Saturday, 28 March 2020

Mass readings in Scots: Fifth Sunday of Lent (Year A)

First reading
Ezekiel 37: 12-14

The Lord says this: see, A am openin the resting-places o yer dead, an A will make ye come up oot o yer resting-places, o ma people; an A will tak ye intae the land o Israel. An ye will be certain A am the Lord bi ma openin the resting-places o yer dead an makin ye come up oot o yer resting-places, O ma people. An A will put ma spirit i ye, sae ye may come tae life, an A will give ye a rest i yer land: an ye will be certain A the Lord have said it an have done it, says the Lord.

[Own translation, level 1 28/03/20. Methodology here]

Responsorial Psalm
Psalm 129

Fra deip, O Lord, I call to thé,
Lord heir my Inuocatioun.
Thy eiris thow inclyne to me,
And heir my Lamentatioun:
For gif thow will our Sin impute
Till vs, O Lord, that we commit,
Quha may byde thy accusatioun?

Bot thow art mercyfull and kynde,
And hes promittit in the write,
Thame that repent with hart and mynde,
Of all thair Sin to mak thame quyte :
Thocht I be full of sinfulnes,
Zit thow art full of faithfulnes.
And thy promeis trew and perfyte.

My hope is steidfast in the Lord,
My Saull euer on him traist,
And my beleue is in thy word.
And all thy promittis maist and leist
My Saull on God waits, and is bent.
As watcheman wald the nycht war went,
Bydand the day to tak him rest.

Israeli in God put thy beleue,
For he is full of gentilnes,
Fredome, gudnes and [s]all releue
All Israel of thair distres.
He sail deliuer Israell,
And all thair sinnis sall expell,
And cleith thame with his rychteousnes.

[From Psalm 130, pp.112-113 in The Gude and Godlie Ballatis [1567] John Wedderburn et al., Alexander Ferrier (ed.) (1897) Contains metrical versions of some scripture passages and some metrical psalms here]

Second reading
Romans 8: 8-11

And they wha hae their bein i’ the flesh, canna pleasur God. But ye haena yere bein i’ the flesh, but i’ the Spirit, gin God’s Spirit is bidin in ye: but gin ony ane hasna Christ’s Spirit, he isna o’ his. But, gin Christ is in ye, the body is deid on accoont o’ sin, but the Spirit is leevin on accoont o' holiness. And gin the Spirit, wha raised up Jesus frae amang the deid, dwalls in ye, he that raised up Christ Jesus frae amang the deid sal e’en gie life to yere deein bodies, on accoont o’ his indwallin Spirit in ye.

[From The New Testament in Braid Scots William Wye Smith (1904) here]

Gospel reading
John 11: 1-45

Noo, a particular ane was ill; Lazarus, o’ Bethanie; Mary’s toon, and her sister Martha’s toon. It was the same Mary wha anointit the Lord wi’ the ointment, and dightit his feet wi'  her hair, whase brither Lazarus was ill. Sae his sisters sent word to him, “Lord, see! the lad ye lo’e is sick!” Whan Jesus heard it, he said, “This illness is no to bring death, but the glorie o’ God; sae as God’s Son micht be glorify’t.”

Noo Jesus had tender love for Mary, and her sister, and Lazarus. Whan, than, he heard he was ill, he ye bade thar twa days i’ the bit whaur he was. Eftir that, quo’ he to his disciples, “Lat us gang into Judea again!” The disciples say to him, “Maister! the Jews e’en noo ettled to stane ye, and wull ye gang thar-awa again?"  Jesus answer’t,

“Are thar no twal’ oors to a day?
Gin ony man gang i' the day, he stoiters-na,
for that he sees the licht o’ this warld.
But gin ane walk i’ the nicht, he stoiters,
for that the licht isna in him.”

