Tuesday 25 December 2018

Merry Christmas!


Today's Mass readings in Scots here:
Isaiah 9: 1-7
Luke 2: 1-14

Trewly all devote Christin men and women hes gret cause to be blyth in God quhen thai hear this name. . . Eva zit being a virgin, consenting to the devil brocht the maledictioun of God and eternal dede upon us. But the glorious virgin Marie consenting to the messingeir of God restorit us
agane to the benedictioun of God and eternal lyfe. Be Eva than being a virgin disaivit be werkin of the serpent come all our calamities and daily miserie. Be the virgin Marie berand her sonne be wyrkin of the haly Spreit come all our joy and felicitie. Be Eva brekand the command of God, we are borne the sonnis of wraith and damnatioun. Be the virgin Marie submittand herself to God be perfite fayth and obediens we haif resavit Christ Jesus be quhom we ar borne agane the sonnis of God be adoptioun. Eva throch hir pride and disobediens tynt the grace of God quhairfor it was said to hir, In dolore paries filios tuos [In pain you will give birth to your sons]. . . Bot Marie throch hir meiknes fund grace of God and herd thir wordis said to hir, Ave Maria, &c.

[From Archbishop Hamilton's Catechism [1551] (1882), pp.xxvii-xxviii here]

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