Sunday, 29 April 2018
Mass readings in Scots: Fifth Sunday of Easter (Year B)
Gospel reading
John 15: 1-8
[Jesus said to his disciples:]
"I am the richt Vine-stock,
and my Faither is the Dresser o’ the Vine-yaird.
Ilka branch in me that bears-na frute
he taks awa;
and ilka ane bearin frute he prunes it,
sae as it soud produce the mair.
Noo ye hae been sae pruned,
by the word I hae spoken t’ye.
Bide in me, as I bide in you.
The branch canna bear frute allenarlie;
it maun bide in the Vine-stock:
nae mair may ye, gin ye bide-na in me.
I am the Vine-stock;
ye are the Branches.
He wha bides in me, and I bide in him,
that man brings forth rowth o’ frute:
for wantin me ye naething can do.
Gin ony man bide-na in me,
he is cuisten oot as a fushionless branch,
and dwines awa;
and folk soop them thegither, and set them alowe,
and they are brunt.
But gin ye bide in me,
and my words bide in you,
ask ye what ye wad hae,
and it sal be dune t’ye !
And this gate is my Faither made glorious — that ye dae bear rowth o’ frute:
sae are ye my disciples!"
(From The New Testament in Braid Scots William Wye Smith (1904) here)
Saturday, 28 April 2018
Mass readings in Scots: Fourth Sunday of Easter (Year B)
First reading
Acts 4: 8-12
Than Petir was fillit with the Haligaast, and said to thame, "Ye princis of the pepile, and ye eldermen, here ye. Gif we this day be demyt in the gude dede of a seekman, in quham this man is made saaf, be it knawne to you all, and to al the pepile of Israel, that in the name of Jesu Crist of Nazareth, quham ye crucifijt, quham God raasit fra dede, in this this man standis hale before you. This is the staan, quhilk was repreuit of you biggand, quhilk is made in to the hede of the cornel (or conye); and hele is nocht in ony vthir. For nouthir vthir name vndir heuen is gevin to men, in quhilk it behuvis vs to be made saaf."
[From The New Testament in Scots Murdoch Nisbet [c.1520] (1905) vol 3 here]
Responsorial Psalm
117: 1, 8-9, 21-23, 26, 28, 29.
O gie thanks untill the Lord, for he is guid;
becaus his mercie induurs forevir.
It is better til trust in the Lord
nor til pit confydedence in man.
It is better til trust in the Lord
nor til pit confydedence in princes.
I wull prayse thee; for thou hest heærd me,
an' hest becum my salvatione.
The stane whilk the buuldirs despæiset
hæs becum the heæd stane o' the kornir.
This is the Lord's doin';
it is mervellous in our eyne.
Blisset be he that cums
in the næme o' the Lord;
we hae blisset yow owt o' the hous o' the Lord.
Thou art my God, an' I wull prayse thee;
thou art my God, I wull eksalt thee.
O gie thanks untill the Lord, for he is guid;
for his mercie induurs forevir.
[From Psalm 118, The Book of Psalms in Lowland Scots Henry Scott Riddell (1857) here]
Second reading
1 John 3: 1-2
Se ye quhat manir charitee the fadir gaue to vs,
that we be namet the sonnis of God,
and be his sonnis.
For this thing the warld knew nocht vs,
for it knew nocht him.
Maast dere brethir, now we ar the sonnis of God,
and yit it apperit nocht, quhat we salbe.
We wate, that quhen he sal appere,
we salbe like him,
for we sal se him as he is.
[From The New Testament in Scots Murdoch Nisbet [c.1520] (1905) vol 3 here]
Gospel reading
John 10: 11-18
[Jesus said:]
"I am a gude schepehird;
a gude schepehird gevis his lif for his schepe.
Bot ane hyret hyne, and that is nocht the schepehird,
quhais ar nocht the schepe his awn,
seis a wolf cummand, and he levis the schepe, and fleis;
and the wolf ravisis and disparpilis the schepe.
And the hyret hyne fleis,
for he is ane hyret hyne,
and it pertenis nocht to him of the schepe.
I am a gude schephird,
and I knaw my schepe,
and my schepe knawis me.
