Genesis 18: 20-32
An the Laird said, Acause the dirdum agin Sodom an Gomorrah is unco great, an thair sin is unco ill, A will gang doun nou, an see gin thair acts is as ill's thay seem frae the dirdum that haes come tae me; an gin thay arna, A will see.
An the men, turnin frae that steid, gaen on tae Sodom: but Aubraham wis aye waitin afore the Laird. An Aubraham come nearhaund an said, Will yet lat ruingage come upo the richtous wi the sinners? Gin by chance the'r fifty richtous men in the toun, will ye gie the steid tae ruinage an no hae mercy on't acause o the fifty richtous men? Lat sicna thing be faur frae ye, tae pit the richtous tae deith wi the sinner: winna the juidge o aw the yird dae richt? An the Laird said, Gin the'r fifty richtous men in the toun, A will hae mercy on't acause o thaim.
An Aubraham, answerin, said, Truelins, A, that's but stour, haes hecht tae pit ma thochts afore the Laird: Gin by chance the'r five less nor fifty richtous men, will ye gie up aw the toun tae ruinage acause o thir five? An he said, A winna gie't tae ruinage gin the'r fowerty-five. An again he said tae him, By chance the'll mebbe be fowerty thare. An he said, A winna dae't gin the'r fowerty.
An he said, Latna the Laird be wraith wi me gin A say, Whit gin the'r thirty thare? An he said, A winna dae't gi the'r thirty. An he said, See nou, A hecht tae pit ma thochts afore the Laird: whit gin the'r twinty thare? An he said, A will hae mercy acause o the twinty. An he said, O latna the Laird be wraith, an A will say juist the ae wird mair: by chance the'll mebbe be ten thare. An he said, A will hae mercy acause o the ten.
[From The Old Testament in Scots, vol. 1, The Pentateuch, [Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Nummers, Deuteronomy] trans. Gavin Falconer and Ross G. Arthur (2014) (translation into Plain Scots under the auspices of the Ullans Academy) ISBN 978-1-78324-005-0. Amazon US here. Amazon UK here.]
Responsorial Psalm
Psalm 137: 1-3, 6-8
I maun laud ye, Lord,
wi' my heart's accord;
afore the gods, I maun lilt till thee.
I maun lout me laigh i' yer halie howff;
I maun lilt till yer name, for yer rewth an' yer trewth;
for heigh abune a' that name o' yer ain, that word o' yer ain ye hecht.
I the day whan I skreigh'd an' ye hearken'd me,
ye doubled the might o' my saul.
Tho' the Lord be fu' heigh, the laigh he can sight;
an' the mighty, he kens far eneugh.
Tho' I gang pingled roun', ye can haud my life soun';
on the wuth o' my faes, yer han' ye can heize; an' yer right-han', sal haud me fu' lown.
The Lord sal do a' for mysel;
yer gudeness, O Lord, tholes for evir:
the warks o' yer han',
ye win-na fling by, a'-thegither.
[From Psalm 138, The Psalms: frae Hebrew intil Scottis P. Hately Waddell (1891) here]
Second reading
Colossians 2: 12-14
And ye ar berysit togiddire with [Crist] in baptym, in quham alsa ye haue risen agane be faith of the wirking of God, that raasit him fra dede. And quhen ye war dede in giltis, and in the prepucie of your flesch, he quiknyt togiddir you with him, forgevand to you al giltis, doing away the writing of decre that was aganes vs, that was contrarie to vs; and he tuke away that fra the myddis, affixing it on the croce.
[From The New Testament in Scots Murdoch Nisbet [c.1520] (1901) vol 2 here]
Gospel reading
Luke 11: 1-13
Ande it was done, when [Jesus] was praying in a place, as he cessit, aan of his disciplis said to him, "Lord, teche vs to pray, as Johne tachte his discipilis." And he said to thame, "Quhen ye pray, say ye:
'Fader, hallowit be thi name.
Thy kingdom cum to.
Geue to vs this day oure ilk dais breid.
And forgeue to vs our synnis:
as we forgeue to ilk man that aw to vs.
And leid vs nocht into temptatioun.' "
And he said to thame, "Quha of you sal haue a freend, and sal ga to him at mydnycht, and sal say to him, 'Freend, lenn to me iij laaues; For my freend cummis to me fra the way, and I haue nocht quhat I sal set before him.' And he within ansuere and say, 'Will thou nocht be noyous to me: the dure is now closit, and my childir ar with me in bedde; I may nocht ryse and geve to thee.' And gif he sal duelle still knokking, I say to you, thouch he sal nocht ryse and geve to him for that that he is his freend, neuirtheles for his continuale asking he sal ryse and geue to him als mony as he has nede to.
"And I say to you, ask ye, and it salbe gevin to you; seek ye, and ye sal find: knok ye, and it salbe opnyt to you. For ilk that askis takis; and he that seekis findis ande to a man that knockis it salbe
opnytt. Tharfor quha of you askis his fader brede, quhethir he sal geue him a staan? or gif he askis fisch, quhethir he sal geue to him a serpent for the fisch? Or gif he ask ane eg, quhether he sal areck him a scorpioun? Tharfor, gif ye, quhen ye ar euile, can geue gude giftis to your childir : how mekile maire your fader of heuen sal geue a gude spirit to men that askis him!"
[From The New Testament in Scots Murdoch Nisbet [c.1520] (1901) vol 1 here]