Thir things quo’ be; and eftir he said to them, “Oor freend Lazarus is faun on sleep; but I gang that I may wauken him oot o’ sleep!” Than quo’ the disciples, “Lord, gin he sleep, he maun be on the mend!” But Jesus spak o’ his deein; while they thocht he had spoken o’ his takin rest in sleep. Than said Jesus plainly to them, “Lazarus is deid! And I am weel pleased, for yere sakes, I wasna yonner, sae as ye may believe; nane-the-less, lat us gang to him!” Than Tammas (he wha was ca’d “The Twin”) says to his neebors, “Lat us a’ gang, too, that we may dee wi’ him!”

Than, when Jesus cam, he faund he had been i’ the tomb for fowr days. Noo, Bethanie was nar-haun Jerusalem, no twa mile awa. And mony folk o' the Jews had come oot to Martha and Mary to console them ower their brither. Than Martha, as sune as she kent Jesus was comin, gaed oot and met him; but Mary sat yet i’ the hoose. Sae says Martha to Jesus, “Lord! gin thou had been here, my brither hadna dee't! And e’en yet, I ken that whate’er thou may ask o’ God, God wull gie it thee!” Quo' Jesus to her, “ Yere brither sal rise again!” Martha says to him, “I ken he sal rise again, i’ the Risin at the Last Day!” Jesus said to her,

“I am the Risin-again and the Life!
Wha lippens on me, e’en gin he dee, yet sal he leeve!
And whasae leeves, lippenin on me,
sal dee nae mair!
Dae ye believe this?”

Quo' she to him, “ Aye, Lord! I believe thou art God’s Son, wha was to come intil the warld!”

And whan she had said this, she gaed her ways, and ca’d Mary her sister, unkent, sayin, “The Maister is come, and is seekin’ ye!” And as sune as she kent it, she raise quickly, and gaed till him. Noo Jesus wasna yet come to the toon, but was i' the place whaur Martha met him. Sae the Jews wha war i' the hoose to console her, whan they saw Mary rise up o’ a suddaintie and gang oot, follow’t her, sayin amang theirsels, “She gangs to the tomb, to wail thar!”

Than Mary, bein come whaur Jesus was, fell doon at his feet, sayin to him, “ Lord! gin thou had been here, my brither hadna dee’t!” Whan Jesus saw her sabbin, and the Jews a’ greetin that cam wi’ her, he was unco touched at the heart, and was wrocht-on. And quo’ he, “Whaur hae ye laid him doon?” They say to him, “Lord, come awa and see!” Jesus grat. The Jews than said, “See hoo he lo’ed him!” But a wheen o’ them said, “Coud-na this man, wha unsteekit the een o’ the blin’, hae caused e’en this man to leeve?” Jesus, groan in at this within his sel, comes to the tomb. Noo it was a cave, and a stane was putten ower it. Jesus said, “Tak ye awa the stane!” Martha, the sister o’ the deid man, says, “Lord! by noo the corp wull be rank, for he has been fowr days deid!” Jesus says to her, “Did I no say t’ye, that gin ye wad believe, ye soud see the glorie o’ God!” Than took they awa the stane. And Jesus liftit up his een, and said,

“Faither! I thank thee that thou did hear me.
And I ken that thou aye hears me;
but for the sake o’ a’ the folk staunin here
I said it,
that they may ken that thou did send me.”

And whan he had sae said, he cry’t wi’ a soondin voice, “Lazarus! hither! Come!” And the deid cam forth, bund haun and fit wi’ deid-claes; and his heid bund roond wi’ a naipkin. Jesus says to them, "Lowse him, and lat him gang!”

Than a hantle o’ the Jews wha cam to Mary, and saw a’ that he did, believed on him.

[From The New Testament in Braid Scots William Wye Smith (1904) here]

Saturday, 21 March 2020

Mass readings in Scots: Fourth Sunday of Lent (Year A)

First reading
1 Samuel 16: 1b, 6-7, 10-13a

An the Lord says tae Samuel: " Tak oil i yer vessel an gae; A will send ye tae Jesse, the Bethlehemite: for A hae got a king for mysel among his sons."