As the fader has knawn me,
I knaw the fadere;
and I put my lif for my schepe.
I haue vthir schepe,
that ar nocht of this fald,
and it behuvis me to bring thame togiddire,
and thai sal here my voce;
and it salbe made aa fald and aa schephird.
Tharfor the fader luvis me,
for I put my lif,
that eftsone I tak it.
Na man takis it fra me,
bot I put it of my self.
I haue powere to put it,
and I haue powere to tak it agane.
This comande I haue takin of my fadere."
[From The New Testament in Scots Murdoch Nisbet [c.1520] (1903) vol 2 here]
Monday, 23 April 2018
Rosary on the Coast: This Sunday!

Rosary on the Coast
for Faith, Life and Peace in the British Isles
Lots of locations already planned! (Website has a map.)
The website carries many endorsements from our bishops including this from Bishop John Keenan:
Please join in if you possibly can and please publicize this.
Saturday, 14 April 2018
Mass readings in Scots: Third Sunday of Easter (Year B)
Gospel reading
Luke 24: 35-48
And thai tald quhat thingis war done in the way, and how thai knew him in breking of brede.
And the quhile thai spak thir thingis, Jesus stude in the middis of thame, and said, "Pece to yow; I am, will ye nocht drede." But thai war affrait and agast, and gessit thame to se a spirit. And he said to thame, "Quhat ar ye troubilit? and thouchtis cummis vp into your hartis? Se ye my handis and my feet, for I am my self. Feel ye, and se ye; for a spirit has nocht flesch and baanis, as ye se that I haue." And quhen he had said this thing, he schewit handis and feet to tham. And yit quhile thai beleuet nocht, and wonndrit for ioy, he saide, "Haue ye here ony thing that salbe eten?" And thai offrit to him a part of fisch rostit, and ane hony came. And quhen he had eten before thame, he tuke that that left, and gave to thame.
And said to thame, "Thir ar the wordis that I spak to you, quhen I was yit with yow, for it is nede that all thingis be fulfillit that ar writin in the law of Moyses, and in prophetis, and in psalmes, of me." Than he opnyt to thame wit, that thai suld vndirstande scripturis, and he said to thame, "For thus it is writtin, and thus it behuvit Crist to suffir, and ryse agane fra deid in the thrid day: and pennance and remissioun of synnis to be prechit in his name into al folkis, begynnand at Jerusalem. And ye ar witnessis of thir thingis."
[From The New Testament in Scots Murdoch Nisbet [c.1520] (1901) vol 1 here]
Saturday, 7 April 2018
Mass readings in Scots: Second Sunday of Easter (Year B)
Responsorial Psalm
Psalm 117: 2-4, 15-18, 22-24. Resp: v.1
Gie laud till the Lord, for he's gude;
for his gudeness, it tholes for ay.
Lat Israel say siclike;
for his gudeness, it tholes for ay:
Lat Aaron's houss say siclike;
for his gudeness, it tholes for ay.
Lat wha fear the Lord say siclike;
for his gudeness, it tholes for ay.
Gie laud till the Lord, for he's gude;
for his gudeness, it tholes for ay.
The right-han' itsel o' Jehovah, it raxes atowre sae weel;
the right-han' itsel o' Jehovah, it ay maks the surest bield.
Nane sal I die, bot sal livin be;
an' the warks o' the Lord, I sal tell:
The Lord, he might ettle till ding me sair;
bot till dead, he wad ne'er gie mysel.
Gie laud till the Lord, for he's gude;
for his gudeness, it tholes for ay.
The stane the biggers wad nane o',
the head o' the neuk it has been:
Frae the Lord himlane, siclike maun hae fa'n;
an' a ferlie it stan's in onr een.
A day siclike, 's the wark o' the Lord;
blythe an' fu' fain lat us be tharin:
Gie laud till the Lord, for he's gude;
for his gudeness, it tholes for ay.
[From Psalm 118 in The Psalms: frae Hebrew intil Scottis P. Hately Waddell (1891) here]
Gospel reading
John 20: 19-31
Tharfore quhen it was euen in that day, aan of the sabotis, and the yettis war closit quhare the discipilis war gaderit for drede of the Iewis, Jesus com and stude in the myddis of the discipilis, and he sais to thame, "Pece to yow." And quhen he had said this, he schewit to thame handis and side; tharfore the discipilis ioyit, for the Lord was seen. And he sais to thame agane, "Pece to you;
"as the fader send me,
I send you."
