Saturday, 30 December 2017

Mass readings in Scots: Feast of the Holy Family (Year B)

First reading
Ecclesiasticus 3: 2-6, 12-14 (Permitted Year A reading)

For God haes made the faither honourable tae the bairns:
an seekan the judgment o the mithers, haes confirmit it upon the bairns.
He at luves God, sal be forgien his sins bi prayer,
an sal refrain hissel frae thaim, an sal be haird i the prayer o days.
An he at honours his mither is as ane at gaithers a treisur.
He at honours his faither sal hae joy i his ain bairns,
an i the day o his prayer he sal be haird.
He at honours his faither sal enjoy a lang life:
an he at obeys the faither, sal be a comfort tae his mither.
Son, uphaud the auld age o thy faither,
an dinna fash him i his life;
an gin his wuts fails, hae patience wi him,
an dinna despise him whan thou is i thy strenth:
for the relievin o the faither salna be forgotten.
For guid sal be repaid tae thee for the sin o thy mither.

[Own translation, level 2 (20/12/18) methodology here]

Responsorial Psalm
Psalm 127: 1-5 (Permitted Year A reading)

Blissit ar thay that sit in Goddis dreid,
And leif in his commandement alway:
Of thy hand laubour thow sail eit, be not feird,
And fair weill thow sal euerie day.

Thy wyfe salbe as ane frutefulle wyne,
And sail weill ay incres thy hous;
Thy bairnis all sail to vertew inclyne,
As fair Oliue treis that be plenteous.

Quhen euer thow sittis at thy tabill,
Thy bairnis sall stand round about thé;
Sa will the Lord make thé abill,
And fill thy hous with honestie:

Sa sall God him euer blis,
That dreidis him ay in his leifing,
Always sall he be sicker of this,
That is neidful to want na thing.

Fra Syone sall the Lord blis thé ,
That thow may sé to thy greit weill,
How prosperous Jerusalem sall be,
And thow ressauit to eternall heill.

Ane profitabill lyfe sail be geuin thé
And God alway sall be thy freind:
Thy Childeris Childring thou sall se,
And peace in Israell sall thow find.

[Complete Psalm 127, from The Gude and Godlie Ballatis [1567] John Wedderburn et al., Alexander Ferrier (ed.) (1897), p.130 here]

Second reading
Colossians 3: 12-21 (Permitted Year A reading)

Pit ye on, than, as chosen anes o’ God, holie and weel-lo’ed, the tender-affections o’ compassion, graciousness, humbleness o’ mind, canniness, patience: tholin ane-anither, in tenderness forgiean ane-anither, gin aiblins ony ane has a compleent again ony; e’en as the Lord oot o’ love forgae you, sae do ye. But ower and aboon a’ thir things, hae ye love, whilk wull bind thegither a’ things in perfeteness. And lat the peace o’ Christ be Regent in yere hearts; till whilk ye war bidden, as ae body; and be ye thankfu’.

Be the word o’ Christ dwallin in ye richly; in a’ wyss teachin and admonishin o’ yersels, in psalms, in hymns, and godly sangs: liltin i’ yere hearts to God in yere gratitude. And in a’ things, whatsae’er ye be doin, in word or in wark, do a’ in the name o’ the Lord Jesus, giean thanks to yere God and Faither throwe him. Wives, submit yersels to yere husbands, as is fittin in the Lord. Husbands, lo’e yere wives, and be-na set again them. Bairns, be ye biddable to yere parents in a’ things, for this is weel-pleasin i’ the Lord. Faithers, wauken-na up ang’er in yere bairns, least they be disheartened.

[From The New Testament in Braid Scots William Wye Smith (1904) here]

Gospel reading
Luke 2:22-40

And whan the days o’ purification by the law o’ Moses war fulfilled, they took him to Jerusalem to present him to the Lord; e’en as it is putten-doon i’ the law o’ the Lord, “Ilka male that opes a womb sal be ca’d holie to the Lord.” And to offer an offeran, as it is putten-doon i’ the law o' the Lord, “A pair o’ cushats, or twa young doos.” And mark! thar was a man i’ Jerusalem, whase name was Simeon; and this man was holie and devout, lookin’ for Isra’l’s consolation. And the Holie Spirit was on him. And the Holie Spirit had made kent to him that he soudna see death till he had seen the Anointit o’ the Lord. And he cam i’ the Spirit, intil the Temple; and whan the parents brocht in the bairn Jesus, to do for him what was the custom o’ the Law, he took him in his airms, and praised God, and said,

“Noo, wull thou dismiss thy servant, O Lord! conform to thy word, in peace!
For my een hae seen thy salvation,
whilk thou hast brocht forrit afore the face o’ a’ folk.
A licht for unveilin to the Gentiles,
and a glorie for thy folk o’ Isra’l!”