Nou whan Samuel came, lookin at Eliab, he says: "Clearly the man o the Lord's selection is before him. But the Lord says tae Samuel: "Dinna tak note o his face or hou tall he is, because A will no hae him. For the Lord's view is no man's; man takes note o the outer form, but the Lord sees the heart."

An Jesse made his seven sons come before Samuel. An Samuel says tae Jesse, the Lord has no taen any o these. Then Samuel says tae Jesse: "Is aw yer bairns here?" An he says: "Thare is still the youngest, an he is lookin after the sheep. An Samuel says tae Jesse: "Send an make him come here: for we will no tak our seats till he is here." Sae he sent an made him come i. Nou he haed rit hair an bonny een an pleasin looks. An the Lord says: "Come, put the oil on him, for this is he."  Then Samuel took the bottle o oil, an put the oil on him thare among his brothers: an from that day the Spirit o the Lord came on David wi pouer.

[Own translation. Level 1, 21/3/20. Methodology here]

Responsorial Psalm
Psalm 22

The Lord God is my Pastor gude,
Aboundantlie me for to feid:
Than how can I be destitute
Of ony gude thing in my neid?
He feidis me in feildis fair,
To Reueris sweit, pure, and preclair,
He dryuis me but ony dreid.

My Saull and lyfe he dois refresche.
And me conuoyis in the way
Of his Justice and rychteousnes.
And me defendis from decay,
Nocht for my warkis verteousnes,
Bot for his name sa glorious,
Preseruis me baith nycht and day.

And thocht I wauer, or ga wyll,
Or am in danger for to die,
Na dreid of deide sall cum me till.
Nor feir of cruell Tyrannie.
Because that thow art me besyde,
To gouerne me and be my gyde,
From all mischeif and miserie.

Thy staffe, quhair of I stand greit awe,
And thy scheip huke me for to fang,
Thay nurtour me, my faultis to knaw,
Quhen fra the hie way I ga wrang.
Thairfoir my spreit is blyith and glaid,
Quhen on my flesche thy scurge is laid.
In the rycht way to gar me gang.

And thow ane Tabill dois prouyde
Befoir me, full of all delyte,
Contrair to my persewaris pryde,
To thair displesour and dispyte.
Thow hes annoyntit weill my heide.
And full my coupe thow hes maid,
With mony dischis of delyte.

Thy gudnes and beningnitie
Lat euer be with me thairfoir; 
And quhill I leue vntill I die,
Thow lay thame vp with me in stoir,
That I may haif my dwelling place,
Into thy hous befoir thy face,
To Ring with thé for euer moir.

[From Psalm 23, p. 91, The Gude and Godlie Ballatis [1567] John Wedderburn et al., Alexander Ferrier (ed.) (1897) Contains metrical versions of some scripture passages and some metrical psalms here]

Second reading
Ephesians 5: 8-14

Ae time ye war aa mirkness, but nou i the Lord ye ar aa licht. Líve your lives, than, as men at belangs tae the licht, for the crap at licht feshes up is aa kin o guidness, richteousness, an truith. Be ey seekin tae finnd out what is pleisin tae God. Be naither airt nor pairt i the barren deeds o them at bides i the mirk, but raither apenlie condemn them, for the things at they dae in hiddlins isna een tae be spokken o wiout shame. But aathing at is apenlie condemned is made manifest bi the licht, for aathing at is made manifest is itsel made licht. An sae the hyme says:

Wauk ye, sleeper,
rise ye up frae the deid,
an Christ upò ye sal shíne!

[From The New Testament in Scots (2012), translated by W. L. Lorimer, Canongate Classics, ISBN 978 0 85786 285 3, Amazon UK here, Amazon US here.]

Gospel reading
John 9: 1-41

And as [Jesus] gaed by he saw a man wha was blin’ frae he was born. And his disciples speir’t at him, "Maister! whase sin was’t? the man’s ain sin, or his faither and mither’s, that he was born blin’?” Jesus answer’t, “Naither his ain sin, nor his faither’s and mither’s; but for that the warks o’ God soud be seen in him.