Quhen he had said this, he blew on thame, and said,
"Tak ye the Haligast;
Quhais synnis ye forgefe,
tha ar forgeuen to thame;
and quhais ye withhald,
tha ar withhaldin."
Bot Thomas, aan of the xij, that is saide Didymus, was nocht with thame quhen Jesus com, tharfore the vther discipilis said to him, "We haue sene the Lord." And he said to thame, "Bot I se in his handis the fixing of the nailis, and put my fingire into the place of the nailis, and put my hand into his side, I sal nocht beleue." And eftir viii dais agane his discipilis war within, ande Thomas with thame. Jesus com, quhile the yettis war closit, and stude in the myddis, and said, "Pece to you." Eftirwart he sais to Thomas, "Put in here thi fingire, and se myn handis, and put hiddire thi hand, and put into my side, and will thou nocht be vnbeleeffull, bot faithfiill." Thomas ansuerd, and said to him, "My Lord and my God." Jesus sais to him,
"Thomas, for thou has sene me, thou beleues;
blessit be thai that saw nocht, and has beleuet."
And Jesus did mony vthir signes in the sicht of his discipilis, quhilkis ar nocht writtin in this buke. Bot thir ar writtin, that ye beleue that Jesus is Crist, the sonn of God, and that ye beleuynig haue lif in his name.
[From The New Testament in Scots Murdoch Nisbet [c.1520] (1903) vol 2 here]
Sunday, 1 April 2018
Mass readings in Scots: Easter Sunday
First reading
Acts 10: 34, 37-43
And Petir openit his mouth, and said: Ye wate the word that is made throw al Judee, and began at Galilee eftir the baptyme that Johnne prechit, Jesu of Nazareth, how God anoyntit him with the Haligaast and virtue; quhilk passit furth m doing wele, and heling almen oppressit of the deuile, for God was with him. And we ar witnessis of althingis, in the cuntre of Iewis and of Jerusalem; quham thai slew, hanging in a tre. And God raasit this in the thrid day, and gave him to be made knawn, nocht to al pepile, bot to witnessis, before ordanit of God; to vs that ete and drannk with him, eftir that he raase agane fra dede. And he comandit to vs to preche to the pepile, and to witnes, that he it is, that is ordanit of God domesman of the quick and of the dede. To this al prophetis beris witnessing, that almen that beleues in him sal resaue remissioun of synnis be his name.
[From The New Testament in Scots Murdoch Nisbet [c.1520] (1905) vol 3 here]
Responsorial Psalm
Psalm 117: 1-2, 16-17, 22-23
O gie thanks untill the Lord, for he is guid;
becaus his mercie induurs forevir.
Let Israel nowe saye,
that his mercie induurs forevir.
The richt han' o' the Lord is liftet up;
the richt han' o' the Lord deth vielentlie.
I sallna dee, but leive,
an' speik furth the warks o' the Lord.
The stane whilk the buuldirs despæiset
haes becum the heæd stane o' the kornir.
This is the Lord's doin';
it is mervellous in our eyne.
[From Psalm 118, The Book of Psalms in Lowland Scots Henry Scott Riddell (1857) here]
Second reading
Colossians 3: 1-4
Tharfore gif ye haue risen togiddire with Crist, seek ye tha thingis that ar abone, quhare Crist is sitting in the richthalf of God. Sauour ye tha thingis, that ar abone, nocht tha that ar on the erde. For ye ar dede, and your lijf is hid with Crist in God. For quhen Crist, your lijf, sal appere, than alsa ye sal appere with him in glorie.
[From The New Testament in Scots Murdoch Nisbet [c.1520] (1903) vol 2 here]
Gospel reading
John 20: 1-9
Ande in aan day of the wolk Marie Magdalene com airlie to the graue, quhen it was yit mirk. And scho saw the staan mouet away fra the graue. Tharfor scho ran, and com to Symon Petir, and to ane vther discipile, quham Jesus luvit, and sais to thame, "Thai haue takin the Lord fra the graue, and we wate nocht quhare thai haue laid him."
