Saturday 16 September 2017

Mass readings in Scots: Twenty-fourth Sunday of the Year (Year A)

First reading
Ecclesiasticus 27: 30- 28: 7

Anger an rampage is baith o thaim abominable, 
an the sinful man sal be subject ti thaim.
He that seeks ti revenge hissel, sal finnd vengeance frae the Lord, 
an he wul shuirlie keep his sins i remembrance. 
Forgie thy neibor gin he haes hurt thee: 
an than sal thy sins be forgien ti thee whan thou prays. 
Man ti man reserves anger, an seeks he remedy o God? 
He haes no mercy on a man lyke hissel, 
an daes he entreat for his ain sins? 
He that is but flesh, nourishes anger, 
an daes he speir forgieness o God? 
wha sal obtain pardon for his sins?
Mynd thy last things, an let enmity cease.
Mynd corruption an daith, an abide in the commandments.

[Own translation, level 1, 11/9/20, methodology here]

Responsorial Psalm
Psalm 102: 1-4, 9-12 (resp. v. 8)

Frienly an' kind is the Lord; 
lang or he lowes, and in tholin, ayont a' measur.

My saul, ye maun blythe-bid the Lord;
and a' in mysel, that name o' his ain sae halie.
My saul, ye maun blythe-bid the Lord; 
an' forget-na his gates, a' sae kindly.

Frienly an' kind is the Lord; 
lang or he lowes, and in tholin, ayont a' measur.

Wha rews upon a' yer wrang; 
an' yer dowie turns a' wha heals them: 
Wha redds but yer life frae the mouls; 
wha theeks ye wi' gude gree an' kindness. 

Frienly an' kind is the Lord; 
lang or he lowes, and in tholin, ayont a' measur.

He winna gang flytin for ay; 
nor haud his ill-will for evir. 
He wrought-na till us as our fauts had been; 
an' pay'd us na hame, like our ain ill-doens.

Frienly an' kind is the Lord; 
lang or he lowes, and in tholin, ayont a' measur.

Bot e'en as the lifts are at-owre the lan'; 
sae heigh hauds his pitie owre them that fear him. 
Sae far as the east lies awa frae the wast; 
sae far frae oursels has he rax't our wrang-doens.

Frienly an' kind is the Lord; 
lang or he lowes, and in tholin, ayont a' measur.

[From Psalm 103 in The Psalms: frae Hebrew intil Scottis P. Hately Waddell (1891) here]

Second reading
Romans 14: 7-9

Nane o us líves for himsel, an nane o us díes for himsel. Gin we líve, it is for the Lord at we líve, an gin we díe, we díe for the Lord; baith in life an in deith we belang tae the Lord. It wis een at he micht be lord baith o the lívin an the deid at Christ díed an cam back tae life.

[From The New Testament in Scots (2012), translated by W. L. Lorimer, Canongate Classics, ISBN 978 0 85786 285 3, Amazon UK here, Amazon US here.]

Gospel reading

Matthew 18:21-35

Than cam’ Peter til him, an’ said, "Lord, how aft sall my brither sin agayne me, an’ I forgie him? till se’en times?" Jesus saith untill him, "I sayna untill thee, Until se’en times, but until se’enty times se’en. 

"Therfor is the kingdoom o’ heaeven likenet untill ane certain king, whilk wad tak’ account o’ his servents. An’ whan he had begoude til recken, ane was broucht untill him whilk awet him ten thousan’ talents. But forasmeikle as he hadna til paye, his lord commandet him til be sauld, an’ his wiffe an’ chider, an’ a’ that he had, an’ payement til be made. The servent therfor fell doun an’ wurshippet him, sayin’, 'Lord, hae patience wi’ me, an’ I wull paye thee a’.' Than the lord o’ that servent was amovet wi’ tendir wae, an’ lowset him, an’ foтgаe him the det. But the same servent gaed out, fand ane o’ his fella-servents whilk awet him ane hundret pence; an’ he laid hans on him, an’ tuik him bie the hass, sayin’, 'Paye me that thou awest.' An’ his fella-servent fell doun at his feet, an’ besoucht him, sayin’, 'Hae patience wi’ me, an’ I wull paye thee a’. An’ he wadna; but gaed an’ castet him intill prisen till he shud paye the det. Sae whan his fella-servents saw what was dune, they wer verra sorrie, an’ cam’ an’ tauld untill their lord a’ that was dune. Than his lord, efter that he had ca’t him, said untill him, 'O ye wicket servent, I forgae thee a’ that det, becaus thou desiredst me. Shudestna thou alsua hae had tendir feelin’ for thy fella-servent, een as I had pitie on thee?' An’ his lord was verra angrie, an’ de liveret him til the tormenters til he shud paye a’ that was due untill him. Sae likewaise sall my heaevenlie Faether do alsua untill yow, gif ye frae your hairts forgiena ilka ane his brither their offendins."

The Gospel of St. Matthew in Lowland Scotch, from the English Authorised Version. By H. S. Riddell (1856) here

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