Friday, 17 January 2020

Mass readings in Scots: Second Sunday of the Year (Year A)

First reading
Isaiah 49: 3, 5-6

An quo' he till me, "My ain Loon are ye;
Isr'el, in yersel, it's weel kenn'd I sal be."
Syne sae quo' the Lord
brought me but frae the lisk, his aim loon till be;
till fesh Jakob hame till himself,
an' till weise him thegither Isre'l:
for it's sae i' Jehovah's sight I suld kythe fu' bright,
an' the feck o' my might my ain God suld be:
An' quo' He: "It's owre sma' a fee ye suld be my thral,
till straught-up the soukirs o' Joakob an' till eke out the beughs o' Isra'l:
I'se gie yo for light till the natiouns;
aye, e'en for my ain salvatioun, till the ends o' the yirth, till be."

[From Isaiah frae Hebrew intil Scottis, by P. Hately Waddell 1879 (Amazon US here; Amazon UK here)]

Responsorial Psalm
Psalm 39: 2, 4, 7-10

Lang leukit I for the Lord;
an' he loutit till me,
an' he heard my skreigh.
An' a new sang pat he i' my mouthe,
nae less nor laud till our God:

O' slachtir an' hansel, ye ne'er thought weel.
My lugs ye hae dreel'd:
brunt-offran hail, an' hansel for sin, ye wad nane o'.
Syne, Leuk, quo' I; mysel maun be!

I' the braid o' the Buik, it's written o' me:
Till wark yer will, O my God, but 'am fain;
an' that bidden o' thine's
i' my bosom.

Right-rechtin I cried
till the feck o' the folk;
my lips I ne'er steekit,
O Lord, ye wot.

[From Psalm 40, The Psalms: frae Hebrew intil Scottis P. Hately Waddell (1891) here]

Second reading
1 Corinthians 1:1-3

Paul, ca’d as an Apostle o’ Jesus Christ, by the wull o’ God; and the brither Sosthenes; to the Kirk o’ God, sanctify’t in Christ Jesus, whilk is in Corinth, ca’d as saunts; wi’ a' that ca’ on the name o’ oor Lord Jesus Christ in a' places, their Lord and oors; tender love be to ye, and peace, frae God oor Faither, and the Lord Jesus Christ.

[From The New Testament in Braid Scots William Wye Smith (1904) here]

Gospel reading
John 1: 29-34

On the morn, John saw Jesus comin till him, and he coudna help sayin, “See God's Lamb, wha taks awa the warld’s sin! This is he I spak o', 'A man comes eftir me wha was afore me!' For he was aye afore me! And I kent him-na; but was lookin for him to be made kent till Isra’l; sae I am here, watir-bapteezin." And John testify't, sayin, “I hae seen the Spirit comin doon frae the lift, like as a doo, and it bade on him. And I kent-him-na; but he wha sent me oot to bapteeze wi' watir, e’en he tell't me, ‘On wham ye see the Spirit comin doon, and bidin on him, he bapteezes wi’ the Holie Spirit.' And I saw't, and testify't that this is God’s Son!"

[From The New Testament in Braid Scots William Wye Smith (1904) here]

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