And Joseph and his mither ferlied at a’ the things that war said anent him. And Simeon bless’t them, and said to Mary his mither, “Lo! this Ane is set for the fa’in and staunin again o’ mony in Isra’l : and for a sign to be misca’d. And a sword sal thring throwe yere ain heart as weel, that the thochts o’ mony hearts may be schawn.”

And thar was ane Anna, a prophetess, Phanuel’s dochter, o’ the tribe o’ Asher; she was o’ an unco age, and bad leev’d wi’ a husband seeven year frae her maidenhood: and she bade a weedow for four-score and four year, wha left-na the Temple; and ser’t wi’ fastins and prayers nicht and day: and she too comin in at that time gied thanks to God; and spak o’ him to a’ wha war waitin for the deliverin o’ Jerusalem.

And whan they had dune a’ things conform to the law o’ the Lord, they gaed awa intil Galilee, to
their ain citie Nazareth. And the bairn grew, and wax’t strang; fu' o’ wisdom; and God’s tender favor was wi’ him.

[From The New Testament in Braid Scots William Wye Smith (1904) here]

Sunday, 24 December 2017

Mass readings in Scots: the Nativity of the Lord (Mass at Midnight)

First reading
Isaiah 9: 1-7

The pepile that yede in mirknessis
saw gret licht;
quhen men duelt in the cuntre of schadow of dede,
licht raase up to thame.

The folk ye hae doubled forby
an' gien them a hansel o' joy;
they're fain afore thee,
as wi' hairstin glee,
an' as rievers are blythe at pairtin the ploy.
For the bunemaist girth o' his lade,
an' the brank on his shouldir blade,
an' the rung i' the taksman's nieve
was owre him ay sae stieve;
ye hae flinder'd their three-fauld ban',
as ance i' the day o' Midian.
For a' the gran' graith o' weir,
an' the plaidin wi' bluid lappit fou;
it sal e'en be till flung i' the fire,
an'  for snacks till the bleezan lowe.

For suth a litil child is born to vs,
and a sonn is gevin to vs;
and princehede is made on his schuldir;
and his name salbe callit
Wonndirfull, and Connsaler, God, Strenthie,
a Fader of the warld to-cummand, Prince of pece.
His empire salbe multiplijt,
and na end salbe of his pece;
he sal sitt on the sete of Dauid,
and on the realme of him,
that he conferme it, and mak stark
in dome and richtfulnes, frahynfurth and till into withoutin end.

[From a) The New Testament in Scots Murdoch Nisbet [c.1520] (1905) vol 3, pp. 277-8 here; b) italicised additions from Isaiah frae Hebrew intil Scottis, by P. Hately Waddell 1879 (Amazon US here; Amazon UK here) ]

Responsorial Psalm
Psalm 95: 1-3, 11-13

SING untill the Lord ane new sang;
sing untill the Lord, a' the yirth.
Sing untill the Lord, bliss his næme;

shaw furth his salvatione frae daye til daye.
Speik furth his glorie amang the heæthin,
his wunders amang a' kin-kyne.

Let the heævens rejoyce, an' let the yirth be gladsume;
let the se rair, an' the fu'niss thero'.
Let the feeld be joyfu', an' a' that is in't;
than sail the tries o' the wud rejoyce
afore the Lord ; for he cums,
for he cums til juudge the yirth:

he sail juudge the warld wi' richteousniss,
an' his peeple wi' trouth.

[From Psalm 96, The Book of Psalms in Lowland Scots Henry Scott Riddell (1857) here]

Second reading
Titus 2: 11-14

For grace o God hes kythed wi salvâtion for aa men; an it hes taen us in haund, lairnin us tae gíe owre wi gudelessness an warldlie craves, an líve douce, honest, gude-fearin lives i the praisent warld, ey waitin on the fufilment o our blissit howp, the kythin o the Glorie o our gryte God an Sauviour, Christ Jesus, at gíed himsel in our behauf tae redeem us frae aa wickitness an mak o us a fowk o his nain, clean o the fylement o sin, an ey fond tae dae what is richt an guid.

