam white and shinin. And lo! twa men spak wi’ him; wha war Moses and Elijah. Wha schawed theirsels in glorie, and spak o’ his depairtin, whilk he soud accomplish at Jerusalem. But Peter and the lave wi’ him war unco heavy wi’ sleep: and whan they war wauken’d up, they saw his glorie, and the twa men staunin wi’ him. And as they war aboot to pass awa, Peter said to Jesus, “Maister! it is graun for us to be here. And lat us mak thrie bothies, ane for thee, and ane for Moses, and ane for Elijah” -no kennin richt what he was sayin. And whiles he was yet speakin thir words, a clud cam and owershadit them, and they were strucken fu’ o’ fear, as the men enter’t intil the clud. And a voice cam oot o’ the clud. "This is my Son, the Chosen Ane! Hear ye him!" And whan the voice had been heard, Jesus was thar his lane. And they keepit it to their sels; and tell’t nae man i’ thae days whatna things they had seen.

[From The New Testament in Braid Scots William Wye Smith (1904) here]

Saturday, 9 March 2019

Mass readings in Scots: First Sunday of Lent (Year C)

First reading
Deuteronomy 26: 4-10

[Moses said tae the people:] 'Syne the priest will tak the creel frae yer haund an pit it doun forenent the altar o the Laird yer God. An thir is the words ye will say afore the Laird yer God: 

'"Ma faither wis a wanderin Aramaean, an he gaen doun wi a wee curn o fowk intae Egypt; thare he come tae be a great an strang nation. An the Egyptians wis ill-kyndit tae us, brouslin us unner a haurd yoke. An oor cry gaen up tae the Laird, the God o oor faithers, an the Laird's lug wis appen tae the vyce o oor cry, an his een taen tent tae oor dule an the brouslin wecht o oor wark. An the Laird taen us oot o Egypt wi a stang haund an an ootraxt airm, wi warks o pouer an signs an ferlies. An he haes been oor guide tae this place, an haes gien us this laund, a laund fleetin wi milk an hinny. Sae nou, A hae come here wi the first o the fruits o the yird ye, O Laird, haes gien me."

'Syne ye will pit it doun afore the Laird yer God an wirship him.'

[From The Old Testament in Scots, vol. 1, The Pentateuch, [Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Nummers, Deuteronomy] trans. Gavin Falconer and Ross G. Arthur (2014) (translation into Plain Scots under the auspices of the Ullans Academy) ISBN 978-1-78324-005-0. Amazon US here. Amazon UK here.]

Responsorial Psalm
Psalm 90 (91) 1-2, 10-15 (resp. v.15)

[Be wi' me, O Lord, i truble.]

HE that dwalls in the seceret piece o' the Maist Hie, 
sall bide anunder the skaddaw o' the Almichtie. 
I wull saye o' the Lord, "He is my bield an' my fortriss; 
my God, in him wull I trust."

[Be wi' me, O Lord, i truble.]

Ther sall nae ill befa' thee: 
næther sall onie plegue cum nie thy dwallin'. 
For he sall gie his angils chærge anent thee, 
til keep thee in a' thy wayes. 

[Be wi' me, O Lord, i truble.]

Thaye sall beær thee up in thair han's, 
in kase ye devel thy fit agayne ane stane. 
Ye sall stepp apon the lion an' eddart; 
the yung lion an' drægan sall ye tramp anunder feet. 

[Be wi' me, O Lord, i truble.]

Becaus he hæs sete his loefe apon me, tharfor wull I delifer him: 
I wull sete him on hie, becaus he hæs kennet my næme.
He sall ca' apon me, an' I wull answir him: 
I wull be wi' him in truble, I wull delifer an' honer him. 

[Be wi' me, O Lord, i truble.]

[From Psalm 91, The Book of Psalms in Lowland Scots Henry Scott Riddell (1857) here]

Second reading
Romans 10: 8-13

[Scripter says:] "E wird is near han ye, in yer moo an in yer hert". Att's tae say e wird o faith at we preach. Gin wi e wirds o yer moo ye confesse Lord Jesus Christ an believe in yer hert att God reesed him fae e deid, ye'll be savit. Cause it's believin in his hert att makes a chiel richteous in e sicht o God, an bi spikkin oot his belief wi his ain moo att leads tae his salvation. E Scripter says, "Faaivver believes in him winna be affrontit". "Faaivver" means there's nae difference atween Jowe an Greek, cause aa hiv e same Lord, gien walth tae aa fa tak wi him. Faaivver cries on e name o e Lord will be savit.

[From The Doric New Testament (2012), rendered in Doric by Gordon M. Hay, published by G. M. Hay, Longside, ISBN 978-0-9573515-0-9, author's website, Amazon UK here, Amazon US here.]