Tharfore Petir went out, and that ilk vthir discipile, and thai com to the graue. And thai twa ran togiddir, and the ilk vthir discipile ran before Petir, and com first to the graue. And quhen he lowtit, he saw the schetis liand, neuirtheles he entrit nocht. Tharfor Symon Petir com followand him, and he entrit into the graue, and he saw the schetis laid, and the sudarie that was on his hede, nocht laid with the schetis, bot be itself wympilit into aan place. Tharfore than the ilk discipile that com first to the graue, entrit, and saw, and beleuet. For thai knew nocht yit, the scripture, that it behuvit him to ryse agane fira deid.
[From The New Testament in Scots Murdoch Nisbet [c.1520] (1903) vol 2 here]
Acts 10: 34, 37-43
And Petir openit his mouth, and said: Ye wate the word that is made throw al Judee, and began at Galilee eftir the baptyme that Johnne prechit, Jesu of Nazareth, how God anoyntit him with the Haligaast and virtue; quhilk passit furth m doing wele, and heling almen oppressit of the deuile, for God was with him. And we ar witnessis of althingis, in the cuntre of Iewis and of Jerusalem; quham thai slew, hanging in a tre. And God raasit this in the thrid day, and gave him to be made knawn, nocht to al pepile, bot to witnessis, before ordanit of God; to vs that ete and drannk with him, eftir that he raase agane fra dede. And he comandit to vs to preche to the pepile, and to witnes, that he it is, that is ordanit of God domesman of the quick and of the dede. To this al prophetis beris witnessing, that almen that beleues in him sal resaue remissioun of synnis be his name.
[From The New Testament in Scots Murdoch Nisbet [c.1520] (1905) vol 3 here]
Responsorial Psalm
Psalm 117: 1-2, 16-17, 22-23
O gie thanks untill the Lord, for he is guid;
becaus his mercie induurs forevir.
Let Israel nowe saye,
that his mercie induurs forevir.
The richt han' o' the Lord is liftet up;
the richt han' o' the Lord deth vielentlie.
I sallna dee, but leive,
an' speik furth the warks o' the Lord.
The stane whilk the buuldirs despæiset
haes becum the heæd stane o' the kornir.
This is the Lord's doin';
it is mervellous in our eyne.
[From Psalm 118, The Book of Psalms in Lowland Scots Henry Scott Riddell (1857) here]
Second reading
Colossians 3: 1-4
Tharfore gif ye haue risen togiddire with Crist, seek ye tha thingis that ar abone, quhare Crist is sitting in the richthalf of God. Sauour ye tha thingis, that ar abone, nocht tha that ar on the erde. For ye ar dede, and your lijf is hid with Crist in God. For quhen Crist, your lijf, sal appere, than alsa ye sal appere with him in glorie.
[From The New Testament in Scots Murdoch Nisbet [c.1520] (1903) vol 2 here]
Gospel reading
John 20: 1-9
Ande in aan day of the wolk Marie Magdalene com airlie to the graue, quhen it was yit mirk. And scho saw the staan mouet away fra the graue. Tharfor scho ran, and com to Symon Petir, and to ane vther discipile, quham Jesus luvit, and sais to thame, "Thai haue takin the Lord fra the graue, and we wate nocht quhare thai haue laid him."
Tharfore Petir went out, and that ilk vthir discipile, and thai com to the graue. And thai twa ran togiddir, and the ilk vthir discipile ran before Petir, and com first to the graue. And quhen he lowtit, he saw the schetis liand, neuirtheles he entrit nocht. Tharfor Symon Petir com followand him, and he entrit into the graue, and he saw the schetis laid, and the sudarie that was on his hede, nocht laid with the schetis, bot be itself wympilit into aan place. Tharfore than the ilk discipile that com first to the graue, entrit, and saw, and beleuet. For thai knew nocht yit, the scripture, that it behuvit him to ryse agane fira deid.
[From The New Testament in Scots Murdoch Nisbet [c.1520] (1903) vol 2 here]
Happy Easter!
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