[From The New Testament in Scots (2012), translated by W. L. Lorimer, Canongate Classics, ISBN 978 0 85786 285 3, Amazon UK here, Amazon US here.]

Gospel reading 
Luke 2: 1-14

Noo i’ thae days it cam aboot thar gaed oot a decree frae Cesar Augustus that a’ the inhabiters o’ his dominions soud be enrolled. And this enrollment was made whan Quirinius was Governor in Syria. And a’ war gaun to be enrolled, ilk ane to his ain citie. And Joseph, as weel, gaed up frae Galilee, oot o' the citie o’ Nazareth, intil Judea, intil Dauvid’s citie, whilk is ca’d Bethlehem ; for that he was o’ the hoose and stock o’ Dauvid: to be enrolled, wi’ Mary his betrothed wife, wha was a mither-to-be. And sae it was, that while they war thar, the days war fulfilled for her to bring forth. And she brocht forth her son -her first-born- and row’t him in a barrie-coat, and laid him i’ the manger, for that there was nae room for them i’ the inn. And thar war in the same kintra side herds bidin i’ the fields, and keepin gaird ower their flocks by nicht. And see! an Angel o’ the Lord cam till them, and the glorie o’ the Lord glintit roond aboot them; and they war sair gliff’d. And the Angel said, “Be-na gliff’d; for I bring ye gude tidins o’ muckle joy to the hail warld! For thar is born t’ye this day, in Dauvid’s toun, a Saviour, wha is the Anointit Lord. And here is the token for ye: ye’se fin' the bairn row’t in a barrie-coat, lyin in a manger.” And a' at ance there was wi’ the Angel a thrang o’ Heeven’s host, praisin God, and sayin,

“Glorie to God i' the heighest heights,
and on the yirth peace! Gude wull to men!”

[From The New Testament in Braid Scots William Wye Smith (1904) here]

Merry Christmas!

Saturday, 23 December 2017

Mass readings in Scots: Fourth Sunday in Advent (Year B)

First reading
2 Samuel 7: 1-5, 8b-11, 16

Nou whan Dauvit wis livin i his houss, an the Laird haed gien him rest frae war on ivery side, the king says tae Nathan the prophet, "See nou, A am livin i a houss o cedar, but the ark o God is housit inside the curtains o a tent." An Nathan says tae the King, "Gae an dae whatever is i yer hert; for the Laird is wi ye."

Nou thon nicht the word o the Laird came tae Nathan, sayin,

"Gae an say tae ma servant Dauvit: 

'The Laird says: Are ye tae be the builder o a houss, a living-place for me? I took ye frae the fields, frae keepin the sheep, sae ye micht be a ruler ower ma fowk, ower ma fowk Israel; an A hae been wi ye wherever ye gang, cuttin aff afore ye aw thae that wes agin ye; an A will make yer name great, like the name o the greatest ones o the yird. An A will make a restin-place for ma fowk Israel, plantin thaim thare, sae they may be livin i the place that is theirs, an niver again be moved; an niver again will they be troublit bi evil men as they were at the first, frae the time whan A put judges ower ma fowk Israel; an A will gie ye peace frae aw that is agin ye. An the Laird says tae ye that he will make ye the heid o a line o kings. 

'An yer family an yer kingdom will keep their place afore me for iver: the seat o yer authority will niver be overturnit.' "

[Own translation, level 1, 18/12/20, methodology here.]

Responsorial Psalm
Psalm 88: 2-5, 27, 29 (resp. v.2)

The rewths o' the Lord evir mair I maun sing.

The rewths o' the Lord evir mair I maun sing;
frae ae life's end till anither, thy trewth an' in that rightousness o' thine, sal I'se mak kent wi' my mouthe. 
For rewth, quo' I, sal be bigget for ay; 
thy trewth, i' the lifts ye sal set.

The rewths o' the Lord evir mair I maun sing.

I hae snedden a tryst wi' my walit;
I hae sworn until David, my thirl: 
I sal stablish yer out-come for evir;
an' frae ae kith end till anither, that thron o' yer ain I sal big: Selah.

The rewths o' the Lord evir mair I maun sing.

Till mysel he sal cry, my Faither are ye; 
my God, an' my hainin rock.
Evir mair my gude-will, for him I sal hain; 
an' my tryst, wi' himsel it 
sal stan'.

