Saturday 14 April 2018

Mass readings in Scots: Third Sunday of Easter (Year B)

Gospel reading
Luke 24: 35-48

And thai tald quhat thingis war done in the way, and how thai knew him in breking of brede.

And the quhile thai spak thir thingis, Jesus stude in the middis of thame, and said, "Pece to yow; I am, will ye nocht drede." But thai war affrait and agast, and gessit thame to se a spirit. And he said to thame, "Quhat ar ye troubilit? and thouchtis cummis vp into your hartis? Se ye my handis and my feet, for I am my self. Feel ye, and se ye; for a spirit has nocht flesch and baanis, as ye se that I haue." And quhen he had said this thing, he schewit handis and feet to tham. And yit quhile thai beleuet nocht, and wonndrit for ioy, he saide, "Haue ye here ony thing that salbe eten?" And thai offrit to him a part of fisch rostit, and ane hony came. And quhen he had eten before thame, he tuke that that left, and gave to thame.

And said to thame, "Thir ar the wordis that I spak to you, quhen I was yit with yow, for it is nede that all thingis be fulfillit that ar writin in the law of Moyses, and in prophetis, and in psalmes, of me." Than he opnyt to thame wit, that thai suld vndirstande scripturis, and he said to thame, "For thus it is writtin, and thus it behuvit Crist to suffir, and ryse agane fra deid in the thrid day: and pennance and remissioun of synnis to be prechit in his name into al folkis, begynnand at Jerusalem. And ye ar witnessis of thir thingis."

[From The New Testament in Scots Murdoch Nisbet [c.1520] (1901) vol 1 here]

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