Luke 4: 1-13

And Jesus, fu’ o’ the Holie Spirit, cam again frae the Jordan, and was led to the wilderness by the Spirit, forty days bein tempit by Sautan. And naething did he eat i’ thae days; and eftir, he was hungerin. And the deevil said to him, “Gin ye be God’s Son, speak to this stane, that it may turn to a bannock!” And Jesus made answer to him,“It is putten-doon: Man leeves-na on breid alane, but on ilka word o’ God !”

And he led him up, and pointit oot till him a’ the kingdoms o’ the yirth, in a moment o’ time. And the deevil says to him, “To thee wull I gie a’ this rule — -a’thegither — and the glorie (for it has been gien up to me; and I gie it till wham I wull). Gin aiblins thou worship me, a’ sal be thine!" And makin answer to him, Jesus says, “It is putten-doon

Ye sal worship the Lord yere God,
and to him alane sal ye do service!”

And he led him to Jerusalem, and set him on a towerickie o’ the Temple, and says to him, “Lout jersel doon. For it is putten-doon,

He sal gie his Angels chairge ower ye,
 to defend ye;


I’ their hauns sal they uphaud ye,
that ye ding-na yere fit on a stane!”

And answerin, quo’ Jesus to him, “It is said:

Ye sanna temp’ the Lord yere God!”

And, endin’ a' his temptations, the deevil depairtit frae him till anither time.

[From The New Testament in Braid Scots William Wye Smith (1904) here]

Saturday, 2 March 2019

Mass readings in Scots: Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time (Year C)

First reading

Sirach 27:4-7

Quhen a sye is shakyn, the refuse aperis; swa a persoun’s filth in his thochts. The kiln tests the potter’s vessels; alswa the test of a persoun is in his resaoning. The frute discloses the cultivatioun of a tre; swa the expression of a thochte discloses the cultivatioun of a persoun’s mynd.

Do nocht prais a man afore ye heare him resaon, for this is the test of folk.

Responsorial Psalm 92(91): 2-3. 13-14. 15-16. (resp. cf. 2a)

It is guid to geve thanks to thee, O Lord.

It is guid to geve thanks to the Lord,
to mak music to thy name, O Most Hie,
to proclame thy loving mercy in the morn,
and thy truth in the watches of the nicht.

It is guid to geve thanks to thee, O Lord.

The just ane sall flourishe lyk the palme tree,
and grow lyk a Lebanon cedre.
Planted in the hous of the Lord,
they sall flourishe in the courts of our God.

It is guid to geve thanks to thee, O Lord.

Still bearing frute quhen they are auld,
still full of sap, still grene,
to proclame that the Lord is upricht.
In him, my rock, there is na wrang.

It is guid to geve thanks to thee, O Lord.

Second reading 1 Corinthians 15:54-58

Brethren and Sistren: Quhen the perishable puttis on the imperishable, and the mortal puttis on immortality, than sall cum to pass the saying that is writtin: ‘Deid is swallowit up in victorie.’ ‘O deid, quhair is thy victorie? O deid, quhair is thy sting?’

The sting of deid is syn, and the pouer of syn is the law. Bot thanks be to God, wha gevis us the victorie throw our Lord Jesus Christ. Therefore, my beloved brethren and sistren, be stedfast, immoveable, ay abounding in the werk of the Lord, knawing that in the Lord your labour is nocht in vain.

[All above from Chat GPT 23/2/25 prompt: translate into Middle Scots. Original ESV.]

Gospel reading
Luke 6:39-45

[Jesus spak a parable to his disciples:] “May the blin’ lead the blin’? Wull they no baith fa’ intil a sheugh? A disciple is no aboon his Maister; but, whan perfetit, he sal be as his Maister. But why div ye tak tent o’ the mote i’ yere brither’s ee, but consider-na the baulk that’s i’ yere ain ee? Or hoo can ye say till yere brither, 'Brither, lat me pu' oot the mote that is in yere ee,’ whan ye yersel see-na the baulk that is in yere ain ee? Dissembler! cast oot first the baulk oot o’ yere ain ee, and than may ye see weel to pu’ oot the mote that is in yere brither’s ee.

“For a soun’ tree brings-na forth feckless frute, nor dis a feckless tree bring forth gude frute. For ilka tree may be kent by its ain frute: for folk gaither-na figs o’ thistles, nor o’ a bramble gaither they grapes. The gude man, oot o’ the gude gear o’ his ain heart, brings oot what is gude ; and the ill man, oot o’ the ill, what is ill; for, oot o’ the owercome o’ his heart his mou’ speaks."

[From The New Testament in Braid Scots William Wye Smith (1904) here]