The rewths o' the Lord evir mair I maun sing.

[From Psalm 89, in The Psalms: frae Hebrew intil Scottis P. Hately Waddell (1891) here]

Second reading
Romans 16: 25-27

Noo tae him fa can set yer fit on a firm foon, accordin tae my Gospel, accordin tae e preachin o Jesus Christ, himsel, an accordin tae shewin o att secrait at wis hodden fae e beginnin o time, bit fit we can aa noo see, an bi e Scripter so e prophits, accordin tae e commanment o e ivverlestin God, made kent till e hale warl, tae fess them tae faith an tae deein fit they're telt -tae him, the only wise God, be glory throw Jesus Christ for ivver. Amen.

[From The Doric New Testament (2012), rendered in Doric by Gordon M. Hay, published by G. M. Hay, Longside, ISBN 978-0-9573515-0-9, author's website, Amazon UK here, Amazon US here.]

Gospel reading
Luke 1:26-38

And i' the sixth month the angel Gabriel was sent frae God till a citie o’ Galilee ca’d Nazareth, till a maid betrothed to a man named Joseph, o’ the hoose o’ Dauvid ; and the maid’s name was Mary. And the Angel, comin in till her, says, “Joy be to ye, favored ane ! The Lord is w' ye; blest be ye amang weemen!” But she was unco put-aboot at the sayin, and was comin ower in her mind whatna kind o’ salutation this micht be! And the Angel said, “ Fear-na, Mary ! for ye hae gotten favor wi’ God! And tak tent ! ye sal conceive i’ the womb, and bring forth a son, and sal ca’ his name Jesus. He sal be great, an’ sal be ca’d ‘The Son o’ the Maist Heigh;’ and the Lord sal gie to him the thron o’ his faither Dauvid. And he sal reign ower the hoose o’ Jaucob for aye: and o’ his kingdom sal be nae endin!” But Mary said to the Angel, “Hoo sal this be, sin a husband I ken-na?” And the Angel answerin, says, “The Holie Spirit sal come, and the pooer o’ the Maist Heigh sal descend upon ye; and sae that that is to be born sal be ca’d holie, the Son o’ God! And mark! Elizabeth, yere kinswumman, e’en she has conceived a son in her auld age; and this is the saxth month wi’ her wha was coontit bairnless. For nae word frae God sal want pooer!” And Mary said, “Lo! I am the handmaid o' the Lord. Be it e'en to me, conform to thy word!” And the Angel gaed awa frae her.

[From The New Testament in Braid Scots William Wye Smith (1904) here]

Saturday, 16 December 2017

Mass readings in Scots: Third Sunday of Advent (Year B)

First reading:
Isaiah 61:1-2a, 10-11

The spirit of the Lord uponn me;
for that he anoyntit me:
he send me to preche to pure men, to tell out to debonir men;
he send me that I suld leche contrite men in hart,
and preche to captiue men forgeuenes,
and to closit men opnyng;
And to preche a yere to the Lord plesabile.

O syne, I'se be blythe in Jehovah;
my life sal be fain o' my God!
for he cled me wi' cleedin o' saifty,
an' wi' rightousness happit me snod;
e'en 's a bridegrom decores him wi' buckles,
an' a bride wi' her braws sae proud.
For like as the lan' shutes its growthe out,
an' the yaird sends sawin furth;
e'en sae sal the Lord God Almighty gie seed time,
till a' that's fu' right an' fu' kindly,
fornenst ilka natioun on yirth.

[1-2a from The New Testament in Scots Murdoch Nisbet [c.1520] (1905) vol 3 here (p.278); 10-11 from  Isaiah frae Hebrew intil Scottis, by P. Hately Waddell 1879 (Amazon US here; Amazon UK here)]

Responsorial Psalm:
Luke 1:46-50, 53-54

My saule magnifies the Lord,
And my spirit has glaidit in God my heil.
For he beheld the meeknes of his handmaidin;
for, lo, of this al generatiouns sal say that I am blessit.

For he that is mychti has done to me grete thingis;
and his name is haly.
And his mercy is fra kinred into kinreddis
to men that dredis him.

He has fulfillit hungrie men with gudes;
and he has left richemen void.
He, having mynd of his mercy,
tuke Israel, his childe.

