First reading
Joshua 5: 9-12
An the Laird telt Joshua, "The-day the shame o Egypt hae been rollit awa frae ye."
Sae the clan o Israel pat up thair tents i Gilgal; an they kepit Pask on the fowerteent day o the month, at e'en, i the lawlands o Jericho. An on the day eftir Pask, they haed for thair meat the cropt o the laund, unleavenit cakes an dry grain on the same day. An thare wesna manna frae the day eftir they haed for thair meat the cropt o the laund; the clan o Israel haed manna nae mair, but thon year the cropt o the laund o Canaan wes thair meat.
[Own translation: level 2 (30/03/19). Details of translation process here]
Luke 15: 1-3, 11-32
And thar war comin till [Jesus] a’ the tax men and the ill deedie anes to hear him, and baith the Writers and the Pharisees war yammerin at him, “This ane taks in ill-leeyin folk, and eats meat wi’ them!" And he spak till them this parable, sayin:
“A particular man had twa sons. And the young son said till his faither, 'Faither! gie me my portion that wad fa' to me o’ a’ the gear!’ And he portioned oot till them his leevin. And, a wheen days eftir, the young son gaither't a' his gear thegither, and gaed awa frae hame till a far-awa lan’; and thar sperfl’t his gear in riotousness. But mair: whan a’ was gane thar cam up an awesome famine oot-throwe yon lan'; and he begude to be wantin. And he gaed awa, and was sornin on ane o’ the men o’ that lan’: and he sent him oot-by to herd swine. And he fain wad fill’t his sel wi’ the hools the swine war eatin; and nae ane gied them till him. But, comin’ till his richt min’, quo’ he, ‘Hoo mony are the fee’d servants o’ my faither, wha hae rowth o' breid, and an over-come; while I, here, dee o’ hung’er! I will rise and gang tae my faither, and wull say till him, My faither! I hae dune wrang, again Heeven, and afore you; nae mair am I fit to be ca’d yere son; mak me like till ane o' the fee'd servants!' And, sae risin, he cam awa till his faither.
“But, while he was yet haudin far awa, his faither spy't him, and was fu’ o’ compassion; and rinnin, he fell on his neck, and begude kissin him. And the son said till him, 'My faither! I did wrang again Heeven, and afore you : I am nae mair wordie to be ca’d yere son!’ But the faither said to the servants, 'Waste nae time! bring oot a robe -the first and best ane- and pit it on him; and gie a ring for his fing’er, and shoon for his feet. And bring oot the stall'd cauf, and kill it; that we may eat and be joyfu’! For he my son, was deid, and cam to life again; he had been tint, and is fund again!' And they begude to be joyfu’.
“But his auld brither was i’ the field: and, as he cam in, he drew nar the hoose, and heard music and dancin. And, beckonin till him ane o' the fee’d folk, he speir't what aiblins a’ this micht mean. And he said till him, ‘Yere brither has come back again ; and yere faither has kill’t the stall'd cauf, for that he gat him hame again a' safe and soun’.’ But he was fu' o' ang’er, and wadna gang in. His faither, tho', cam oot, and was entreatin him. But he, answerin him, said till his faither, ‘See! a' thir years hae I ser't ye ; and never did I gang ayont yere commauns; and at nae time did ye gie me e'en a kid, that I micht mak a feast for my freends. But whane'er this yere son, wha has devoor’t yere leevin wi' harlots, cam, ye killed the stall’d cauf !'
“But he said till him, 'Bairn! thou art aye wi’ me ! and a' that is mine is thine! But it was richt we soud mak merry and rejoice; for he, thy brither, was deid, and cam back to life again; he had been tint, and was fund!"
[From The New Testament in Braid Scots William Wye Smith (1904) here]