Saturday 27 April 2019

Mass readings in Scots: Second Sunday of Easter (Year C)

First reading
Acts 5: 12-16

And al war of aan accord in the porche of Salomon. Bot na man of vthiris durst joyn him self with thame, bot the pepile magnifijt thame. And the multitude of men and women beleving in the Lord was mare incressit, sa that thai brocht out seke men into streetis, and laid in litil beddis and couchis, that quhen Petir com, namelie the schadow of him suld schadow ilk of thame, and thai suld be deliuirit of thar seeknessis. And the multitude of citeis nere to Jerusalem ran, bringand seekmen that war traualit of vnclene spiritis, quhilkis all war helit.

[From The New Testament in Scots Murdoch Nisbet [c.1520] (1905) vol 3 here]

Responsorial Psalm
Psalm 117: 2-4, 22-27. Resp: v.1

Gie laud till the Lord, for he's gude;
for his gudeness, it tholes for ay.

Lat Israel say siclike;
for his gudeness, it tholes for ay:
Lat Aaron's houss say siclike;
for his gudeness, it tholes for ay.
Lat wha fear the Lord say siclike;
for his gudeness, it tholes for ay.

Gie laud till the Lord, for he's gude;
for his gudeness, it tholes for ay.

The stane the biggers wad nane o',
the head o' the neuk it has been:
Frae the Lord himlane, siclike maun hae fa'n;
an' a ferlie it stan's in onr een.
A day siclike, 's the wark o' the Lord;
blythe an' fu' fain lat us be tharin:

Gie laud till the Lord, for he's gude;
for his gudeness, it tholes for ay.

Fy haste ye, Lord; ye maun help accord:
fy haste ye, Lord; ye maun gar us win!
O blythe be the wight
that fuhres, i' the name o' Jehovah's sel;
blythe hae we bidden ye a', frae the houss o' the Lord himlane.
It 's God the Lord, gies us light.

Gie laud till the Lord, for he's gude;
for his gudeness, it tholes for ay.

[From The Psalms: frae Hebrew intil Scottis P. Hately Waddell (1891) here]

Second reading
Apocalypse 1: 9-13, 17-19

I, Johnne, your bruthir, and part takar in tribulatioun, and kingdom, and pacience in Crist Jesu, was in
ane ile, that is callit Pathmos, for the word of God,and for the witnessing of Jesu. I was in spirit in the Lordis day, and I herd behind me a gret voce, as of a trumpet, sayand to me, Write thou in a buke that thing that thou seis. And I turnit, that I suld se the voce that spak with me; and I turnit, and saw vij chandlaris of gold. And in the myddis of the vij goldin chandlaris aan like to the sonn of man, clethit with a lang garment, beltit at the pappis with a goldin belt.

And quhen I had seen him, I fell doun at his feet, as dede. And he puttit his richt hand on me, and said, Will thou nocht drede; I am the first and the last; and I am on lyue, and I was dede; and lo! I
am leevand into warldis of warldis, and I haue the keyis of dede and of hell. Tharfor write thou quhilk
thingis thou has sene, and quhilk ar, and quhilk it behuvis to be done eftir thir thingis.

[From The New Testament in Scots Murdoch Nisbet [c.1520] (1905) vol 3 here]

Gospel reading
John 20: 19-31

Tharfore quhen it was euen in that day, aan of the sabotis, and the yettis war closit quhare the discipilis war gaderit for drede of the Iewis, Jesus com and stude in the myddis of the discipilis, and he sais to thame, Pece to yow. And quhen he had said this, he schewit to thame handis and side; tharfore the discipilis ioyit, for the Lord was seen. And he sais to thame agane, Pece to you;

as the fader send me,
I send you.

Quhen he had said this, he blew on thame, and said,

Tak ye the Haligast;
Quhais synnis ye forgefe,
tha ar forgeuen to thame;
and quhais ye withhald,
tha ar withhaldin.

Thomas, aan of the xij, that is saide Didymus, was nocht with thame quhen Jesus com. Tharfore the vther discipilis said to him, We haue sene the Lord. And he said to thame, Bot I se in his handis the fixing of the nailis, and put my fingire into the place of the nailis, and put my hand into his side, I sal nocht beleue. And eftir viii dais agane his discipilis war within, ande Thomas with thame. Jesus com, quhile the yettis war closit, and stude in the myddis, and said, Pece to you. Eftirwart he sais to Thomas, Put in here thi fingire, and se myn handis, and put hiddire thi hand, and put into my side, and will thou nocht be vnbeleeffull, bot faithfiill. Thomas ansuerd, and said to him, My Lord and my God. Jesus sais to him,

Thomas, for thou has sene me,
thou beleues; blessit be thai that saw nocht, and has beleuet.

And Jesus did mony vthir signes in the sicht of his discipilis, quhilkis ar nocht writtin in this buke. Bot thir ar writtin, that ye beleue that Jesus is Crist, the sonn of God, and that ye beleuyng haue lif in his name.
[From The New Testament in Scots Murdoch Nisbet [c.1520] (1903) vol 2 here]

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