[From The New Testament in Scots Murdoch Nisbet [c.1520] (1901) vol 1 here]

Second reading:
1 Thessalonians 5: 16-24

Euirmare ioy ye; Without cessing pray ye; Jn althingis do ye thankingis. For this is the will of God in Crist Jesu, in al you. Will ye nocht slokin the spirit; Will ye nocht despise prophecies. Bot preue ye althingis, and hald ye that thing that is gude. Abstene you fra al euile spice. And God himself of pece mak you hali be althingis, that your spirit be kepit haale, and saule, and body, without playnt, in the cumming of our Lord Jesu Crist. God is trew, that callit you, quhilk alsa sal do.

[From The New Testament in Scots Murdoch Nisbet [c.1520] (1903) vol 2 here]

Gospel reading:
John 1: 6-8, 19-28

A man was send fra God,
to quham the name was Johne.
This man com into witnessing,
that he suld bere witnessing of the licht,
that al men suld beleue be him.
He was nocht the licht,
bot that he suld bere witnessing of the licht.

And this [is] the witnessing of Johnne, quhen Jewis send fra Jerusalem preestis and dekners to him, that thai suld ask him, "Quha art thou?" And he knawlechit, and denyit nocht. And he knawlechit, "For I am nocht Crist." And thai askit him, "Quhat than? Art thou Hely?" And he said, "I am nocht." "Art thou a prophet?" And he ansuerd, "Nay." Tharfore thai said to him, "Quha art thou? that we geue ane ansuere to thir that send vs. Quhat sais thou of thi self?" And he said,

"I am a voce of a criar in a desert,
Dresse ye the way of the Lord,
as Esaie, the prophet said."

And thai that war send war of the Phariseis. And thai askit him, and said to him, "Quhat than baptyses thou, gif thou art nocht Crist, nowthir Hely, nouthir a prophet?" Johnne ansuerde to tham, and said, "I baptyse in watir, bot in the middis of you has standin aan that ye knaw nocht; He it is, that sail cum eftir [me], that was made before me, of quham I am nocht worthi to lows the thuang of his scho." Thir thingis war done in Bethany beyond Jordan, quhare Johnne was baptysand.

[From The New Testament in Scots Murdoch Nisbet [c.1520] (1903) vol 2 here]

Saturday, 9 December 2017

Mass readings in Scots: Second Sunday in Advent (Year B)

First reading
Isaiah 40:1-5, 9-11

"Hearten ye weel, my folk; hearten ye weel," 
quo' your God.
"Speak heart-healin words till Jerusalem;
e'en gar her hear:
-That her warsle's by; 
that her ill's forgien;
that scho's doubled now, frae the loof o' the Lord,
for a' her wrang-doens!"

Quo' a sugh frae the wust sae braid: "Redd up
the gate o' Jehovah;
straught owre the nieborless muir,
a road for our God ye sal mak it.
Ilk howe maun be heighen'd;
ilka knowe, an' ilk brae maun be laighen'd;
an' the cruik maun come straught,
an' the rough maun come even;
An' the gloir o' the Lord sal win but;
an' a' flesch see siclike, that's livin:
for the mouth o' the Lord, it was, spak it."

Up ti' the craig fu' hie, 
Dochtir wi' tidins till gie until Zioun!
Up wi' yer tongue sae bauld;
Dochtir, the news maun be tauld, till Jerusalem!
Up, an' be nane affley'd;
cry till the towns o' Judah wide,
"Leuk, yer ain God, he's comin!" 

Leuk, it's the Lord himsel; reddin the road wi' might,
an' his arm rax't out atowre him.
Leuk, for the darg's his ain;
an' the worth o' his wark's afore him.
Like the herd, he sal tent his fe:
he sal oxter the lams himsel,
an' his bosom sal fauld them fu' snod in;
an' the yowes that are mithers till be, 
he sal cannily airt on the roddin.

[From Isaiah frae Hebrew intil Scottis, by P. Hately Waddell 1879 (Amazon US here; Amazon UK here)  Google books here]

Responsorial Psalm
Psalm 84 (85): 9-14 (resp. v.8)

O  Lord,  lat  us  see  yer  ain  gudeness; 
an'  yer  heal-ha'din,  wair 't  on oursel! 

I  maun  hearken  what  God  the  Lord  will  speak  syne:
for  peace  he sal  speak  till  his  folk,
till  his  sants an'  a';  
bot  till  folly,  they  maunna win  hame. 
Surely  nar's  his  heal-ha'din  till wha  fear  himsel; 
that  gloiry  may bide  in  our  lan'. 

