Saturday 31 August 2019

Mass readings in Scots: Twenty-Second Sunday of the Year (Year C)

Gospel reading
Luke 14: 1, 7-14

Ande it was done, quhen [Jesus] had entrit into the hous of a prince of Phariseis in ye sabot to ete brede, thai aspiet him. He said alsa a parabile to men biddin to a feest, and beheld hou thai cheisit the first sitting places; and said to thame, "Quhen thou art biddin to bridales, sit nocht at the met in the first place: or perauenture a worthiare than thou be biddin of him; and or perauentur he cum that callit thee and him and say to thee, 'Geue place to this'; and than thou sal begynn with schame to hald the lawest place. Bot quhen thou art biddin to a feest, ga and sit doun in the lawest place; that quhen he cummis that callit thee to the feest, he say to thee, 'Freend, cum up hieare.' Than wirschip salbe to thee before men that sittis at the mete. For ilk that vphieis him self salbe made law; and he that mekes him self salbe vphiet."

And he said to him that had biddin him to the feest, "Quhen thou makest a dynere or a supere, will thou nocht call thi freendis, nouthir thi brether, nouthir cusingis, nouthir nechbouris, nor riche men; or perauentur thai bid thee agane to the feest, and it be yoldin agane to thee. Bot quhen thou makis a feest, call pure men, febile, crukit, and blind, and thou salbe blessit, for thai haue nocht quharof to yeeld to thee; for it salbe yoldin to thee in the rising agane of iustmen."

[From The New Testament in Scots Murdoch Nisbet [c.1520] (1901) vol 1 here]

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