Saturday, 11 January 2020

Mass readings in Scots: The Baptism of the Lord (Year A and B)

First reading
Isaiah 42: 1-4, 6-7 (Year A. Permitted Years B and C)

[An' quo the Lord:]
Leuk, it's my ain arle'd Loon, I maun lippen till him;
my ain walit, my heart's wi' himsel:
my Spreit on his head I sal toom;
right-recht till the folk he sal tell.
He sal neither sugh nor ca',
nor his word tharout send ava':
The chirtit segg he winna smoor;
the right ay till truth he sal schaw.
Na, he sal neither swak nor swee,
till right on the yirth he gar be;
an' the Isles, they sal bide for his law.
Mysel, that's the Lord, I hae ca'd thee in right;
by yer han' I sal haud an' sal keep yo,
an' mak yo folk's tryst; till the natiouns a' till gie light.
The een sae blin' till wauken;
the thral, frae haud till slakken;
aye, wha bide by themsel, i' the houss o' thril, out o' sight.

[From Isaiah frae Hebrew intil Scottis, by P. Hately Waddell 1879 (Amazon US here; Amazon UK here)]

Responsorial Psalm
Psalm 28: 1-4, 9-10 (Year A. Permitted Years B and C)

Gie ye till the Lord, ye sons o' the mighty;
gie ye till the Lord gudeliheid an' strenth :
Gie ye till the Lord the gudeliheid o' his name;
lout ye till the Lord i' the lo'esomness o' haliheid!

The sigh o' the Lord's atowre the spates;
[...] the Lord is atowre mony feck o' fludes.
The sigh o' the Lord's wi' pith;
the sigh o' the Lord's wi' gloiry.

[The God o' gudeliheid gars thunner:]
Bot it 's intil his ain halie howf, the hail o' Himsel speaks gloiry.
The Lord sits heigh on the spates;
aye, the Lord sits King for evir.

[From Psalm 29, The Psalms: frae Hebrew intil Scottis P. Hately Waddell (1891) here]

Second reading
Acts 10: 34-38 (Year A. Permitted Years B and C)

And Peter begude to speak, and said, “I see that God is nae chooser o’ faces: but amang a nations, he that fears him, and dis richt, is acceptable to him.

"As to the word he sent oot to the sons o’ Isra’l, proclaimin the Gude-word o' peace throwe Jesus the Christ (the same is Lord o’ a’ !). Ye ken what already has taen place, throwe the hail o’ Judea, beginnin frae Galilee, eftir the bapteezin that John preached, e’en aboot Jesus o’ Nazareth; hoo God anointit him wi’ Holie Spirit and pooer; wha gaed aboot doin gude, and healin a’ that war in thrall to Sautan; for God was wi’ him."

[From The New Testament in Braid Scots William Wye Smith (1904) here]

Gospel reading (Year A)
Matthew 3: 13-17

Than comith Jesus frae Galilee til Jordan untill John til be babteezet o’ him. But John gaynesaid him, sayin’,  "I hae need til be babteezet o’ thee, an’ comist thou til me?" An’ Jes us answirin’ said untill him, "Thole it til be sae now: for thus it becomith us til fulfill a’ richtiousniss." Than he tholet him.

An’ Jesus, whan he was babteezet, gaed up strauchtwaye out o’ the water: an’, lo, the heævens wer openet untill him, an’ he saw the Speerit o’ God descendin’ like ane dow, an’ lichtin’ upon him: Аn’, lo, ane voyce frae heæven, sayin’, "This is my belovet Son, in wham I am weel pleaset."

[From The Gospel of St. Matthew in Lowland Scotch, from the English Authorised Version. By H. S. Riddell (1856) here]

Gospel reading (Year B)
Mark 1: 7-11

The owrecome o his preachin wis ey: "Ane at is michtier nor me is comin efter me, at I amna wurdie tae lout doun afore an lowse the points o his shuin. I hae baptized ye wi watter, but this ane will baptíze ye wi the Halie Spírit."

About that time, Jesus cam frae Nazareth in Galilee an wis baptízed bi John i the Jordan. Juist as he wis comin up outen the watter, he saw the lift rive abreid an the Spírit comin doun on him like a dou, an a voice cam out o the lift: "Thou is my beluvit Son, we thee I am weill-pleised."

[From The New Testament in Scots (2012), translated by W. L. Lorimer, Canongate Classics, ISBN 978 0 85786 285 3, Amazon UK here, Amazon US here. ]

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