First reading
Apocalypse 11: 19; 12: 1-6, 10
Ande the tempile of God in heuen was opnit, and the ark of his testament was sene in his tempile. And a gret signe apperit in heuen; a woman clethit with the sonn, and the mone vndir hir feet, and in the hede of hir a croun of xij sternis. And scho had in wambe, and scho crijs, traualing of child, and is turmentit, that scho bere child. And ane vthir signe was sene in heuen; and lo! a gret rede dragoun, that had vij hedis, and ten hornis, and in the hedis of him vij diademis. And the taile of him drew the thridpart of the sternis of heuen, and send thame into the erd. And the dragoun stude befoir the woman, that was to bere child, that quhen scho had bom child, he suld deuour hir sonn. And scho baire a male childe, that was to reule al folkis in ane irn wand; and hir sonn was rauisit to God, and to his throne. And the woman fled into wildirnes, quhare scho has a place made reddi of God [...] And I herd a gret voce in heuen, sayand, Now is made hele, and virtue, and kingdome of our God, and the power of his Crist [...]
Syne yer leuks sal like the king;
an' for he is your Lord, ye maun lout fu' laigh till him.
Wi' blytheheid an' wi' glee, sal they be fushen in;
Second reading
1 Corinthians 15: 20-26
Bot now Crist raase agane fra deid, the first fruit of deidmen: for deid was be a man, and be a man is agane rising fra deid. And as in Adam almen deis, sa in Crist almen salbe quiknyt. Bot ilkman in his ordour; the first fruit, Crist, eftirwart thai that ar of Crist, that beleuet in the cumming of Crist; Eftirwart ane end, quhen he sal betak the kingdome to Gode and to the fader, quhen he sail avoid al princehede, and powere, and virtue. Bot jt behuvis him to regne till he put al his ennimyis vndir his feet And at the last, deid the ennimye salbe destroyit; for he has made al thingis subiect vndir his feet.
[From The New Testament in Scots Murdoch Nisbet [c.1520] (1903) vol 2 here]
And Marie raase vp in tha dais, and went with haast into the montanis, into a citee of Judee: And scho entrit into the hous of Zacharie, and salusit Elizabeth. And it was done, as Elizabeth herd the salutatioun of Marie, the yonng child in hir wambe glaidit; and Elizabeth was fulfillit with the Haligaast: And criet with a gret voce, and said, "Blessit be thou amang women, and blessit be the fruit of thi wambe. Quharof is this thing to me, that the moder of my Lord cum to me? For, lo, as the voce of thi salutatioun was made in myn eiris, the infant [...] glaidit in ioy in my wambe. And blessit be thou that has beleuet; for tha thingis that ar said of the Lord to thee salbe perfytlie done."
[From The New Testament in Scots Murdoch Nisbet [c.1520] (1905) vol 3 here]
Responsorial Psalm
Psalm 44: 10-12, 16 (resp. v.10)
The queen at thy right han' i' the gowd o' Ophir stude.
Kings' dochtirs, i' yer brawest gear, war snod:
the queen at thy right han', i' the gowd o' Ophir stude.
Dochtir, hearken ye an' leuk, an' lout yer lug;
Dochtir, hearken ye an' leuk, an' lout yer lug;
an' forget ye yer ain folk, an' eke yer faither's blude:
The queen at thy right han', i' the gowd o' Ophir stude.
The queen at thy right han', i' the gowd o' Ophir stude.
Syne yer leuks sal like the king;
an' for he is your Lord, ye maun lout fu' laigh till him.
Wi' blytheheid an' wi' glee, sal they be fushen in;
an' they sal a' gang hame, till the pailis o' the king.
The queen at thy right han', i' the gowd o' Ophir stude.
[From Psalm 45 in The Psalms: frae Hebrew intil Scottis P. Hately Waddell (1891) here]
Second reading
1 Corinthians 15: 20-26
Bot now Crist raase agane fra deid, the first fruit of deidmen: for deid was be a man, and be a man is agane rising fra deid. And as in Adam almen deis, sa in Crist almen salbe quiknyt. Bot ilkman in his ordour; the first fruit, Crist, eftirwart thai that ar of Crist, that beleuet in the cumming of Crist; Eftirwart ane end, quhen he sal betak the kingdome to Gode and to the fader, quhen he sail avoid al princehede, and powere, and virtue. Bot jt behuvis him to regne till he put al his ennimyis vndir his feet And at the last, deid the ennimye salbe destroyit; for he has made al thingis subiect vndir his feet.
[From The New Testament in Scots Murdoch Nisbet [c.1520] (1903) vol 2 here]
Gospel reading
Luke 1: 39-56
And Marie said,
"My saule magnifies the Lord,
And my spirit has glaidit in God my heil.
For he beheld the meeknes of his handmaidin;
For he beheld the meeknes of his handmaidin;
for, lo, of this al generatiouns sal say that I am blessit.
For he that is mychti has done to me grete thingis ;
and his name is haly.
For he that is mychti has done to me grete thingis ;
and his name is haly.
And his mercy is fra kinred into kinreddis to men that dredis him.
He made mycht in his arme;
he scatterit proudmen with the thoucht of his hart.
He put doun mychti men fra the seet, and vpheet mekemen.
He has fulfillit hungrie men with gudes; and he has left richemen void.
He, having mynd of his mercy, tuke Israel, his childe;
As he has spokin to oure fadris,
to Abraham, and to his seed in to warldis."
And Marie duelt with hir as it war iij monethis, and turnit agan into hir hous.
[From The New Testament in Scots Murdoch Nisbet [c.1520] (1901) vol 1 here]
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