"I maun do the warks o’ him that sent me,
while it is day:
the nicht comes on, when man canna work.
While I am in the warld,
I am the warld’s licht.”

Whan he had said this, he spat on the grun’, and made clay o’ the spittle, and pat the clay on the blin’ man’s een. And bad him, "Gang awa, wesh ye in the pool o’ Siloam” (whilk means “Sent”). He gaed his gate tharfor, and wesh’t, and cam back seein.

Than the neebors, and the folk that afore had seen him, and kent the beggar, said, "Isna this the ane that sat and beggit?” Some again, “It is he !” Ithers, "It’s like him!” Quo’ he, "I am he!” Sae they speir’t at him, "Hoo than are yere een unsteekit?” He answer’t, and quo’ he, "The man they ca’ Jesus made clay, and pat it on my een, and tell’t me, 'Gang yere ways to the Pool o’ Siloam, and wesh ye!’ And I gaed and I wesh’t, and I gat my sicht.” And quo’ they to him, "Whaur is he?” He said, “I ken-na.”

They fesh till the Pharisees the man that o’ auld time was blin'. Noo it was the Sabbath, the day that Jesus wrocht the clay, and unsteekit the man’s een. Ance mair the Pharisees speir’t at him, hoo he had gotten his sicht? Quo’ he, "He pat clay on my een, and I wesh’t - and I see!” Sae quo’ some o’ the Pharisees, "This man is no o’ God, for he keeps-na the Sabbath!” Quo' ithers, "Hoo can a man fu’ o’ sin do sic wunner-warks?” And thar was contention amang them. Than said they again to the man that was blin’, "What say ye aboot him, sin’ he has open’d yere e’en?” Quo’ he, "He is a Prophet!”

But the Jews wadna believe - anent the man’s bein blin', and winnin to his sicht - till they ca’d the parents o’ him that had gotten his sicht. And they speir’t at them, “Is this yere son, wha, as ye say, was born blin’? Hoo than is he noo seein?” His parents answer’t, and quo’ they, "We ken weel that this is oor son; and that he was born blin’; but hoo he noo sees, or wha has unsteekit his een, we kenna: he is come to age; speir at him: he his ain sel wull tell ye.” Thir things spak the parents, for that they war fley’t o’ the Jews; for the Jews had plottit amang theirsels, that gin ony man soud own him to be the Christ, he soud be putten oot o’ the kirk. And sae said his parents, "He is come to age; speir at him!”

Sae they ca’d back again the man that had been blin’, and quo’ they to him, "Gie the praise to God! we a’ ken that this man is no a gude man.” But quo’ he to them, "Gin he be a gude man or an ill man, I ken-na ; ae thing I dae ken, that ance I was blin’, and noo I see!” And than again they said to him, "What was’t he did till ye? Hoo did he unsteek yere een?” He answer’t, "I tell’t ye juist e-noo, and ye didna hear me! Why wad ye hear it ower again? wull ye be his disciples?” And they misca’t him, and said, "Ye are his disciple! but we are Moses’ disciples! We ken that God has spoken to Moses; as for this ane, we kenna whaur he is frae!” The man answer’t, and quo’ he, "Why, here is an unco ferlie; that ye kenna whaur he is come frae, and yet he has unsteekit my een! We ken that God hears-na ill men; but gin ane worships God, and dis his wull, him he hears. Sin’ the warld begude was it ne’er heard that ony ane unsteekit the een o’ a man born blin’! Gin this man warna o’ God, he coud do naething!” They answer’t, and quo’ they to him, "Ye war born in sin, oot and oot; and wad ye teach us?” And they cuist him oot.

