Ezekiel 18: 25-28
[In tha dais the word of the Lord was made to me, and he said:] "And ye said, 'The way of the Lord is nocht euen.' Tharfor, the hous of Israel, here ye, Quhethir my way is nocht euen, and nocht mare your wayis ar schrewit? For quhen a richtfulman turnis away him self fra his richtfulnes, and dois wickitnes, he sal dee in it: he sal de in the vnrichtfiilnes quhilk he wroucht. And quhen a wickit man turnis away him self fra his wickitnes quhilk he wrocht, and dois dome and richtfulnes, he sal quickin his saule. For he behaldand, and turnand away him self fra al his wickitnes quhilk he wrocht, sal leeue in lijf and sal nocht dee."
[From The New Testament in Scots Murdoch Nisbet [c.1520] (1905) vol 3 here]
Responsorial Psalm
Psalm 24: 4-9 (resp. v.6)
Remembir, O Lord, thy tendir mercies.
Shaw me thy wayes, O Lord;
teech me thy peths.
Leede me in thy trouth, an' teech me:
Leede me in thy trouth, an' teech me:
for thou art the God o' my salvatione; [...]
Remembir, O Lord, thy tendir mercies.
Remembir, O Lord, thy tendir mercies an' loein-kindnisses:
for thaye hae been evir o' auld.
Remembirna the sins o' my youdith, nar my transgressiones;
akordin' til thy mercie remembir thou me
Remembir, O Lord, thy tendir mercies an' loein-kindnisses:
for thaye hae been evir o' auld.
Remembirna the sins o' my youdith, nar my transgressiones;
akordin' til thy mercie remembir thou me
for thy guidniss' sak', O Lord.
Remembir, O Lord, thy tendir mercies.
Remembir, O Lord, thy tendir mercies.
Guid an' upricht is the Lord:
therfor wull he teech sinnirs in the waye.
The meik wull he gæyde in juudgemint;
an' the meik wull he teech his waye.
Remembir, O Lord, thy tendir mercies.
[From Psalm 25 in The Book of Psalms in Lowland Scots Henry Scott Riddell (1857) here]
Second reading
Philippians 2: 1-11
Tharfor gif ony confort is in Crist, gif ony solace of charitee, gif ony fallouschip of spirit, gif ony inwartnes of mercy doing, Fulfill ye my ioy, that ye vndirstande the sammin thing, and haue the sammin charitee, of aa will, and fele the sammin thing; Nathing be strijf, nouthir be vane glorie, bot in meeknes, demand ilk vthir to be hieare than him self; Nocht behaldand ilk be him self quhat thingis ar his awne, bot tha thingis that ar of vthir men. And fele ye this thing in you, quhilk alsa in Crist Jesu;
That quhen he was in the forme of God,
demyt nocht rubberie,
that him self war euen to God;
Bot he lawit him self,
takand the forme of a seruand,
and was into the liknes of men,
and in habite was fundin as a man.
He mekit him self,
and was made obedient to the deide,
ye, to the dede of the croce.
For the quhilk thing God vphieit him,
and gaue to him a name that is abone al name;
That in the name of Jesu ilk kne be bowit,
of heuenlie thingis, of erdlie thingis and of hellis;
And ilk tonng knawleche,
that the Lord Jesu Crist
is in the glorie of Gode the fader.
[From The New Testament in Scots Murdoch Nisbet [c.1520] (1903) vol 2 here]
Gospel reading
Matthew 21:28-32
[Jesus said untill the chief priests an' the elders o' the peeple,] "But what think ye? Ane certain man had twa sons; an’ he cam’ til the first, an’ said, 'Son, gae wurk the day in my vinyaird.' He answiret an’ said, 'I wullna': but efterwaird he ruet, an’ gaed. An’ he cam’ til the second, an’ said likewaise. An’ he answiret an’ said, 'I gae, sir': an’ gaedna. Whuther o’ them twayne did the wull o’ his faether?" They say untill him, "The first." Jesus saith untill them, "Verilie I say untill yow, that the publikins an’ harlotes gae intill the kingdoom o’ God afore yow. For John cam’ untill yow in the waye o’ richtiousniss, an’ ye beleivet him nat: but the publikins an’ harlotes beleivet him; an’ ye, whan ye had seen it, repentetna efter wairds, that ye micht beleive him."
The Gospel of St. Matthew in Lowland Scotch, from the English Authorised Version. By H. S. Riddell (1856) here