O  Lord,  lat  us  see  yer  ain  gudeness; 
an'  yer  heal-ha'din,  wair 't  on oursel! 

Rewth  an'  trewth  hae  forgather'd  wi'  ither;  
the  right  an'  the lown,  they  hae  kiss'd,  the  twa. 
Trewth  schutes  like  the  blade frae  the  grun';  
an'  the  right,  it  leuks owre  frae  the  lift. 

O  Lord,  lat  us  see  yer  ain  gudeness; 
an'  yer  heal-ha'din,  wair 't  on oursel! 

Syne  the  Lord,  he  sal  gie  us what's gude,
an'  our  lan'  sal  be guid  wi'  her  gift. 
The  right,  it  sal  fuhre  afore him;  
an'  sal  airt  us  the  gate  o'  his feet.

O  Lord,  lat  us  see  yer  ain  gudeness; 
an'  yer  heal-ha'din,  wair 't  on oursel! 

[From Psalm 85 in The Psalms: frae Hebrew intil Scottis P. Hately Waddell (1891) here]

Second reading
II Peter 3: 8-14

Bit hae myn, my freens, wi e Lord, ae day is lik a thoosan eer an a thoosan eer lik ae day. E Lord's nae slaw aboot keepin his promise, as some fowk wid hae ye think; e fac is he's affa patient wi ye, nae seekin att ony body shuld perish, bit att ye shuld aa come tae repintance. Bit e Day o e Lord will come lik a thief i the nicht. Att day e hivvens will disappear wi a great mineer, the elements will milt wi e heat, e warl an aathin inno't will be brunt tae a cinner.

Since aathin will be deen awa in iss wye, fit kine o fowk maun ye be? Yer lives maun be haily an gien ower tae God, leukin an mangin for e comin o e Day o God, att day fan e hivvens, aa ableeze, will be brunt tae a cinner an e elements miltit wi e heat. Bit we hiv His Promise an can leuk forrit till a new hivven an a new earth, far naethin bit gweed bides,

Sae, ma freens, as ye wyte for att Day, mak sheer ye're at peace wi God, perfec an fautless in his sicht.

[From The Doric New Testament (2012), rendered in Doric by Gordon M. Hay, published by G. M. Hay, Longside, ISBN 978-0-9573515-0-9, author's website, Amazon UK here, Amazon US here.]

Gospel reading:
Mark 1: 1-8

The first o’ the Blythe-Message o’ Jesus Christ, God’s Son. E’en as it is putten-doon by Esaiah the prophet,

Lo! I send oot my messenger afore thy face,
wha sal mak ready thy way for thy comin.
The sough o’ ane cryin oot i’ the waste,
Mak ye ready a gate for the Lord!
Mak straucht his fit-roads!

Than raise John, bapteezin i’ the muirland, and preachin repentance-baptism for the pittin-awa o’
sins. And thar gaed oot till him a’ the kintra-side o’ Judea, and a’ thae o’ Jerusalem, and war bapteez’t o’ him i’ the River Jordan, tellin oot their sins. And John was cleedit wi’camels'-hair, and had a leather belt aboot him; and he did eat locusts and rock-hinny. And quo’ he in his preachin, “Ane sterker nor I comes eftir me, the whang o’ whase shoon I am-na fit to lout doon and lowse! I watir-bapteeze ye; but he sal bapteeze ye wi’ Holie Spirit!”

(From The New Testament in Braid Scots William Wye Smith (1904) here)

Saturday, 2 December 2017

Mass readings in Scots: First Sunday of Advent (Year B)