Jesus was tell’t that they had cuisten him oot; and as sune as he faund him he says to him, "Dae ye believe on the Son o’ God?” He answerin said, "And wha is he, Lord? sae as I may believe on him?” Jesus says to him, "Ye hae baith seen him, and it is he wha is speakin w’ye!” And he cry’t oot, “Lord, I believe!” and he worshipp’t him.

And quo' Jesus,

"For judgment
cam I tae this warld;
that the blin’ may see,
and the seein be made blin’.”

And thae o’ the Pharisees that war wi’ him heard thir words, and quo’ they to him, "Are we blin', as weel?” Jesus says to them,

"Gin ye war blin’,
the sin wadna be on ye;
but noo ye say, 'We see!’
yere sin is whaur it was!”

[From The New Testament in Braid Scots William Wye Smith (1904) here]

Saturday, 14 March 2020

Mass readings in Scots: Third Sunday of Lent (Year A)

First reading
Exodus 17: 3-7

An fowk wis in sair want o watter; an thay raised a dirdum agin Moses an said, Whit for hae ye taen us oot o Egypt tae send deith on us an oor bairns an oor kye throu want o watter? An Moses, golderin oot tae the Laird, said, Whit am A tae dae tae thir fowk? Thay ar near ready tae pit me tae deith by stanin. An the Laird said tae Moses, Gang on afore the people, an tak a wheen o the heidsmen o Israel wi ye, an tak in yer haund the staff that wis raxt oot ower the Nile, an gang. See, A will tak ma steid afore ye on the craig in Horeb; an whan ye gie the stane a blaw, watter will come oot it, an fowk will hae something tae drink. An Moses did that afore the een o the heidsmen o Israel. An he gien that steid the name o Massah an Meribah, acause the bairns o Israel wis wraith, an acause thay pit the Laird tae the test, sayin, Is the Laird wi us or no?

[From The Old Testament in Scots, vol. 1, The Pentateuch, [Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Nummers, Deuteronomy] trans. Gavin Falconer and Ross G. Arthur (2014) (translation into Plain Scots under the auspices of the Ullans Academy) ISBN 978-1-78324-005-0. Amazon US here. Amazon UK here.]

Responsorial Psalm
Psalm 94: 1-2, 6-9

O cum, let us sing untill the Lord;
let us mak' ane joyfu noyse til the rok o' our salvatione.
Let us cum afore his presince wi' thanksgiein',
an' mak' ane joyfu' noyse til him wi' psalms.

O cum, let us wurschip an' bowe doun,
let us neel afore the Lord our Makir.
For he is our God;
an' we ar the peeple o' his heff,
an' the sheepe o' his han'.

On this verra daye, gif ye wull heær his voyce,
Hardanna your hairts, as in the provokshon,
an' as in the daye o' temptatione in the wuldirniss:
Whan your fæthers tempet me,
pruvet me, an' saw my wark.

[From Psalm 95 in The Book of Psalms in Lowland Scots Henry Scott Riddell (1857) here]

Second reading
Romans 5: 1-2, 5-8

Bein than coontit richtous by faith, lat us hae peace in God, by oor Lord Jesus Christ; by wham is the introducin we hae had, by oor faith, in til this favor in whilk we staun: and lat us rejoice i’ the hope o’ God’s glorie. And hope maks-na ashamed; for that God’s love has been shed abreid in oor hearts throwe the Holie Spirit gien to us. For, we yet bein feckless, Christ in due season dee’t for the ungodlie. Far jimply wad ony ane dee for an upricht man; yet aiblins for a holie man ane micht e’en daur death; but God commends his ain love to us, in that e’en while we war yet in sin, Christ dee’t for us.

