Saturday 15 September 2018
Mass readings in Scots: Twenty-fourth Sunday of the Year (Year B)
First reading
Isaiah 50: 5-9
Aye, the Lord that's Jehovah, my lug he couth dreel,
an' mysel I was-na sweer;
nor back frae the bit what I had my fit,
awa I did-na steer:
my shouthirs I gied till wha dang fu' sair,
an' my chowks I turn'd till wha ruggit the hair;
my face I ne'er happit
frae skaudes an' mair.
Bot the Lord that's Jeohovah was stoop till me ay;
syne sae I was-na dauntit:
syne sae I couth stint my face like a flint;
for I kenn'd I suld ne'er be affrontit.
Wha sal see me rightit, he's no far awa;
wha is't that sal plea me?
lat's forrit, the twa:
wha's again me at right?
lat him daur me an' a'.
Aye, the Lord that's Jehovah sal stan' for mysel:
wha is't, sal put me i' the wrang?
[From Isaiah frae Hebrew intil Scottis, by P. Hately Waddell 1879 (Amazon US here; Amazon UK here)]
Responsorial Psalm
Psalm 114: 1-6, 8-9.
THE Lord I loe weel, for he hearkens,
till the sugh o' my biddens an' a':
For he louts his lug to mysel;
I maun skreigh, sae lang as 'am livin ava'.
The dules o' dead wan about me;
an' the stouns o' the lang-hame sought me sair:
hamper an' cumber, I kenn'd them baith:
Syne I skreigh'd, i' the name o' the Lord;
Ah now, O Lord ! redd my life frae skaith.
The Lord, he's fu' gude an' fu' rightous;
our God, he's fu' kindly an' a':
The Lord, he leuks weel to the weakly;
forfochten was I, and he heal'd me a'.
For my life, ye wrought but frae the dead;
my een frae a tear,
my feet frae the birse o' a stane.
E'en sae sal I fuhre, wi' the Lord to the fore,
in the lan' o' livin men.
[From Psalm 116, The Psalms: frae Hebrew intil Scottis P. Hately Waddell (1891) here]
Second reading
James 2: 14-18
My brethir, quhat sal it proffite, gif ony man say that he has faith, bot he has nocht werkis? quhethir faith sal may saaf him? And gif a bruthir or sistir be nakit, and haue nede of ilk dais liflade, and gif ony of you say to thame, "Ga ye in pece, be ye made warm, and be ye fillit" ? bot gif ye geue nocht to thame tha thingis that ar necessarie to body, quhat sal it proffite? Sa alsa faith, gif it has nocht werkis, is dede in it self.
Bot sum man sal say, "Thow has faith, and I haue werkis; schaw thou to me thi faith without werkis, and I sal schaw to thee my faith of werkis."
[From The New Testament in Scots Murdoch Nisbet [c.1520] (1905) vol 3 here]
Gospel reading
Mark 8: 27-35
And Jesus entrit, and his discipilis, into the castellis of Cesarie of Philipp : and in the way he askit his discipilis, and sais to thame, "Quham sais men that I am?" Quhilk ansuerde to him and said, "Sum sais Johnne Baptist: vthir sais, Helye; and vthir sais, as aan of the prophetis." Than he sais to thame, "Bot quham say ye that I am?" Petir ansuerde and said to him, "Thou art Crist." And he charget thame that thai suld nocht say of him to ony man.
And he began to teche thame, that it behuvis mannis sonn to suffire mony thingis, and to be reprevit of the eldermen, and of the hieast preestis, and the scribis, and to be slayn, and eftire thre dais to ryise agane. And he spak playnlie the worde. And Petir tuke him, and began to blame him, and said, "Lord, be thou mercifull to thee, for this sal nocht be." And he turnit, and saw his discipilis, and manassit Petir, and said, "Ga behind me, Sathanas; for thou sauouris nocht tha thingis that ar of God, bot tha thingis that ar of men."
Ande quhen the pepile was callit togiddir, with his discipilis, he said to thame, "Gif ony man wil cum eftire me, deny he himself, and talk his croce, and follow he me. For he that wil male saif his life sal tyne it ; and he that tynes his lif for me and for the Gospell, sal mak it saif.
[From The New Testament in Scots Murdoch Nisbet [c.1520] (1901) vol 1 here]
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