First reading 
Isaiah 63:16-17, 64:1, 3-8

But a' doubt, ye're our Faither yersel;
for Abr'am kens nought o' us now.
an' Isr'el o' us winna hear tell!
Yersel, Lord, our Faither are ye;
Wha bought us, yer name it sal be;
frae the ferst till the last o' us, sure ay!
Lord, what-fir hae ye waner'd us furth o' yer gates?
our heart, thrawn awa frae yer fear?
Fy, hame again, Lord, for yer thirl-folk's sakes;
the folk on the lan' ye hae here.
Oh, gin the lift ye wad rive; gin ye wad but lout, yersel!
gin the heights a' fornenst yo wad thowe;
Langsyne, whan sic ferlies ye wrought, that nane o' us leukit till see;
it was than ye cam down wi' a flaught, an' the heights war a' skail'd afore thee.
For no sin the warld it begood, hae folk wi' the lug heard tell;
nor yet hae they seen wi' the ee ony God, O God, by yersel, siclike wha couth man till do,
for the wight was ay waitin on Thee.
Ye forgather wi' him that's fain, an' does right;
an' has min' o' yersel, ay i' the gates ye gang:
bot alake, ye 'been angir'd sair!
it's oursels hae dune a' the wrang;
bot yer gates, they bide straught evir mair; an we'll a' be made saif or lang.
Bot we're a' like a fulzied roon;
an' our best, they're but suddled braws:
we gang a' like the leaf that's broun;
an' syne the msichieffs we hae dune, swirl us by, like the win' that blaws.
An' thar' nane that daurs ca' on yer name,
or that steers till tak haud  o' yersel;
for yer face ye hae happit at hame,
an' hae dang us wi' our ain ill.
Bot Lord, ye're our Faither for a'!
Gin we be the clay, ye're our schaiper:
yer ain han's work are we a'.

[From Isaiah frae Hebrew intil Scottis, by P. Hately Waddell 1879 (Amazon US here; Amazon UK here)  Google books here]

Responsorial Psalm
Psalm 79 (80): 2-3, 15-16, 18-19 (resp. v.4)

O  weise  us  hame  again,  God; 
gar  yer  face gie  a  glint,  an'  we're saif'd. 

Sheep-herd o'  Israel,  hearken:  
weisin  Joseph  on  like  a flock;  
sittin  atween  the  cherubs, 
O  will  ye  no  glint  furth! 
In face  o'  Ephraim  an'  o'  Benjamin,  an'  eke  o'  Manasseh  himsel'; 
wauken  that  might  o'  yer  ain,  
an' steer  for  heal-ha'din  till  us. 

O  weise  us  hame  again,  God; 
gar  yer  face gie  a  glint,  an'  we're saif'd. 

Hame  again,  O  God  o'  hosts; 
tak  a  leuk  frae  the  lift,  an'  see;  
an' visit  this  vine: 
An'  the  haddin  yer  right  han' has  plantit;  
an' the  growthe  ye made  stieve  for  yersel. 

O  weise  us  hame  again,  God; 
gar  yer  face gie  a  glint,  an'  we're saif'd. 

O  gin  yer  han'  war  atowre, on  the  Man  o' yer  ain  right  han'; 
atowre  on  the  ae  son  o'  Adam,  for  yer  ain  ye  ettled  till  stan'. 
Syne,  frae  thee,  we  suld  ne'er fa'  awa;  
lat  us  live,  an'  we'll cry  on  yer  name. 

O  weise  us  hame  again,  God; 
gar  yer  face gie  a  glint,  an'  we're saif'd. 

[From Psalm 80 in The Psalms: frae Hebrew intil Scottis P. Hately Waddell (1891) here]

Second reading
I Corinthians 1:3-9

Grace an peace bi wi ye, fae God e Fadder an fae wir Lord Jesus Christ. A'm aye thankin God for ye, for e grace o God gien till ye bi Jesus Christ. Bein at een wi him ye're sae muckle better aff in aathing ye say an in aathing ye ken aboot. E message o Christ is sae weel set inno ye, att ye wint for naethin as ye wyte for wir Lord Jesus Christ tae come amo hiz. He'll keep ye weel till e hinnerein sae there'll be nae faut wi ye in e day o wir Lord Jesus Christ. God is faithfu an it wis bi him ye were fessen intill e life o his sin, Jesus Christ, wir Lord,

[From The Doric New Testament (2012), rendered in Doric by Gordon M. Hay, published by G. M. Hay, Longside, ISBN 978-0-9573515-0-9, author's website, Amazon UK here, Amazon US here.]

Gospel reading
Mark 13:33-37

[Jesus said to his disciples:]

 “Tak ye tent! watch and pray! for ye kenna whan the time is. As a man bidin in a far-awa lan’; wha has left his hoose, and gien authoritie to his servants; to ilka ane his wark; and commandit the porter to tak gude tent; tak ye gude tent, thar-for! for ye kenna whan the maister o’ the hoose comes hame; gin it be at e’en, or at midnicht, or at the cock crawin, or at the dawin; least, comin on ye o’ a suddaintie, he find ye sleepin! And what I say to you, I say to a’ -tak tent!”

[From The New Testament in Braid Scots William Wye Smith (1904) here]