[From The New Testament in Braid Scots William Wye Smith (1904) here]

Gospel reading
John 4: 5-42

And [Jesus] lichtit on a Samaria citie ca’d Sychar; nar-haun the bit grun’ Jaucob gi’ed to Joseph. And Jaucob’s waal was thar-at. And Jesus, forfouchten wi’ the way, cuist his sel doon on the waal: and it was aboot the denner-time. Than thar cam a Samaria-wumman forrit, to draw watir. Quo’ Jesus, "Lat me have a sowp o’ watir!” (His disciples had a’ gane to the citie for meat.) Quo’ the Samaria-wumman, “Hoo is’t that ye, bain a Jew, are seekin drink frae me, a Samaria- wumman?” (For the Jews hae nae trokin nor neeborliness wi’ the Samaria-folk.) Quo’ Jesus,

“Gin ye kent God’s Gift,
and wha it soud be that said
'Gie me a sowp o’ watir,'
ye wad bae socht frae him the Leevin’ Watir
- and gotten’t too!”

Said the wumman to him, “Sir, ye hae naething to lat doon the waal, and the waal’s unco deep; whaur fin’ ye the Leevin Watir? Ye canna be greater nor oor forebear Jaucob, wha gied us the waal, and slockened his ain drouth wi’t, and the drouth o’ his bairns - and his beasts?” Jesus said to her,

“Wha may drink this watir
wull be drouthie syne;
but wha drinks o’ the watir I gie him,
sal be drouthie nevirmair ;
for the watir I gie him
sal be in him an unseen waal,
springin up intil Life Eternal!”

The wumman cry’t oot, “Sir, lat me hae this watir! no to be drouthie, and ne’er to fash to come to
the waal again.” Quo' Jesus, “Gang awa, and ca’ yere gudeman, and come again belyve!” But the wumman said to him, “I haena a gudeman!” Quo’ Jesus, “Ye hae dune richt to say ye haena a gudeman; for ye hae had fyve; and the ane ye hae e-noo is no yere ain gudeman; ye spak truth thar.” Quo’ the wumman, “Sir, I jalouse ye maun be a Prophet! Oor forebears worshipped i’ this vera mountain; but yere folk say Jerusalem’s the place whaur folk soud worship." Jesus pat in,

“Wumman, lippen to me!
the ’oor’s at haun,
whan naither here, nor yet thar,
sal they worship the Faither!
Ye ken-na what ye ser';
but we ken what we worship;
and salvation comes frae amang the Jews.
But the ’oor is at haun, and e’en noo it comes,
whan God’s ain worshippers sal worship the Faither in the truth and wi’ the Spirit
- for the Faither wad hae
siclike to seek him.
God is a spirit;
and wha worship him
maun e’en do sae i’ the spirit and wi’ the truth.”

The wumman says, “I ken Messiah's comin, that folk ca’ 'The Christ'; whan he comes, he’ll tell us a’.” Jesus spak - “I that’s noo speakin t’ye am ‘The Christ!’" 

On the back o’ this cam the disciples, and ferlied that he soud be speakin wi’ the wumman; but nane
o’ them speir’t, “ What are ye seekin?” nor, “Hoo is’t that ye talk wi’ the wumman?” Than the wumman, leavin her watir-stoup, gaed awa to the citie, and cry’t oot to the men, “Co’ way! and see a man that tell’t me a’ that evir I did! Is he no the Messiah?” Then they gaed oot o’ the citie to come till him.

But atween times his disciples war ask-askin him, “Maister! wull ye no eat?” But quo’ he to them, “ I hae meat that ye ken-na!” And sae they speir’t ane o’ anither, “Think ye ony ane brocht him ocht to eat?” Quo’ Jesus,

“It’s meat to me
to do his wull that sent me,
and finish his wark!
Div ye no say,
‘Fowr months, and than the hairst’?
But unsteek yere een and see the fields
- they’re whitenin till the hairst e'en noo!
And the shearer wins his fee,
and gaithers till him an eternal hairst;
and the sawer and shearer are baith blythe thegither!
And the auld proverb comes true ower again,
‘Ane saws, and syne anither shears!’
I bade ye to a hairst
whauron ye hadna toiled:
ither men toiled,
and ye are entered on their reward.”

