Saturday, 2 May 2020

Mass readings in Scots: Fourth Sunday of Easter (Year A)

First reading
Acts 2: 14, 36-41

[And quhen the dais of Penthecoste war fillit,] Petir stude with the elleuen, and raasit vp his voce, and spak to [the multitude]: "Tharfor maast certanelie witt all the hous of Israel, that God made him baath Lord and Crist, this Jesu, quham ye crucifijt."

Quhen thai had herd thir thingis, thai war compunct in hart; and thai said to Petir and to vthiris apostilis, "Brether, quhat sal we do?" And Petir said to thame, "Do ye pennance, and ilk of yow be baptizit in the name of Jesu Crist, ande into remissioun of your synnis; and ye sal tak the gift of the Haligaast. For the behecht is to you, and to your sonnis, and to all that ar fer, quhilkis euir our Lord God has callit." Alsa with vtheris wordis full mony he witnessit to thame, and exhortit thame, and said, "Be ye saluit fra this schrewit generatioun. Than thai that resauet his word war baptizit, and in that day saulis war incressit, about thre thousand.

[From The New Testament in Scots Murdoch Nisbet [c.1520] (1905) vol 3 here]

Responsorial Psalm
Psalm 22: 1-6, resp. v.1

The Lord God is my Pastor gude,
Aboundantlie me for to feid:
Than how can I be destitute
Of ony gude thing in my neid?

The Lord God is my Pastor gude,
Aboundantlie me for to feid:
Than how can I be destitute
Of ony gude thing in my neid?
He feidis me in feildis  fair,
To Reueris sweit, pure, and preclair,
He dryuis me but ony dreid.

The Lord God is my Pastor gude,
Aboundantlie me for to feid:
Than how can I be destitute
Of ony gude thing in my neid?

My Saull and lyfe he dois refresche.
And me conuoyis in the way
Of his Justice and rychteousnes.
And me defendis from decay,
Nocht for my warkis verteousnes,
Bot for his name sa glorious,
Preseruis me baith nycht and day.

The Lord God is my Pastor gude,
Aboundantlie me for to feid:
Than how can I be destitute
Of ony gude thing in my neid?

And thocht I wauer, or ga wyll,
Or am in danger for to die,
Na dreid of deide sall cum me till.
Nor feir of cruell Tyrannie.
Because that thow art me besyde,
To gouerne me and be my gyde,
From all mischeif and miserie.

The Lord God is my Pastor gude,
Aboundantlie me for to feid:
Than how can I be destitute
Of ony gude thing in my neid?

Thy staffe, quhair of I stand greit awe,
And thy scheip huke me for to fang,
Thay nurtour me, my faultis to knaw,
Quhen fra the hie way I ga wrang.
Thairfoir my spreit is blyith and glaid,
Quhen on my flesche thy scurge is laid.
In the rycht way to gar me gang.

The Lord God is my Pastor gude,
Aboundantlie me for to feid:
Than how can I be destitute
Of ony gude thing in my neid?

And thow ane Tabill dois prouyde
Befoir me, full of all delyte,
Contrair to my persewaris pryde,
To thair displesour and dispyte.
Thow hes annoyntit weill my heide.
And full my coupe thow hes maid,
With mony dischis of delyte.

The Lord God is my Pastor gude,
Aboundantlie me for to feid:
Than how can I be destitute
Of ony gude thing in my neid?

Thy gudnes and beningnitie
Lat euer be with me thairfoir; 
And quhill I leue vntill I die,
Thow lay thame vp with me in stoir,
That I may haif my dwelling place,
Into thy hous befoir thy face,
To Ring with thé for euer moir.

The Lord God is my Pastor gude,
Aboundantlie me for to feid:
Than how can I be destitute
Of ony gude thing in my neid?

[From a metrical paraphrase of Psalm 23, The Gude and Godlie Ballatis [1567] John Wedderburn et al., Alexander Ferrier (ed.) (1897), pp.91-3 here]

Second reading
1 Peter 2: 20-25

Bot gif ye do wele, and suffir pacientlie, this is grace anentis God.

For to this thing ye ar callit. For alsa Crist suffrit for vs, and left exempile to yow, that ye follow the steppis of him. Quhilk did nocht syn, nouthir gile was fundin in his mouth. And quhen he was cursit, he cursit nocht; quhen he suffrit, he manassit nocht; bot he betuke him self to him, that deemyt him vniustlie. And he him self baire our synnis in his body on a tre, that we be dede to synnis, and leeue to richtuisnes, be quhais wann wonnd ye ar helit. For ye war as schepe errand, bot ye ar now turnit to the schephird, and bischop of your saule.

[From The New Testament in Scots Murdoch Nisbet [c.1520] (1905) vol 3 here]

Gospel reading
John 10: 1-10

[Jesus said to the Iewes:] Treulie, treulie, I say to you, he that cummis nocht in be the dure into the fauld of schepe, bot gais vp be ane vthir way, is a nycht theef and a day theef. Bot he that entris be the dure is the scheephird of the schepe. To this the portare opnis, and the schepe heres his voce, and he callis his awn schepe be name, and leidis thame out. And quhen he has ledde out his awn schepe, he gais before thame, and the schepe followis him; fore thai knaw his voce. Bot thai follow nocht ane alien, bot Heis fra him; for thai haue nocht knawne the voce of alienis.

Jesus said to thame this prouerbe; bot thai knew nocht quhat he spak to thame.

Tharfore Jesus said to thame eftsone,

Treulie, treulie, I say to you,
that I am the dure of the schepe.
Als mony as haue cummin,
war nycht theues and day theues,
bot the schepe herde nocht thame,
I am the dure.
Gif ony man sal entire be me, he salbe sauet;
and he sal ga in, and sal ga out,
and he sal finde lesues.
A nycht theef cummis nocht,
bot that he steil, sla, and tyne;
and I com,
that thai haue lif,
and haue maire plenteouslie.

[From The New Testament in Scots Murdoch Nisbet [c.1520] (1903) vol 2 here]

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