And mony o’ the Samaria-folk lippened on him for the wumman’s sake, wha aye threepit, “He tell’t me a’ that evir I did!” Sae whan they cam till him they besocht him to bide wi’ them; and he stoppit twa-thrie days thar. And a hantle mair believed whan they heard his ain word; and quo’ they to the wumman, “Noo we believe - no for yere report - for oor ain lugs hae heard him; and noo we ken that he is the Anointit Ane, the warld’s Saviour!”

[From The New Testament in Braid Scots William Wye Smith (1904) here]

Saturday, 7 March 2020

Mass readings in Scots: Second Sunday of Lent (Year A)

First reading
Genesis 12: 1-4a

Nou the Laird said tae Aubram, "Gang oot frae yer kintra an frae yer faimily an frae yer faither's hoose, intae the laund that A will airt ye tae: an A will mak o ye a great nation, sainin ye an makkin yer name great; an ye will be a sainin:

"Tae thaim that's guid tae ye A will gie a sainin,
an on him that wrangs ye A will pit ma ban:
an ye will come tae be a name o sainin
tae aw the faimilies o the yird."

Sae Aubram gaen as the Laird haed said tae him.

[From The Old Testament in Scots, vol. 1, The Pentateuch, [Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Nummers, Deuteronomy] trans. Gavin Falconer and Ross G. Arthur (2014) (translation into Plain Scots under the auspices of the Ullans Academy) ISBN 978-1-78324-005-0. Amazon US here. Amazon UK here.]

Responsorial Psalm
Psalm 32: 4-5, 18-20, 22

For right is the Lord's ain word;
an' ilk wark o' his ains intil truth.
The right he lo'es, an' right-rechtin a';
the gude o' the Lord the yirth fu'fills.

Bot, the ee o' the Lord's on wha fear himsel,
on wha lippen a' till his likan:
Till redd out their saul frae diean-dune;
an' in dearth, till haud them thrivan.

Our life's but a tryst on the Lord;
our stoop an' our schild is he.
Lat yer luve be atowre us,
Lord, sae lang's we lippen till thee.

[From Psalm 33, The Psalms: frae Hebrew intil Scottis P. Hately Waddell (1891) here]

Second reading
2 Timothy 1: 8b-10

But, co-sufferin ill wi’ the Gude-word, conform to the pooer o’ God; wha saved us, and bade us wi’ a holie biddin - no conform to oor warks, but conform to an allenar purpose and favor - that whilk was gien us in Christ Jesus afore the ages began, but is e-noo made plain throwe the forth-shinin’ o’ oor Saviour Christ Jesus; wha pat awa death, but brocht to licht life and immortality, throwe the Gude-word.

[From The New Testament in Braid Scots William Wye Smith (1904) here]

Gospel reading
Matthew 17: 1-9

An’ after sax days Jesus taketh Peter, James, an’ John his brither, an‘ bringeth them up intil a high mountain alane. An’ he was transfiguret afore them; an’ his face did shine as the sun, an’ his claes were white as the licht: an’, behald, there kythet until them Moses an’ Elias talkin’ wi’ him. Syne quo’ Peter until Jesus, Lord, it is guid for us to be here; gif thou wilt, let us mak’ here three tabernacles; ane for thee, an’ ane for Moses, an’ ane ' for Elias. While he yet spak’, behald, a bricht clud owre shadowet them: an’, behald, a voice out o’ the clud, whilk said, This is my belovet Son, in wham I am weel pleaset: hear ye him. An’ whan the disciples hear’t it, they fell on their face, an’ were sair fleyed. An’ Jesus cam’ an’ touchet them, an’ said, Rise up, an’ binna fleyed. An’ whan they had liftet up their een they saw nae man saufan’ Jesus alane.

An’ as they cam’ doun frae the mountain, Jesus charget them, sayin’, Tell the vision to nae man, till the Son o’ man be risen frae the dead.

[From The Gospel of St. Matthew, Translated Into Lowland Scotch, by George Henderson (1862) here]